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2k replies🥳 Uwut engine Full update released! revolutionary aoh code! Discord server! MOBILE RELEASED

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15 hours ago, Emir of Granada said:

I think the only and most cheap way is just make religions ideologies in medieval scenarios

making a feature only in a time period isnt easy or possible (expect  some exceptions)

Edited by uwut

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i have 2 ideas for uwut engine:
1. adding civil war if country has lower happiness, <= 20% , then civil war will appear, ideology can be choosen by table (make a file that will have list of governments that can be choosen in civil war)( when it will appear, it will use half of army from country that got that civilwar, and half provinces)
2. partition system - its a system where ideology will have their chance to appear automatically, its same system like to hoi4 partition, also to this partition system i want suggest add elections events, so if any party will have like 50% and other will have 50% too then two parties can be able choosen by your(partition system will have his menu to it)

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1 minute ago, Emir of Granada said:

1: civil war : already added

2: election events: they will interefere and break events mods and each nation has it own socio-cultural context plus the game is from 3500 BC to infinity.

how civil war can appear? Because i didnt saw any civilwar

election events for tribes can be made as {tribe lord died, tribe lord lost fight against {guy who fighted}}

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1 minute ago, Emir of Granada said:

tribe elections are a good idea

when you change ideology in uwut engine the capital rebel and if hapiness drop a civil war happen ( vanilla mechanic)

exactly, in tribe civil war would be normal, it equals that people doesnt like new lord that won (so if people will dont like tribe lord, then will be new event where people accused that new lord cheated in that fight)

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upgrading vassals more!
now you can set technology points of your vassals
wheres controlvassal button?!?!?:
dont worry this screenshot from is source code, update will be have both features

Edited by uwut

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5 hours ago, uwut said:

upgrading vassals more!
now you can set technology points of your vassals
wheres controlvassal button?!?!?:
dont worry this ss from is source code, update will be have both features

i suggest to add console command that will add you unlimited techology points for vassal or country that your playing on

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18 minutes ago, KistrGrobber said:

i suggest to add console command that will add you unlimited techology points for vassal or country that your playing on

so by the way your can by console command add yourself or vassatl like 1k tech points, it would be cool what if for example, what if germany with maxed attack vs ussr with maxed defense

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8 minutes ago, Historyk said:

Can you make tutorial for all what you did with vasals for?

control vassal button: already in v1.3
vassal ai not declares war and gives occupied provinces to their owner
owner of vassal can set vassals tech points

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1 hour ago, uwut said:

control vassal button: already in v1.3
vassal ai not declares war and gives occupied provinces to their owner
owner of vassal can set vassals tech points

how do i download new version of uwut engine, just i downloaded and i dont see any civil wars thing or rebelling after changing an ideology?

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If possible add nukes. also, try adding a railway system, here is how i think it would work:

building a railway from province a to province b(all provinces inbetween must also have it) will allow you to quickly get from province to province b in onr turn, or alternatively, you can add a technology bar that determines how fast you will travel, with a fully leveled up bar you should go in 1 turn.

also, try adding a sky system. building an airport allows your troops to access a new sky map, but any troops in a sky province can go down anywhere(like with ports and sea provinces). but they cant just go from washington to riyadh(example) in one turn, they have to travel through every sky province between, and then get to riyadh. like the railways, this could also have a technology thing, that determines how fast sky units travel.

if needed, i will draw a diagram for both.

would be great if it was added!

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1 hour ago, KistrGrobber said:

how do i download new version of uwut engine, just i downloaded and i dont see any civil wars thing or rebelling after changing an ideology?

this feature added in v1.3 (dont haves mobile port for now)

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