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On 9/18/2024 at 7:29 PM, David Struk said:

Some more questions


1 The black nazi Germany is SS Germany???


2 The black nazi Germany is going to be in the 0.7.2????


3 when 0.7.2 is ready??? (If you calculate)


4 are you going to add some extras scenarios too in 0.7.2



5 are you going to fix the scenario endsiege and the new order???


6 Zombies is going to be in aoh3 or aoh2 USGW???



7 Is the 0.7.2 is going to be biggest update too????


8 in 0.7.2 is going to be some events of German civil war???


9 are you going to put the ideas that i give you??? 

(You can put if you want or if the team agree)


10 Are you going to add the same songs like in USGW aoh2 and are you going to add more songs???



Sorry for questioning you much 


Sorry for the late response!!! Alright, I will answer everything now


1 The black nazi Germany is SS Germany???

No, the black nazi Germany is a habsburg exclusive


2 The black nazi Germany is going to be in the 0.7.2????



3 when 0.7.2 is ready??? (If you calculate)

One day, or day one


4 are you going to add some extras scenarios too in 0.7.2

I would but I really dont have time


5 are you going to fix the scenario endsiege and the new order???

Endsieg will get a fix, new order not so sure anymore


6 Zombies is going to be in aoh3 or aoh2 USGW???



7 Is the 0.7.2 is going to be biggest update too????

Yeah pretty much


8 in 0.7.2 is going to be some events of German civil war???

Yes, not much but the civil war will be possible, saddly no content after the civil war because I dont have time to add it 😞


9 are you going to put the ideas that i give you??? 

The whole team, or most of it, has to agree for an idea to be put into the game


10 Are you going to add the same songs like in USGW aoh2 and are you going to add more songs???

Some will be added into aoh3, some wont, and new songs will come around

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