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Age of History 3

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Hello, This is my fourth ever scenario made in Age of History 2. Hope you guys enjoy it! 

Scenario: Serbia and Montenegro War

About scenario: 

Serbia and Montenegro took almost all land after winning Balkan War and forming Empire but sadly after few years pasted due to civil wars and lot of crime wars Serbia and Montenegro got in argument and split in 2 countries that let Croatia, Vojvodina, and Bosnia to have freedom and they got independents from Serbia and Montenegro Empire. Montenegro with Greece, Turkey, Romania, Vojvodina and Bosnia joined in war against Serbia and Croatia since Serbia promised to Croatia if they Unite Croatia will get some land, now you can choose to play as Montenegro or Serbia. There is more then 5 endings!


- Serbia won and formed Empire

- Montenegro won and formed Empire

- Serbia and Croatia won together and Decide to form Great Yugoslavia Empire with all that land

- Serbia lost war and all countries took one part of Serbia

- No one won war and all countries got independents

- Everything returned to normal

- Serbia lost war which lead to Montenegro taking Novi Pazar, Albania takes Kosovo, Bulgaria takes Leskovac, Romania takes Zajecar, Vojvodina takes Belgrade, Bosnia and Herzegovina takes Cacak.

- Serbia won but wasn't successful of keeping big country so it feel apart and disappeared.

- Montenegro won but wasn't successful of keeping big country so it feel apart and disappeared.

Difficulty: ???

Serbia and Montengro War.rar

Edited by v4sk3

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