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Batın Burhan

2024! Crowns Of Iron IV 3.0 out now DOWNLOAD NOW

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On 2/10/2022 at 8:06, Batın Burhan said:

Coronas de Hierro IV 3.0 Próximamente

ꖦ Nuevos sistemas ꖦ

Ⓐ | Nuevo sistema de comercio

Ⓐ | Nuevo soldado, avión, tanque, sistema de envío

Ⓐ | Nuevo sistema de partidos

Ⓐ | Nuevos sistemas de ideas nacionales

Ⓐ | Nuevo Sistema de Capitulación

Ⓐ | Nuevas Mecánicas


ꖦ Sistema Dlc ꖦ

Ⓐ | Al agregar el sistema Dlc al juego, se obtuvo complejidad en el guión y una apariencia hermosa en el juego

Ⓐ | Dlc "Mundo real" agregado

Ⓐ | Se agregó el Dlc "Final inesperado"


ꖦ Escenarios ꖦ

Ⓐ | A partir de 1900 habrá al menos 70 escenarios que irán hasta 2022.

Ⓐ | Habrá 20 escenarios en el DLC "Fin inesperado".


ꖦ Eventos y Eventos ꖦ

Ⓐ | Hay Eventos en los Escenarios Principales y Necesarios del Mod

Ⓐ | Hay cadenas comerciales y de eventos provistas de eventos en el modo.

ꖦ Nuevo sistema de partidos y sistema de enfoque nacional ꖦ

Ⓐ | Se ha agregado un nuevo sistema de fiesta al mod, lo que aumenta la variedad del mod.

Ⓐ | Se ha agregado un sistema de ideas con Hoi4 TE con el enfoque nacional agregado a la moda

Ⓐ | La ideología del líder se ha determinado con el sistema de indicación de ideología agregado a la moda


ꖦ Iconos y fuentes ꖦ

Ⓐ | La fuente del juego es 100% fuente Hoi4

Ⓐ | Los iconos son iconos en Hoi4

ꖦ Sonido y Música ꖦ

Ⓐ | La mayoría de los sonidos modificados en el Mod

Ⓐ | Hay alrededor de 30 música en el modo.


ꖦ | Espere más BatheniX y Milliyetsiz , Oğuzhan |












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On 2/10/2022 at 8:06, Batın Burhan said:

Coronas de Hierro IV 3.0 Próximamente

ꖦ Nuevos sistemas ꖦ

Ⓐ | Nuevo sistema de comercio

Ⓐ | Nuevo soldado, avión, tanque, sistema de envío

Ⓐ | Nuevo sistema de partidos

Ⓐ | Nuevos sistemas de ideas nacionales

Ⓐ | Nuevo Sistema de Capitulación

Ⓐ | Nuevas Mecánicas


ꖦ Sistema Dlc ꖦ

Ⓐ | Al agregar el sistema Dlc al juego, se obtuvo complejidad en el guión y una apariencia hermosa en el juego

Ⓐ | Dlc "Mundo real" agregado

Ⓐ | Se agregó el Dlc "Final inesperado"


ꖦ Escenarios ꖦ

Ⓐ | A partir de 1900 habrá al menos 70 escenarios que irán hasta 2022.

Ⓐ | Habrá 20 escenarios en el DLC "Fin inesperado".


ꖦ Eventos y Eventos ꖦ

Ⓐ | Hay Eventos en los Escenarios Principales y Necesarios del Mod

Ⓐ | Hay cadenas comerciales y de eventos provistas de eventos en el modo.

ꖦ Nuevo sistema de partidos y sistema de enfoque nacional ꖦ

Ⓐ | Se ha agregado un nuevo sistema de fiesta al mod, lo que aumenta la variedad del mod.

