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Age of History 3

how do i change leaders in exact scenario, if the leader is already in game?

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So, i created a axis win AoH2 scenario and its almost finished rn, i even made a beta version to public. But theres one problem i cant solve. How do i change leaders? So, leader of Germany is Merkel and not Austrian painter Leader of Russia is Putin and not Stalin. Leader of Japan is Akihito and not Hirohito. Bassicaly its all wrong, i really want to fix that. But i dont know how. Also as many of you know, Stalin, Hirohito, Austrian Painter already exist in game. Screenshots if you need it. (I know nobody here knows russian, i hope images is enough)



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On 12/31/2021 at 3:07 PM, nucleaire_zero said:

ses quoi les dates du scenario parce que ça  influence les personalité qui couverne les pays



i anyways abandoned that scenario, as i reinstalled aoh2 i lost it. But i still have that question



at new scenario date is 1952, and leaders are still modern so i had to edit modern leaders turning them into old ones

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I'm late, but I hope I can still answer your question. If I remember correctly, there is no actual way to change a leader, either through events or changing ideologies. But, what you can do is delete the leader of the nation you choose (Go to Editor, Leaders, search the leader's name, then delete it) and create a new one (In the case of Stalin and the Austrian painter, you can find their image files as "stalin.png" and "adolf.png", respectively, when you have to set their images).

If you want to make a change of leaders while in-game, then your best option is to make another civilization identical to the one you have. For example, if you have the Russian Federation, you can make another of the same name. Once you create the new civilization, you can go to the Editor and create the new leader for the new civilization. After all that, you need to go to the scenarios editors and make an event in which a certain point in time or when a certain ideology is picked, the civilization which has the leader you want will replace (Annex, core, and replace pop) the old one. This way, you can make a leader change if there is a civil war, elections, or any of that lore-related stuff you may choose to do. Be aware that there may be a way to change leaders more easily, but this is the only way I know of from experience. Hope this helped!




(This is what my brief test looks like. In the first photo, the starting scenario is shown. In the second photo, you can see the event which will allow you to vassalize yourself by making cores and replacing the population. The annexation of the rest of the civilization can be done by an event. In the third photo, it can be seen the outcome of the event, population replaced, land cored, and the leader changed, because it is another nation although it is the same as the former one. Hope this helped you understand my instructions.)

Edited by CGa
Better image quality

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On 3/6/2022 at 6:57 AM, CGa said:

I'm late, but I hope I can still answer your question. If I remember correctly, there is no actual way to change a leader, either through events or changing ideologies. But, what you can do is delete the leader of the nation you choose (Go to Editor, Leaders, search the leader's name, then delete it) and create a new one (In the case of Stalin and the Austrian painter, you can find their image files as "stalin.png" and "adolf.png", respectively, when you have to set their images).

If you want to make a change of leaders while in-game, then your best option is to make another civilization identical to the one you have. For example, if you have the Russian Federation, you can make another of the same name. Once you create the new civilization, you can go to the Editor and create the new leader for the new civilization. After all that, you need to go to the scenarios editors and make an event in which a certain point in time or when a certain ideology is picked, the civilization which has the leader you want will replace (Annex, core, and replace pop) the old one. This way, you can make a leader change if there is a civil war, elections, or any of that lore-related stuff you may choose to do. Be aware that there may be a way to change leaders more easily, but this is the only way I know of from experience. Hope this helped!




(This is what my brief test looks like. In the first photo, the starting scenario is shown. In the second photo, you can see the event which will allow you to vassalize yourself by making cores and replacing the population. The annexation of the rest of the civilization can be done by an event. In the third photo, it can be seen the outcome of the event, population replaced, land cored, and the leader changed, because it is another nation although it is the same as the former one. Hope this helped you understand my instructions.)

yep this helped, i already knew how to do this, but still thanks

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On 3/6/2022 at 6:57 AM, CGa said:

Geç kaldım ama umarım yine de sorunuzu cevaplayabilirim. Yanlış hatırlamıyorsam, olaylarla veya ideolojileri değiştirerek bir lideri değiştirmenin gerçek bir yolu yoktur. Ancak, yapabileceğiniz şey, seçtiğiniz ulusun liderini silmek (Editör, Liderler'e gidin, liderin adını arayın, ardından silin) ve yeni bir tane yaratmaktır (Stalin ve Avusturyalı ressam durumunda, bulabilirsiniz). resimlerini ayarlamanız gerektiğinde, resim dosyalarını sırasıyla "stalin.png" ve "adolf.png" olarak değiştirin).

Oyundayken lider değişikliği yapmak istiyorsanız, en iyi seçeneğiniz, sahip olduğunuz uygarlığın aynısı olan başka bir uygarlık yapmaktır. Örneğin, Rusya Federasyonu'na sahipseniz, aynı isimde bir tane daha yapabilirsiniz. Yeni uygarlığı oluşturduktan sonra Editör'e gidebilir ve yeni uygarlık için yeni lider oluşturabilirsiniz. Tüm bunlardan sonra, senaryo editörlerine gitmeniz ve belirli bir zamanda veya belirli bir ideoloji seçildiğinde, istediğiniz liderin bulunduğu medeniyetin yerini alacağı bir etkinlik yapmanız gerekir (Ek, çekirdek ve pop yerine) eski olan. Bu şekilde, bir iç savaş, seçimler veya yapmayı seçebileceğiniz irfanla ilgili herhangi bir şey varsa bir lider değişikliği yapabilirsiniz. Liderleri daha kolay değiştirmenin bir yolu olabileceğinin farkında olun, ancak deneyimlerime dayanarak bildiğim tek yol bu. Umarım bu yardımcı olmuştur!




