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Age of History 3

Azgaard Mod (28297 Provinces - finished for now) (Biomes - finished for now)(Ideologies - finished)(Countries - finished for now)(Leaders - finished for now)(Story - in progress)(v0.35 release)

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Я тут начал делать глобальный мод с огромной картой и большим числом контента, такого как - лидеры для разных стран, портреты которых сделанные нейросетью, ивенты и т.д. Планируется большое число рас, а также некоторый 18+ контент. Так же как базу мода я использую uwut engine / Here I started making a global mod with a huge map and a large number of content, such as leaders for different countries, portraits of which were made by a neural network, events, etc. A large number of races are planned, as well as some 18+ content. Also i use like base - uwut engine


v0.35 link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p_D6qI7Lt8vgTh1wiOe3iiFqOQsxGhNl/view?usp=sharing


v0.35: Expanded Map. Added leaders for every country

v0.15: Second continent was populated and one country was added on first continent

v0.09: Added leaders for all existed country, new terrain types and additional buildings

v0.06: changed loading backgrounds and added more countries

v0.05: a fully populated continent

v0.02: added more countries and added some more events and changed background

v0.01: first release





Edited by Marcsist
New version

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Первая версия будет выпущена вскоре после выхода uwut engine v1.5, т.к. на нём базируется мод. / The first version will be released shortly after the release of uwut engine v1.5, because the mod is based on it.

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Uwut обновил движок, однако он немного забагован, поэтому первый релиз будет после uwut 1.5.1 или 1.5.2 / Uwut has updated the engine, but it is a bit buggy, so the first release will be after uwut 1.5.1 or 1.5.2

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30 minutes ago, Marcsist said:

Uwut обновил движок, однако он немного забагован, поэтому первый релиз будет после uwut 1.5.1 ou 1.5.2 /  Uwut atualizou o motor, mas é um pouco bugado, então a primeira versão será após 1.5.1 ou 1.5. 2


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Что же, я выпустил первую версию, пока не всё доделано для уже созданных стран, но решил выложить пока хоть что-то / Well, I released the first version, while not everything is finished for the already created countries, but I decided to post at least something for now

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On 7/11/2023 at 11:43 AM, Marcsist said:

Вот уже некоторые портреты правителей подготовлены/Here some of leaders that may be used








I think you leaked your homework folder buddy!

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