Ⓐ | Se ha agregado un sistema de ideas con Hoi4 TE con el enfoque nacional agregado a la moda

Ⓐ | La ideología del líder se ha determinado con el sistema de indicación de ideología agregado a la moda


ꖦ Iconos y fuentes ꖦ

Ⓐ | La fuente del juego es 100% fuente Hoi4

Ⓐ | Los iconos son iconos en Hoi4

ꖦ Sonido y Música ꖦ

Ⓐ | La mayoría de los sonidos modificados en el Mod

Ⓐ | Hay alrededor de 30 música en el modo.


ꖦ | Espere más BatheniX y Milliyetsiz , Oğuzhan |










It looks like a typical mod that dies 

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No fckin way, there is a Turk who finally makes a proper mod and add so many nice features? Sounds too good to be true, but at least we got a very decent teaser, so i have so much hope for you, my dude! Love and all ❤️✌️

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On 10/2/2022 at 1:06 PM, Batın Burhan said:

Crowns Of Iron IV 3.0 Coming Soon

ꖦ New Systems ꖦ

Ⓐ | New Trading System

Ⓐ | New Soldier , Aircraft , Tank , Shipping System

Ⓐ | New Party System

Ⓐ | New National Idea Systems

Ⓐ | New Capitulate System

Ⓐ | New Mechanics


ꖦ Dlc System ꖦ

Ⓐ | By Adding Dlc System to the Game, Script Complexity and Beautiful Appearance Was Obtained in the Game

Ⓐ | Added "Real World" Dlc

Ⓐ | Added "Unexpected End" Dlc


ꖦ Scenarios ꖦ

Ⓐ | Starting from 1900, there will be at least 70 scenarios that will go until 2022.

Ⓐ | There will be 20 scenarios in the "Unexpected End" DLC.


ꖦ Events And Events ꖦ

Ⓐ | There are Events in the Main and Necessary Scenarios of the Mod

Ⓐ | There are Trade and Event Chains Provided with Events in the Mode.

ꖦ New Party System And National Focus System ꖦ

Ⓐ | A New Party System has been added to the mod, increasing the variety of the mod

Ⓐ | An Idea System With Hoi4 TE Has Been Added With The National Focus Added To Fashion

Ⓐ | The Leader's Ideology Has Been Determined with the Ideology Indication System Added to the Fashion


ꖦ Icons And Fonts ꖦ

Ⓐ | The Font of the Game is 100% Hoi4 Font

Ⓐ | Icons Are Icons in Hoi4

ꖦ Sound And Music ꖦ

Ⓐ | Modified Most Sounds in the Mod

Ⓐ | There Are About 30 Music In The Mode.


ꖦ | Stand By For More BatheniX And Milliyetsiz , Oğuzhan | ꖦ










Hello ! the mod look very nice ! Do you have a discord server?

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Fucking Ultimate Overhaul from Wish...

Now I have to say this:

Crowns Of Iron IV 3.0 Coming Soon

ꖦ New Systems ꖦ

Ⓐ | New Trading System - Interesting possible feature

Ⓐ | New Soldier , Aircraft , Tank , Shipping System - Too complex feature to add, I wasn´t able to add that

Ⓐ | New Party System - Party system isn´t that hard to kinda code in but whatever

Ⓐ | New National Idea Systems - I used a existing mechanic because this one is painnnnnnnnnn

Ⓐ | New Capitulate System - yep yep I have heard that 100000 times

Ⓐ | New Mechanics


ꖦ Dlc System ꖦ

Ⓐ | By Adding Dlc System to the Game, Script Complexity and Beautiful Appearance Was Obtained in the Game - I wonder where you took inspiration from 

Ⓐ | Added "Real World" Dlc

Ⓐ | Added "Unexpected End" Dlc


ꖦ Scenarios ꖦ

Ⓐ | Starting from 1900, there will be at least 70 scenarios that will go until 2022. - Too much scenarios if they have all unique story. Impossible to make

Ⓐ | There will be 20 scenarios in the "Unexpected End" DLC.


ꖦ Events And Events ꖦ

Ⓐ | There are Events in the Main and Necessary Scenarios of the Mod - .......