(Kısa testim böyle görünüyor. İlk fotoğrafta başlangıç senaryosu gösteriliyor. İkinci fotoğrafta çekirdek yapıp nüfusu değiştirerek vasallaşmanızı sağlayacak olayı görebilirsiniz. uygarlığın geri kalanı bir olayla yapılabilir.Üçüncü fotoğrafta olayın sonucu görülüyor, nüfus yer değiştirmiş, toprak çekmiş ve lider değişmiş, çünkü eskisiyle aynı olmasına rağmen başka bir ulus. bir. Umarım bu, talimatlarımı anlamanıza yardımcı olmuştur.)

I couldn't do it

Edited by EgeFlex

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I know I'm late but the best option is just a create new civilization. Just do that: 

1. Download or create flag for your country (size: 68x44) 

2. Went to Assets/game/civilizations and hoose file named "Age_of_civilizations"

3. Add tag for your civilization (for example "1" or "aaa") 

4. Change name of file with flag ( " Name of file with flag ---> Tag of civilization) and add this tag to file "Age_of_civilizations" from step 2

5. If leader of your civilization is already exist in game then just add your civilization to him. If not then create him 

6. Add date of born of leader (should be born before scenario) 

7. Complete

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On 3/6/2022 at 4:57 AM, CGa said:

I'm late, but I hope I can still answer your question. If I remember correctly, there is no actual way to change a leader, either through events or changing ideologies. But, what you can do is delete the leader of the nation you choose (Go to Editor, Leaders, search the leader's name, then delete it) and create a new one (In the case of Stalin and the Austrian painter, you can find their image files as "stalin.png" and "adolf.png", respectively, when you have to set their images).

If you want to make a change of leaders while in-game, then your best option is to make another civilization identical to the one you have. For example, if you have the Russian Federation, you can make another of the same name. Once you create the new civilization, you can go to the Editor and create the new leader for the new civilization. After all that, you need to go to the scenarios editors and make an event in which a certain point in time or when a certain ideology is picked, the civilization which has the leader you want will replace (Annex, core, and replace pop) the old one. This way, you can make a leader change if there is a civil war, elections, or any of that lore-related stuff you may choose to do. Be aware that there may be a way to change leaders more easily, but this is the only way I know of from experience. Hope this helped!




(This is what my brief test looks like. In the first photo, the starting scenario is shown. In the second photo, you can see the event which will allow you to vassalize yourself by making cores and replacing the population. The annexation of the rest of the civilization can be done by an event. In the third photo, it can be seen the outcome of the event, population replaced, land cored, and the leader changed, because it is another nation although it is the same as the former one. Hope this helped you understand my instructions.)

I know I'm late,but

Whenever I do this to a country I play, I always end up losing, because I didn't switched to the country which annexes the old one. If anyone is here and understood my question can you help me to do it right?

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On 8/3/2023 at 8:40 PM, Pepito_II said:

I know I'm late,but

Whenever I do this to a country I play, I always end up losing, because I didn't switched to the country which annexes the old one. If anyone is here and understood my question can you help me to do it right?

Do Form Civ outcome not Annexation one.

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On 8/9/2023 at 11:01 AM, Emir of Granada said:

Do Form Civ outcome not Annexation one.

Thanks for your reply!

Unfortunately it didn't work. The population and the civ got changed but the leader didn't ( even after one turn).

Képernyőfelvétel (1670).png

Képernyőfelvétel (1671).png

Képernyőfelvétel (1673).png

Képernyőfelvétel (1674).png

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26 minutes ago, Pepito_II said:

Thanks for your reply!

Unfortunately it didn't work. The population and the civ got changed but the leader didn't ( even after one turn).

Képernyőfelvétel (1670).png

Képernyőfelvétel (1671).png

Képernyőfelvétel (1673).png

Képernyőfelvétel (1674).png

The new leader should be younger than the old one+born before the beggining of the scenario

Edited by Emir of Granada

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Sadly it still doesn't work. This time I tried with a different civ ( my custom Spain for the Bourbonic Restoration), but didn't work either before and now. 

Képernyőfelvétel (1686).png

Képernyőfelvétel (1687).png

Képernyőfelvétel (1688).png

Edited by Pepito_II

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22 minutes ago, Pepito_II said:

Sadly it still doesn't work. This time I tried with a different civ ( my custom Spain for the Bourbonic Restoration), but didn't work either before and now. 

Képernyőfelvétel (1686).png

Képernyőfelvétel (1687).png

Képernyőfelvétel (1688).png

he had to be 20 years younger

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Tried that but still didn't work. But I heard that in mods like the TNO mod it is possible to do that in this way. 

Képernyőfelvétel (1696).png

Edited by Pepito_II

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On 4/11/2023 at 2:59 PM, Historyk said:

3. Add tag for your civilization (for example "1" or "aaa") 

A tag could also be









Only rule is that you can type it

Edited by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan

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