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On 5/15/2022 at 9:32 AM, ArashTheArcher said:

This is a new page for colonial wars!
Colonial Wars [1746-1800]

Colonial wars is a mod basaed on the the confilcts over silesia and and europe entering the napoleonic era.
There will be full event tree's for important countrie's, we also include events around the world about the wars between colonial powers like the historical event of the Seven year's war and other wars around the world

We are working on quest mission's that player must compelete to make a better and stronger civilization while exploaring the event tree's


Capabilities of this mod:
                     -New background
                       -New provinces
                        -New mechanics
                         -New custom font
                          -New cursor
                           -New leaders
                            -New Civilization's
                             -New User interface(UI)
                              -New Icons
                               -New sound's
                                -New Color Pallets
                                 -New scenario's
                                  -New Goverment typed(13!)
                                   -New and more detailed flags
                                    -Full civilization names

 Here are images about the mod!
Join my server at: https://discord.gg/dfJd3rfd7F

Download link BETA:


Android: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cza56ljEWs2z9uI91wdxwQPceWDIpT7V/view?usp=sharing
PC: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BNiMe-6XPCYaIIQU_3ro7ImFXXzJ5UjR/view?usp=sharing

Any idea's? Comment bellow! ❤️


Can you incorporate some bloody Europe codes such as armies falling back instead of being completely destroyed in a battle?

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Wow! None of the events that were promised!

Thank you for making a new forum for your mod once again claiming events despite the fact you made no changes whatsoever! I love waisting my time!


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On 5/19/2022 at 3:08 AM, JDoge said:

Wow! None of the events that were promised!

Thank you for making a new forum for your mod once again claiming events despite the fact you made no changes whatsoever! I love waisting my time!


bro its a fucking BETA link, not full release

Edited by ArashTheArcher

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On 5/15/2022 at 6:02 PM, ArashTheArcher said:

Wellcome to colonial wars:

Colonial wars is a mod basaed on the the confilcts over silesia and and europe entering the napoleonic era. There will be full event tree's for important countrie's, we also include events around the world about the wars between colonial powers like the historical event of the Seven year's war and other wars around the world

Here are some screenshots

Join my server, i put the lastest news in there:

Any ideas? Write it down here

Wooden border.png

Some upates...
also i removed download links cuz bro's expect all the shit thats here in an unfinished beta version

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On 5/15/2022 at 6:02 PM, ArashTheArcher said:


Welcome to Colonial Wars!

So you might ask wtf is colonial wars?
Colonial Wars is a mod that i've been working on for a long time, but due to some problems, it was dead. But its once more alive!

So what is the lore of this mod?
Well the main scenario starts in 1746, during The Age of Enlightenment...
Europe is entering a new era, After the war of the Austrian succesation, The Habsburgs have lost their controll over Silesia, In the north Prussians are gaining more and more power and the new king, Frederick II is unpredictable. New Colonial Goverments are being stablished, The French - British Colonial Rivalry is growing really fast and there is big chance of a world war! The Diplomatic revolution has destabilized Europe and New alliance's are being formed...
Fedualism is dying...

Currently me and the other 10 people in our dscord modding team are working everyday on the mod, even tho we have a big modding team the progress is slow because of the high amount of research and wiritng that we must do.

Countries that are planned to have content:
-Spain: 100% done
-France: 10% done
-Britain: 10% done
-Prussia: 70% done
-Sweden: 0% done
-Austria: 10% done

-Russia: 10% done

Features of this mod:

-New songs!
-New Leaders!
-High resolution leader portraits!
-New map background!
-Historical accurate borders!
-More than 200 new provinces!
-New user interface1
-New icons!
-New Scenario's!
-New font!
-Accurate world population (1946)!
-New civilizations!
-Diplomatic event tree for major countries!
-National reform events for major countries!
-Instruction event's for countries!
-Alternate path's!
-Seven years war events!
-A lot of new goverment type's!