Ⓐ | There are Trade and Event Chains Provided with Events in the Mode. - waaaaaat

ꖦ New Party System And National Focus System ꖦ - Possible if you are gonna add that to 1/2 scenarios. One Focus Tree can take up to 1 month to make. To come with the ideas and code them in.

Ⓐ | A New Party System has been added to the mod, increasing the variety of the mod 

Ⓐ | An Idea System With Hoi4 TE Has Been Added With The National Focus Added To Fashion - This is not even a realistic idea this will take you years to code in java I recommend using focus tree to do that for you

Ⓐ | The Leader's Ideology Has Been Determined with the Ideology Indication System Added to the Fashion - That is already in vannila


ꖦ Icons And Fonts ꖦ

Ⓐ | The Font of the Game is 100% Hoi4 Font - Impossible as AoH2 only uses 1 Font and Hoi4 uses like 16

Ⓐ | Icons Are Icons in Hoi4

ꖦ Sound And Music ꖦ

Ⓐ | Modified Most Sounds in the Mod

Ⓐ | There Are About 30 Music In The Mode.


So this is what I have to say to you. Probably you just want fame and don´t actully plan to release the mod.

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On 10/2/2022 at 2:09 PM, Lipark JP modder said:

I don't know if he can deliver on his promises, but at least from Teaser I can say that this is a great mod.💖

Super events, events on par with TNO (one person won't be able to do it alone), improved AI, etc. would be nice.


Lipark I am sorry that I have told you all the bad things about being nerdy and that shit... But you gotta believe me now. This mod is fake and I know who this guy is. He was litteraly asking me for a template for hoi4 leader like few months ago. Here is the template I made him it was even a pdn file but that guy said he only uses Microsoft Paint so I sent him the png. It is litteraly the same.


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On 5/11/2022 at 03.18, Mineva12 said:

Lipark Maafkan aku karena telah memberitahumu semua hal buruk tentang menjadi kutu buku dan omong kosong itu... Tapi kau harus percaya padaku sekarang. Mod ini palsu dan saya tahu siapa orang ini. Dia secara harfiah meminta saya untuk template untuk pemimpin hoi4 seperti beberapa bulan yang lalu. Ini adalah template yang saya buat untuknya, itu bahkan file pdn tetapi orang itu mengatakan dia hanya menggunakan Microsoft Paint jadi saya mengiriminya png. Hal ini sama saja.


And how was your mod, what actually happened to it? Can you explain?

Is this all just because your having a bad mood so you have to be a party Poopers. . . 

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On 11/5/2022 at 2:54 AM, Mineva12 said:

Fucking Ultimate Overhaul from Wish...

Now I have to say this:

Crowns Of Iron IV 3.0 Coming Soon

ꖦ New Systems ꖦ

Ⓐ | New Trading System - Interesting possible feature

Ⓐ | New Soldier , Aircraft , Tank , Shipping System - Too complex feature to add, I wasn´t able to add that

Ⓐ | New Party System - Party system isn´t that hard to kinda code in but whatever

Ⓐ | New National Idea Systems - I used a existing mechanic because this one is painnnnnnnnnn

Ⓐ | New Capitulate System - yep yep I have heard that 100000 times

Ⓐ | New Mechanics


ꖦ Dlc System ꖦ

Ⓐ | By Adding Dlc System to the Game, Script Complexity and Beautiful Appearance Was Obtained in the Game - I wonder where you took inspiration from 

Ⓐ | Added "Real World" Dlc

Ⓐ | Added "Unexpected End" Dlc


ꖦ Scenarios ꖦ

Ⓐ | Starting from 1900, there will be at least 70 scenarios that will go until 2022. - Too much scenarios if they have all unique story. Impossible to make

Ⓐ | There will be 20 scenarios in the "Unexpected End" DLC.


ꖦ Events And Events ꖦ

Ⓐ | There are Events in the Main and Necessary Scenarios of the Mod - .......

