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Hello AoC2 community! The last few months I've been working on a mod called "Pakt des Erwachens" and what is this mod? well this mod is based on an alternate world with over 40 years of history my plan for this is to have all nations with focus trees and implement a world notice system like hoi4 so if you want i'll let you download the demo version. also join my discord if you want to suggest something like events, focus tree events and story, i use my imagination for this mod without being TOO unrealistic so i hope this mod gains popularity

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(Update log and changes on discord server)


Only for pc, if you are or know someone that can convert it to a-p-k, dm me on discord.!




For now: Events for (i lost the count, sorry. but there are like 80 events rn.)

  • Tsardom of russia
  • Japan
  • Finland
  • Sweden
  • Aurumtina
  • Argentina
  • Grenzland
  • Chile
  • Paraguay
  • Brazil
  • Qing
  • Russian republic
  • yemen
  • poland
  • nejd
  • austria-hungary
  • united states of central america
  • germanic dictatorship
  • italy
  • brazil


and well, there are all the features that i want to implement are

- Economic system

- World notices system

- Focus tree for all nations

- Revolt system (like rebels but more better and realistic by events)

- New font

- Cool graphics


and also, in the next days i will be working on events, after all events i will fix leaders and probably remove HRE bc is useless for this scenario idk if i can give a use to that


this mod is not dead, i repeat it's not dead!!! we currently work implement new systems, code modifications and more, also Thanks to MortheusValixor for helping me with coding.



Last changelog: Added events for major part of countries on south america, europe and fixed some events like russia unification event. New graphics. New music. New borders. Ottoman & Byzantine focus tree will be the next update (1900-1901 around 10 events on the year for each country + commercial, economical and notices events)


Lore (WIP):


Europe - 1900 (Before all starts) On 1895 there was a "world war" it was not a true world war but was so close to be one. On december of 1899 the war ends into a treaty, no one win but territories change, austria-hungary loses part of transylvania, croatia and bosnia. Germany annex part of south denmark and unmilitarized zone of prussia, there is a dispute that probably can start the Great War. finally, ending with The coalition of belgium, netherlands and luxemburgo annexed northern france except dunkirk, an important port of france, after the annexion and assimilation, the countries join and create the Benelux. Germany loses: around 1,800.000 population on prussia and kiel 2,500.000 soldiers participated on the polish front and other reigments with 560.000 soldiers managed to attack denmark. (we don't have information about german army size, sadly documents were burned) Poland: With a poor armament poland, managed to defend prussia during the final years of war using 5,120.000 of soldiers on the fronts, 4,500.000 died


The war of Benelux-France was concluded with french defeat, in this war around 145.000 french soldiers were deployed to do an offensive while 2.000.000~ were at a defensive line that lost positions everyday, so... how the benelux defeated the strong french army? the basically had a more advanced tech of the army, they had like the half of the french army and with automatic guns they broke the defensive and offensive line of france. French loses: around 145.000 of population, 450.000 soldiers & economical loses Benelux loses: around 10.000 of population in belgium, no economical loses, 50.000 soldiers


On 1899 in south america, new ideologies arrived with the monarchism, like Aurumtina started growing in the population after the market depression (the market depression was an event and happened because the marginalization of the less wealthy sectors and a massive delay of products on the free market and the economical factions of south america) There is a revolution on 1900 that want a not fully controlled market, just a market that will only let the rich sectors export and the less wealthy sectors will focus on agriculture and fabrics. In aurumtina and grenzland, a civil war is happening that want an constitutional monarchy.


1902, Benelux and UK make a pact against france. months later they buildup a wall trought the narrow part of the english channel, blocking the supplies for dunkirk, the city starts losing income and people leaves it.


1/1/1900 the day that brazil started building a highway crossing the amazonas (this because was a impassable zone and comercial planes didn't exist). in the future is planned to be used as a railway


On 1900, east asia, japan and manchukuo, a conflict started to stop russian influence on east asia, succesfull russia leaves manchuria with the pretext "no war" it was used because russia was having economic crisis and not much reserves on east siberia. Days later of the independence of manchuria, japan intelligence discover that the government is a russian puppet, seeing this japan decides to do the invasion in a few days, after like 30 days, vladivostok falls, 1 day later the capital of manchukuo falls. Japan signs a treaty with Manchukuo annexing all the territories including Vladivostok (was a error to give it to manchukuo independence)


Afortunately, the frenchs start using Early transport planes to export goods and supplies to dunkirk, preventing a fall of the city and with the early planes shared hisbidea to other countries that started using it. And this is how the industry of Planes and other things started growing



On 1887 Kingdom of Macedon is released as a vassal to prevent an advance from the balkans, the form of government was a military controlled democracy, The citizens wasn't happy with this doing a revolt on 1901 after 2 decades of controlled democracy they finally have the liberty to elect who they want to rule the country.

Also, the byzantine empire, boosted by Italy, will fight against the ottoman empire to claim the power on Constantinople. The kingdom of macedon supports the ottoman empire before december of 1901.

1889 The second internationale will arrive, forcing countries to change laboral laws and becoming the Administrative party of some republics.


1902 The Social Revolution on Byzantium, A politician, his name won't be revelated today but... he had a speech, talking about the destroyed economy of the country and the new future. here it is. "We are in a economic and social struggle, our economy can be destroyed but not the people. We must rebuild, not just walls, not just buildings, we must rebuild minds, bodies and Byzantium itself!"


1904 In scandinavia and siberia, the winter will come like never before and the possible war with russia intensifies because russia want to re-create the old russian empire. Day 5 of winter in scandinavia, the temperatures are under -50°C and the north is impassable, just the coasts and in siberia (far north and central) are under -70°C


In 1904, Archangelsk (Russia) was unexpectedly struck by the cold, about 78 people died, others with hypothermia, Archangelsk was not up to the climate of Siberia, most likely the same thing will happen to neighboring cities, grab your coat and get ready.

1905 Russia declaration of war at finland, after conquering the entire caucasus, russia decides to retake finland after they did not accept the ultimatum (russia wanted to recreate the russian tsardom), its allies deploy troops in the north, occupying murmansk, the onega peninsula and northern karelia.


5 of january, 1900 Ottoman Empire decides to use his last reserves for the war against syria, to keep the state under control, the war deals a low blow to the ottoman army, already weakened and mostly composed of 50,000 militia (even more) the dream of being a great empire is still in the minds of young people, parents and grandparents. Now do they look at Armenia or the Byzantine Empire?






Edited by Cabo_Taylor

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5 hours ago, ink bendy 32 said:

yo, will there be events for france?

yes, i'm trying to add to majority of countries with a important lore, i think france will be the french defeat against the benelux and some important things that i didn't write in the lore

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On 7/9/2022 at 10:02 PM, Cabo_Taylor said:

yes, i'm trying to add to majority of countries with a important lore, i think france will be the french defeat against the benelux and some important things that i didn't write in the lore

seeing the situation of France, i do believe they would start to become revenchist and try to do like how nazi germany tried in WW2 if you see what i mean.

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for the lore: fascism or some kind of nationalism should rise in France with the amount of lost wars they've encountered, tbh
But anyways, cool mod! i'll try it out right away

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On 11/12/2022 at 11:11 PM, Cabo_Taylor said:

hello! this mod isn't dead. check the discord for news.

Still alive? Looks quite dead

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