-Leader buff's and de-buffs1
-Historical diplomatic relations and alliance's
-African/American Trbies and their alliance's with colonial powers
-Colonial Goverments and Puppet's

Here we have some Screenshot's And Teaser's about the mod!
National reform event example:


Colonial Goverments example:

Instruction events example:

Diplomatic event tree example:

Diplomatic Revolution:


Colonial revolution events example:

High resolution leader portraits example:



How to contact me and give me ideas for the mod?
Well, we have a discord server that we put the lastest new's and teaser's about the mod in it, we have a big community of more than 450 members that are giving us idea's and opinions.
you can also join the server using this link: https://discord.gg/dfJd3rfd7F

Make sure you give me your opinion and idea's about the mod down here in the comments! ❤️

By the way, recently a gameplay video about this mod got uploaded by @Italian PeC

Make sure you check it out!


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On 5/15/2022 at 6:02 PM, ArashTheArcher said:


Welcome to Colonial Wars!

So you might ask wtf is colonial wars?
Colonial Wars is a mod that i've been working on for a long time, but due to some problems, it was dead. But its once more alive!

So what is the lore of this mod?
Well the main scenario starts in 1746, during The Age of Enlightenment...
Europe is entering a new era, After the war of the Austrian succesation, The Habsburgs have lost their controll over Silesia, In the north Prussians are gaining more and more power and the new king, Frederick II is unpredictable. New Colonial Goverments are being stablished, The French - British Colonial Rivalry is growing really fast and there is big chance of a world war! The Diplomatic revolution has destabilized Europe and New alliance's are being formed...
Fedualism is dying...

Currently me and the other 10 people in our dscord modding team are working everyday on the mod, even tho we have a big modding team the progress is slow because of the high amount of research and wiritng that we must do.

Countries that are planned to have content:
-Spain: 100% done
-France: 10% done
-Britain: 10% done
-Prussia: 70% done
-Sweden: 0% done
-Austria: 10% done

-Russia: 10% done

Features of this mod:

-New songs!
-New Leaders!
-High resolution leader portraits!
-New map background!
-Historical accurate borders!
-More than 200 new provinces!
-New user interface1
-New icons!
-New Scenario's!
-New font!
-Accurate world population (1946)!
-New civilizations!
-Diplomatic event tree for major countries!
-National reform events for major countries!
-Instruction event's for countries!
-Alternate path's!
-Seven years war events!
-A lot of new goverment type's!

-Leader buff's and de-buffs1
-Historical diplomatic relations and alliance's
-African/American Trbies and their alliance's with colonial powers
-Colonial Goverments and Puppet's

Here we have some Screenshot's And Teaser's about the mod!
National reform events


Colonial Goverments

Instruction events

Diplomatic event tree

Diplomatic Revolution


Colonial revolutions

Large resolution leader portraits



How to contact me and give me ideas for the mod?
Well, we have a discord server that we put the lastest new's and teaser's about the mod in it, we have a big community of more than 450 members that are giving us idea's and opinions.
you can also join the server using this link: https://discord.gg/dfJd3rfd7F

Make sure you give me your opinion and idea's about the mod down here in the comments! ❤️


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Im here to ask if Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth will have content. This country have high potential to restore its strength and economy on Europen arena, Maybe even become colonial power. I would like to ask you developer to make this country content to play. (its capital is Warsaw.)

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11 hours ago, Clayton said:

Im here to ask if Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth will have content. This country have high potential to restore its strength and economy on Europen arena, Maybe even become colonial power. I would like to ask you developer to make this country content to play. (its capital is Warsaw.)

Hello my dear, thanks for your opinion

A lot of people in my server are requesting poland content too. Well there is already one event with three outcomes for poland which its really interesting. I will 100% make more for the beta release. Especially about the first partiton.


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      Or maybe an idea for a new type of unit with upgrades? I'm waiting for your suggestions.

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