Ⓐ | There are Trade and Event Chains Provided with Events in the Mode. - waaaaaat

ꖦ New Party System And National Focus System ꖦ - Possible if you are gonna add that to 1/2 scenarios. One Focus Tree can take up to 1 month to make. To come with the ideas and code them in.

Ⓐ | A New Party System has been added to the mod, increasing the variety of the mod 

Ⓐ | An Idea System With Hoi4 TE Has Been Added With The National Focus Added To Fashion - This is not even a realistic idea this will take you years to code in java I recommend using focus tree to do that for you

Ⓐ | The Leader's Ideology Has Been Determined with the Ideology Indication System Added to the Fashion - That is already in vannila


ꖦ Icons And Fonts ꖦ

Ⓐ | The Font of the Game is 100% Hoi4 Font - Impossible as AoH2 only uses 1 Font and Hoi4 uses like 16

Ⓐ | Icons Are Icons in Hoi4

ꖦ Sound And Music ꖦ

Ⓐ | Modified Most Sounds in the Mod

Ⓐ | There Are About 30 Music In The Mode.


So this is what I have to say to you. Probably you just want fame and don´t actully plan to release the mod.

He does actually plans to release it, i check on him on discord - just ask him, also it is entirely subjective to says "hey this dude only want fame so im about to ruin this dude"


Pulling others down, does not make you a hero bro

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On 11/5/2022 at 5:18 AM, Mineva12 said:

Lipark I am sorry that I have told you all the bad things about being nerdy and that shit... But you gotta believe me now. This mod is fake and I know who this guy is. He was litteraly asking me for a template for hoi4 leader like few months ago. Here is the template I made him it was even a pdn file but that guy said he only uses Microsoft Paint so I sent him the png. It is litteraly the same.



People have gotten used to a lot of crap up to now and people are only interested in finished mods or Teaser.

I don't feel good to see you say bad to my friend.

Edited by Lipark JP modder

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Just now, Lipark JP modder said:


People have gotten used to a lot of crap up to now and people are only interested in finished mods or Teaser.

Which we still hopes most will keep their promise and words.. Unlike The damned M, whose suppose to be working on it for 6 months, and then just drop it without propper clarification, i am till today does not know what exactly happened to his mod - and he does not bother to answer me either

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1 minute ago, Barkley Churchill said:

Which we still hopes most will keep their promise and words.. Unlike The damned M, whose suppose to be working on it for 6 months, and then just drop it without propper clarification, i am till today does not know what exactly happened to his mod - and he does not bother to answer me either

unlike hoi4 modders, we AoH2 modder is just a hobby or kinda killing time. usually big mods takes unbelievably long time to be done.

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On 11/4/2022 at 3:54 PM, Mineva12 said:

Fucking Ultimate Overhaul from Wish...

Now I have to say this:

Crowns Of Iron IV 3.0 Coming Soon

ꖦ New Systems ꖦ

Ⓐ | New Trading System - Interesting possible feature

Ⓐ | New Soldier , Aircraft , Tank , Shipping System - Too complex feature to add, I wasn´t able to add that

Ⓐ | New Party System - Party system isn´t that hard to kinda code in but whatever

Ⓐ | New National Idea Systems - I used a existing mechanic because this one is painnnnnnnnnn

Ⓐ | New Capitulate System - yep yep I have heard that 100000 times

Ⓐ | New Mechanics


ꖦ Dlc System ꖦ

Ⓐ | By Adding Dlc System to the Game, Script Complexity and Beautiful Appearance Was Obtained in the Game - I wonder where you took inspiration from 

Ⓐ | Added "Real World" Dlc

Ⓐ | Added "Unexpected End" Dlc


ꖦ Scenarios ꖦ

Ⓐ | Starting from 1900, there will be at least 70 scenarios that will go until 2022. - Too much scenarios if they have all unique story. Impossible to make

Ⓐ | There will be 20 scenarios in the "Unexpected End" DLC.


ꖦ Events And Events ꖦ

Ⓐ | There are Events in the Main and Necessary Scenarios of the Mod - .......

