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21 hours ago, AlbertArmenia said:

Lanet olsun, neden bu saçmalıkları listeliyorsunuz? Yarısını kaybettin. Mesela Sarıkamış savaşı. Git haydi

How did my stupid Armenian grandfathers fuck their grandfathers, but my grandfathers left such a big wound that you consoled yourself with this ridiculous mode 🤣🤣

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21 hours ago, AlbertArmenia said:

Lanet olsun, neden bu saçmalıkları listeliyorsunuz? Yarısını kaybettin. Mesela Sarıkamış savaşı. Git haydi

How did my stupid Armenian grandfathers fuck their grandfathers, but my grandfathers left such a big wound that you consoled yourself with this ridiculous mode 🤣🤣

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21 saat önce AlbertArmenia şunları söyledi:

Lanet olsun, neden bu saçmalıkları listeliyorsunuz? Yarısını kaybettin. Mesela Sarıkamış savaşı. Git haydi

Aptal Ermeni atalarım canınızı ne kadar acıtırsa acısın 100 yıldır acınız dinmiyor, bu saçma modla kendinizi teselli ettiniz. 🤣🤣

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On 1/22/2023 at 11:00 PM, Lim10 said:

I've seen most of the easter eggs in your mod. But when it comes to the other issue, if I made a mod with the name "Turkey", I would not enlarge Turkey in such a meaningless way and I would not have such exaggerated alternative scenarios made. Still, since the mod is yours, it's not up to me, but it's not a very nice behavior.

You literally did that lmao, btw)

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On 1/22/2023 at 11:00 PM, Lim10 said:

I've seen most of the easter eggs in your mod. But when it comes to the other issue, if I made a mod with the name "Turkey", I would not enlarge Turkey in such a meaningless way and I would not have such exaggerated alternative scenarios made. Still, since the mod is yours, it's not up to me, but it's not a very nice behavior.

I didn't want to argue that time, but the time has already come. I didn't enlarge Armenia in meaningless way, there was a meaning and explanation in the lore of the scenario. Secondly, there are hidden islamised, and christian Armenians living in the Turkey now, and the number is not small (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_Armenians). Thirdly, it is a freaking alternative scenario. The authors of say Kaiserreich are not German nationalists.

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so funny seeing turks crying about an video game, keep the good work up aper and stay strong. I love seeing people denying historic facts crying while drinking soy milk and making shit the fuck up. We know our history and no one else show deny it lmao.

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On 1/19/2023 at 5:57 PM, Lim10 said:

Let me give a brief summary: The mode in which the Turks are constantly weak and the Eastern region is occupied by the Armenians. Although the mod is beautiful, it is based on Armenian Nationalism, as the name suggests. Many Turks, in most scenarios, suddenly became Armenians! You are blaspheming racist Turks and you are racist yourself, you are seriously disgraceful.


list me some Turkish mods where turkey isn't buffed in any way.. it's a natural way of thinking of an patriot, or nationalist how you like to say it, you cry over alternative scenarios dude.. maybe you can go and comment some turkish nationalist mods, or alternative scenarios where big turgiy takes over half of the world lmfao.. wake up to reality and stop drinking soy milk. Every mod that is based on an nation will look like that. I'm so glad you didn't write that in your origin language, Mongol ❤️

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On 12/29/2022 at 2:32 PM, Caucasus general said:

That's a very bad mod with a lot of historical mistakes and wrongly mapping. I want to say to mod's creater that he must learn history before making it. That's the worst AOH 2 mod for me. And I don't recommend this mod to anybody. 

rename to "azeri general" that would fit you more, you turks hide yourself in the aoh2 way often than I thought innit. 

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On 1/19/2023 at 6:19 PM, Lim10 said:

What the Hell is this Ethnic Map its totally wrong. Its not a Alternative Scenario dude wtf? I Looked  all of the scenarios mostly scenarios look like this. Fix these bugs or the mod will be nothing more than a softened version of Racism.



On 1/23/2023 at 4:54 AM, Lim10 said:

Its a propaganda map author is Georgian and Turkey does not that have much Georgian, Greek and Bulgarian Population.The author dont know the People Exchange of Greece and Turkey after 1923. I have given the link below, the person who made this map did not show the source according to which this map was made. In addition, Turkey has not been publishing ethnically discriminating statistics on language since 1965.


