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Age of History 3

World War III alternative

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India joins Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Butao Myanmar and saw India Sultanate that quickly make alliance with Brazil and China and forming the BIC.

Servia invades Kosovo.

North Korea declares war on the BIC and the United States, but the BIC does not care.

Meanwhile the Monarchy is restored in Brazil with the return of the Monarchy, the Acre (a Brazilian state)
 declares independence by turning the pre-historic Empire.

Empire of Brazil declares war on Portugual.

The United States forces Brazil to declare war on North Korea, China does not like what Brazil did then become ally of North Korea, So Brazil leaves the BIC.

North Korea Invades South Korea.

In South America, countries such as Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana unite and form the Republic of the Guyana triplice.

Bolivia attempts to invade the Pre-Historic Empire.

Switzerland becomes a Superpower.

Brazil attached to cisplatin (Uruguay).

Lula (Former President of Brazil) leaves Prisao and manages to implement communism 
in the Empire of Brazil and Brazil changes sides becoming an ally of North Korea.

Pre-historic empire is allied to North Korea.

Brazil invades the countries of Africa.

Brazil has become a super economic and military power.

Switzerland annexes some territories of Austria and declares war on it. With that, France and Italy declare war on Switzerland because Austria did not want to be annexed.

Lula (president of Brazil) is taken out of power and Brazil is once again a republic and shifts from side to side declaring war on northern korea.

Empire Pre Historico invades Bolivia and Peru by appending them.

The RICS without Brazil declare war on European Union.
Russia-India Sultanate-China-South Suda.

Cuba invades all the parents of central america, becoming the communist republic of Central America.
Empire Pre Historico invades Brazil.

Germany helps Switzerland in the war.

Brazil surrenders and is annexed by the pre-historic empire, but on the same day the pre-historic empire takes a coup d'état that is
diminished by Brazil that has turned the sacred Brazilian empire (Bolivia and Peru become indenpendent).

Italy and France join and help Austria but Italy becomes a traitor and attacks France.

The United Kingdom joins the French side.

Brazil and Argentina make a union.

The United States declares war on the Communist Republic of Central America.

China goes to war with Japan and South Korea ...



A Índia se une a Bangladesh, Paquistão, Nepal, Butao Myanmar e viu o Sultanato da Índia que rapidamente faz aliança com o Brasil e a China e forma o BIC.

Servia invade o Kosovo.

A Coréia do Norte declara guerra ao BIC e aos Estados Unidos, mas o BIC não se importa.

Enquanto isso, a Monarquia é restaurada no Brasil com o retorno da Monarquia, o Acre (um estado brasileiro)
 declara independência, transformando o Império pré-histórico.

Império do Brasil declara guerra contra Portugal.

Os Estados Unidos obrigam o Brasil a declarar guerra à Coréia do Norte, a China não gosta do que o Brasil fez então se tornar aliado da Coréia do Norte, então o Brasil deixa o BIC.

Coreia do Norte invade a Coreia do Sul.

Na América do Sul, países como Guiana, Suriname e Guiana Francesa se unem e formam a República da Guiana.

A Bolívia tenta invadir o Império Pré-Histórico.

A Suíça se torna uma superpotência.

Brasil ligado à cisplatina (Uruguai).

Lula (ex-presidente do Brasil) deixa Prisao e consegue implementar o comunismo
no Império do Brasil e o Brasil muda de lado tornando-se um aliado da Coréia do Norte.

O império pré-histórico é aliado à Coréia do Norte.

O Brasil invade os países da África.

O Brasil se tornou uma potência super econômica e militar.

A Suíça anexa alguns territórios da Áustria e declara guerra a ela. Com isso, a França e a Itália declaram guerra à Suíça porque a Áustria não queria ser anexada.

Lula (presidente do Brasil) é retirado do poder e o Brasil é mais uma vez uma república e muda de lado a lado declarando guerra à Coréia do Norte.

O Império Pré-Histórico invade a Bolívia e o Peru, anexando-os.

As RICS sem o Brasil declaram guerra à União Européia.
Rússia-Índia Sultanato-China-Sul Suda.

Cuba invade todos os pais da América Central, tornando-se a república comunista da América Central.
O Império Pré Histórico invade o Brasil.

A Alemanha ajuda a Suíça na guerra.

O Brasil se rende e é anexado pelo império pré-histórico, mas no mesmo dia o império pré-histórico toma um golpe de Estado que é
diminuído pelo Brasil que transformou o sagrado império brasileiro (Bolívia e Peru se tornam indenpendentes).

Itália e França se unem e ajudam a Áustria, mas a Itália se torna traidora e ataca a França.

O Reino Unido junta-se ao lado francês.

Brasil e Argentina fazem uma união.

Os Estados Unidos declaram guerra à República Comunista da América Central.

China entra em guerra com o Japão e a Coreia do Sul ...
credits: Dgp Mundo


credits: Dgp Mundo




WorldWarIII (alternative).rar

Edited by GingerRitz
Pros Brasileiros

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On 2/23/2019 at 8:22 PM, GingerRitz said:

India joins Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Butao Myanmar and saw India Sultanate that quickly make alliance with Brazil and China and forming the BIC.

Servia invades Kosovo.

North Korea declares war on the BIC and the United States, but the BIC does not care.

Meanwhile the Monarchy is restored in Brazil with the return of the Monarchy, the Acre (a Brazilian state)
 declares independence by turning the pre-historic Empire.

Empire of Brazil declares war on Portugual.

The United States forces Brazil to declare war on North Korea, China does not like what Brazil did then become ally of North Korea, So Brazil leaves the BIC.

North Korea Invades South Korea.

In South America, countries such as Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana unite and form the Republic of the Guyana triplice.

Bolivia attempts to invade the Pre-Historic Empire.

Switzerland becomes a Superpower.

Brazil attached to cisplatin (Uruguay).

Lula (Former President of Brazil) leaves Prisao and manages to implement communism 
in the Empire of Brazil and Brazil changes sides becoming an ally of North Korea.

Pre-historic empire is allied to North Korea.

Brazil invades the countries of Africa.

Brazil has become a super economic and military power.

Switzerland annexes some territories of Austria and declares war on it. With that, France and Italy declare war on Switzerland because Austria did not want to be annexed.

Lula (president of Brazil) is taken out of power and Brazil is once again a republic and shifts from side to side declaring war on northern korea.

Empire Pre Historico invades Bolivia and Peru by appending them.

The RICS without Brazil declare war on European Union.
Russia-India Sultanate-China-South Suda.

Cuba invades all the parents of central america, becoming the communist republic of Central America.
Empire Pre Historico invades Brazil.

Germany helps Switzerland in the war.

Brazil surrenders and is annexed by the pre-historic empire, but on the same day the pre-historic empire takes a coup d'état that is
diminished by Brazil that has turned the sacred Brazilian empire (Bolivia and Peru become indenpendent).

Italy and France join and help Austria but Italy becomes a traitor and attacks France.

The United Kingdom joins the French side.

Brazil and Argentina make a union.

The United States declares war on the Communist Republic of Central America.

China goes to war with Japan and South Korea ...

credits: Dgp Mundo




WorldWarIII (alternative).rar


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