Ⓐ | There are Trade and Event Chains Provided with Events in the Mode. - waaaaaat

ꖦ New Party System And National Focus System ꖦ - Possible if you are gonna add that to 1/2 scenarios. One Focus Tree can take up to 1 month to make. To come with the ideas and code them in.

Ⓐ | A New Party System has been added to the mod, increasing the variety of the mod 

Ⓐ | An Idea System With Hoi4 TE Has Been Added With The National Focus Added To Fashion - This is not even a realistic idea this will take you years to code in java I recommend using focus tree to do that for you

Ⓐ | The Leader's Ideology Has Been Determined with the Ideology Indication System Added to the Fashion - That is already in vannila


ꖦ Icons And Fonts ꖦ

Ⓐ | The Font of the Game is 100% Hoi4 Font - Impossible as AoH2 only uses 1 Font and Hoi4 uses like 16

Ⓐ | Icons Are Icons in Hoi4

ꖦ Sound And Music ꖦ

Ⓐ | Modified Most Sounds in the Mod

Ⓐ | There Are About 30 Music In The Mode.


So this is what I have to say to you. Probably you just want fame and don´t actully plan to release the mod.

Dude is salty about the fact people realized he faked an entire mod and then tries to say every other mod is copying off of his (Which probably never existed in the first place)

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23 hours ago, BackToTheBrickStudios said:

Dude is salty about the fact people realized he faked an entire mod and then tries to say every other mod is copying off of his (Which probably never existed in the first place)

are you serios rn bro?

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On 10/2/2022 at 7:06 PM, Batın Burhan said:

Crowns Of Iron IV 3.0 Coming Soon

ꖦ New Systems ꖦ

Ⓐ | New Trading System

Ⓐ | New Soldier , Aircraft , Tank , Shipping System

Ⓐ | New Party System

Ⓐ | New National Idea Systems

Ⓐ | New Capitulate System

Ⓐ | New Mechanics


ꖦ Dlc System ꖦ

Ⓐ | By Adding Dlc System to the Game, Script Complexity and Beautiful Appearance Was Obtained in the Game

Ⓐ | Added "Real World" Dlc

Ⓐ | Added "Unexpected End" Dlc


ꖦ Scenarios ꖦ

Ⓐ | Starting from 1900, there will be at least 70 scenarios that will go until 2022.

Ⓐ | There will be 20 scenarios in the "Unexpected End" DLC.


ꖦ Events And Events ꖦ

Ⓐ | There are Events in the Main and Necessary Scenarios of the Mod

Ⓐ | There are Trade and Event Chains Provided with Events in the Mode.

ꖦ New Party System And National Focus System ꖦ

Ⓐ | A New Party System has been added to the mod, increasing the variety of the mod

Ⓐ | An Idea System With Hoi4 TE Has Been Added With The National Focus Added To Fashion

Ⓐ | The Leader's Ideology Has Been Determined with the Ideology Indication System Added to the Fashion


ꖦ Icons And Fonts ꖦ

Ⓐ | The Font of the Game is 100% Hoi4 Font

Ⓐ | Icons Are Icons in Hoi4

ꖦ Sound And Music ꖦ

Ⓐ | Modified Most Sounds in the Mod

Ⓐ | There Are About 30 Music In The Mode.


ꖦ | Stand By For More BatheniX And Milliyetsiz , Oğuzhan | ꖦ










How do I download this


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On 11/22/2022 at 11:59 PM, BackToTheBrickStudios said:

I am at the utmost level of seriousness rn bro

Yeah minerva, bro.. (I think - as my personal opinion of him) 

Never been serious about.. Anything (regarding his Mod).. Really.. 

Like he never Once clarified nor make any Respond explaining To me about The Chronology of the demise of his mod, everytime I asked on discord.. 

Proving that he is just kidding.. when he said he will release the supposed ultimate overhaul mod

Edited by Barkley Churchill
To edit

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