(Dude just look the Georgians)


yeah in this way of thinking we can deny all the ethnic maps, beacuse you won't believe no person on the earth doesn't have any political ideology? I mean of course your typical mom isn't really interested in this as she's working her job raising 2 children and taking care of the house but like overall. You can't deny ethnics, also don't forget that ethnic maps in aoh2 never look good or are confirmed with much of proof and stuff, no average 14/18 year old aoh2 modder will go to a certain places and count people, there are special POLITICAL motivated organs that do it. Your thinking is absolutely dumb and hard r. Another highly masked turk 😄

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On 10/31/2023 at 6:48 PM, Nationalist_ÖMER1 said:

Aras Valley campaign

Battle of Oltu

Battle of Alexandropol

Battle or Kars 1920

Battle of Baku

Battle of kovanbaşı

Operation Goranboy

Operation Horadiz

Offensive of Lachin

Battle of Goychay

Battle of Sulukh

Battle of Hadrut

Turkish-armenian war 1919-1920

Sebinkarahisar uprising

Madagiz Offensive

Operation Ring

Battle of Shushi

Sasun uprising

Battle of Maraş

Battle of Sarikamış

1920Rebellion de zangezur Əsgaran döyüşü

Aprel döyüşləri

Kürdəmir döyüşləri

Qaraməryəm döyüşləri

Battle of a-Atharib (1130)

Zengid campaign against

Antioch Əsgəran döyüşü

Siege of Alanya (1221)

Askeran clash Şamaxı əməliyyatı (1918)

Salyan döyüşləri

Haciqabul əməliyyatı (1918)

Qazançı əməliyyatı

Murovdağ döyüşləri

Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı Doğu


Fərrux əməliyyatı

Azərbaycan-Ermənistan sərhəd toqquşması (avqust, 2022)

Azərbaycan Xalq

Cümhuriyyətinin keçirdiyi döyüş əməliyyatları

Lənkəran aməliyyatı (1919)

Ağsu döyüşü (1918)

Pirəmsaq döyüşü

Marquşavan əməliyyatı

Həsənqaya əməliyyatı

Cilicia Campaign of Baybars (1276)

Battle of Great Barrack (1276)

Siege of Sis (1276)

Siege of Misis (1276)

Battle of Birecek (1276)

Sack of Ayas (1276)

Siege of Alanya (1221)

Siege of Anamur (1225)

Siege of Aydos (1225)

Siege of Aydusanc (1225)

Taşeli's Invasion (1225)

Battle of Taurus (1225)

Siege of Germianapolis (1 225)

Siege of Mut (1225)

Invasion of Isauria (1225)

Siege of Silifke (1225)

Siege of Çinçin (Second) (1225)

Cilicia Campaign of Kayqubad the Great (1225)

Siege of Viranşehir

Seljuks campaign to Armenia (1048)

Seljuks campaign to Armenia (1049)

The ruins of Armenia (1048)

The ruins of Armenia (1049)

Massacre Armenians in 1049 -10,000

Battle of Arcn (1049)

Battle of Karina (1 049)

Seljuks destroyed Arcn (1049)

Seljuks destroyed Karina (1049)

Third campaign to Armenia by

Toghrul bek

The ruins of Cities in Armenia x1

The ruins of Cities in Armenia x2

The ruins of Cities in Armenia x3

The ruins of Cities in Armenia x4

Battle of Kars (1054)

Battle of Ararat (1064)

Battle of Ani (1064)

The ruins of Ani (1064)

Battle of Suynik (1064)

Armenians smoke by Azerbaijans (Ak-Kuyunlu-Qora-Kuyunlu)

Battle of Gyanja

Battle of Sharur

Battle of Karabakh

Battle of Irevan

Battle of Dabil

Battle of Gafan

Battle of Agdam

Battle of Kars

Battle of Nakhichevan

Battle of Ordubad

Battle of Qazax

Battle of Şamkir

Battle Kiş

Battle of Argun

Battle of Kazanfar

Battle of Nakhta

Armenian smoke by Ottaman

Battle of Erevan (1584)

Battle of Nakichevan (1584)

Battle of Sharur (1584)

Battle of Kars (1584)

Battle of Van (1584)

Battle of Alexandropol (1584)

Battle of Karabakh (1584)

Battle of Agdam (1584)

Battle of Goychay (1584)

and all of that to be a dog on american leash that can't do anything... magnificent and well deserved my dear turdog 

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    • Campaign: Small Scenarios
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    • Land units - Ideas AoH3
      AoH3 will have different types of land units.

      In this topic we will write ideas for new land units. 


      So the AoH 3 will have new battle system.

      Representation of the battlefield in the game.

      Land units will be grouped into 3 types. Each unit will have a different recruitment cost, attack, defense, movement speed and upkeep.

      Groups determine the placement of units on the battlefield.


      Each unit can be unlocked by researching technology and then upgraded.


      Here is the current list of units with upgrades:

      First line:

      Warrior -> Light Footmen -> Heavy Infantry -> Infantry -> Line Infantry -> Modern Infantry

      Hoplites -> Spearmen -> Pikeman -> Elite Pikeman -> Musketeer -> Riflemen -> Mechanized Infantry -> Modern Mechanized Infantry

      First line side:

      Horseman -> Elite Horseman -> Cavalry -> Tank -> Modern Tank

      Second line:

      Archer -> Bowmen -> Crossbowman -> Elite Crossbowman

      Canon -> Field Cannon -> Artillery -> Modern Artillery

      Early Airplane -> Airplane -> Modern Airplane


      This is a very early version, so maybe something should be changed?

      Or maybe an idea for a new type of unit with upgrades? I'm waiting for your suggestions.

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