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2k replies🥳 Uwut engine Full update released! revolutionary aoh code! Discord server! MOBILE RELEASED

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On 7/27/2023 at 2:31 PM, uwut said:

uwut engine is a improved game base with lot of features these are important features:

buggy devaluzation fixed
sending annex ultimatum to everyone removed
money bug fixed
a issue about ai agresivness fixed
some changes on battle system and 2 version one for vanilla battle system one for new battle system
capitulation is now more harder
capitulation events readded and fixed (only for vanilla battle system version)
happiness war weariness and total army number added to top bar
fixed a issue about game speed
automatic distrubitaion of army feature added
better ai at army orders
longer non agression pacts
a issue about assimilation fixed
now core gives more buff to stability
auto plan added and now its more clever
auto process menu added
now you can go to discord server link from about menu
now nuclear icon at top bar isnt visible before 1920
and so much mini changes and mini bug fixes

now castle max level is 5
the issue of to much vassal declare independence events bug fixed
now declaring war gives very much more coalition risk
now you cant change economic politics like in old versions
new law: improving relations with world your coalition risk gets reduced by %0.10
new law: insfactrue gives movement points buff
new feature tradezones (it will be improved)
tradezones editor added
the timebar added for tradezones (like after 1850)
if you have atradezone your embargo will be more stronger and tradezone provinces will be develop faster
now trade technology is more important it both minimalizes damage from embargo and devulation
now a country cuts your diplomatic relations at -25 relation 
some improvements in battle system
some turn counts bugs at casus bellis fixed

new battle system with pockets retreats and with a bunch more staff (read the announcement of new system for detailed information)
mini casus belli system (it will be better in next update) : now you need some turns to declare a war to a nation like justiciations, the turn number changes according to power of nation
devalution upgraded
coalition risk system upgraded
force plan and economic plan buffs edited with more balanced system
oto assimilation feature re added
upgraded menu backgrounds
new game created events
better ai at wars
new capitulation system with more realistic percents + now capitulation event gets spawned if its a important capitulation
now theres no more suggested ai agression all percents works good
and bunch more

im busy changelog will be undetailed
coalition risk mechanich added
devaluation system added
new game options added (credit to bloody europe)
play as civ fixed
set liberty desire of vassal outcome added
random crashes fixed
if its a civil war capitulation events picture will be changed
and more like i said its undetailed

v1.5.6 changes
nukes was op and very cheap i made it more harder to build
now needs 1.25 tech
now takes 1 million money
takes 40 turn to build
technocratic nerfed a bit 
new system in embargo
now if you do embargo to a global power, both your and their economy gets shrinked
some issues on 32 bit fixed
oto plan and oto assimilation removed why?
it was create ai bugs like
ai didnt signs peace treaty etc
all of them fixed auto things will be readded on next updates

v1.5.5 changes
What was added:
Building a nuclear reactor is more harder:
construction takes now 15 turns increased from 12 turns
Required tech level increased from 0.65 to 0.85
increased movement and money costs
embargo changes:
countries economy shrinks more slowly
you cant use embargo on negative money
when you send embargo your income gets big damage
bug fixes:
The army increase bug during battle has been fixed lol (it was happening when too many buffs were combined)
peace bug fixed
The bug of army not moves fixed
and many other buff fixes
law changes:
the description of defense law buf was blank, fixed
you can only give defense law to max 30 points, fixed 
Changes to attack and defense law buffs
other  changes:
set war weariness outcome added, now you can change war weariness of countries with events
you cant declare war in 4 turns changed to 10 
The java version of the code has been reduced to 8, so you no longer need to download java jdk 20 when downloading + 32 bit computer support has been added (it will also help when trying to make a mobile port)
And all the little changes I can't remember
changes on v1.5.3
oto assimilation feature added like bloody europe
oto plan feature added like bloody europe
trade technology added minimalizes the damage taken from embargo
now you can open auto assimilation from assimilation menu
now events are in a order with oldest to newest
now you can manage your vassals goverment
and other little changes that i cant remember
have fun 😄

changes on v1.5.2
now when you send embargo opponent countries economy starts to shrink
changes in embargoes relation change
laws system:
strengthen control on vassal law added
decree moderaztion on army law added
decree moderaztion on army (defense) law added
war weariness law added
now you can manage laws of your vassal
some little fixes
some little changes on embargo

Bug Fixes On V1.5.1
the bug on selecting civs at triggers are fixed
start music outcome menu openable now
changes on sound to path code
better game performance
most of events bug is fixed + some vanilla fixes

the changelog of v1.5:
Technology Changes
in tech bar menu new technologies are added
attack bonus
defense bonus
reset war weariness (resets war weariness of country by 1 tech point)
the location of colonization technology changed to below of menu
the limit of colonization tech increased
the minimum tech of country in scenario editor is 0.1 now

Battle system changes
higher tech gives more attack buff
higher tech gives more defense buff
armies in pocket gets more defense debuff and dies from hungry faster
making a naval invasion is harder

Advanced Events
now you can make events with sounds
world event button added makes your event into a world event easier
play as civ outcome added (buggy for now)
rename city outcome added now you can change city names or add new city with events
start music outcome added  plays a music as a outcome
repeatble bug fixed now works with conditiones
other event bugs fixed

nuke system added from nuclear age
nuclear bombs
nuclear reactor building and bunker building
other modification to nuke that made by uwut engine:
nuclear reactor cant be buildable before 1920
faster capitulation if you are nuked
ai starts to send peace treaty if they nuked and they didnt have any nukes
ai  haves more higher accept peace treaty chance when you nuke  them

Capitulation changes
changes on percent  need to capitulate
annoying capitulations and high  ai agresivness fixed
some codes that can be  trigger early capitulation deleted its clear and look like hoi4 now
capitulated country gets a notification

Game created events
now game can create some events by code
now game creates capitulation global event (with custom picture) when a country capitulated
also same thing in nukes event
more game created events will be added

Spies (alpha 1)
send spy button added to diplomacy
now you can send spies according to your spy power
current added missions:
learn army size
change goverment
support rebellions
dont forget that spies in alpha 1

send embargo button added to diplomacy 
only top 10 great power countries can use embargo its powerful 
by sending embargo all diplomatic actions become blocked and opposent countries income will be get big damage
and if you send embargo to a country your relation with them become very bad
embargo sended by turns like 100 turn embargo 200 turn or more
and you need -10 relations to send embargo

Economic politics
Economic Politics button added to decisions
theres 4 economy types
Total mobilization: gives damage to economy growth and income production but paying very low to army 
Civil economy: buffs economy growth and income production but you will be pay so much to army 
partial mobilization: no buff or debuffs 
technocratic economy: buffs research and income production but you will be pay so muchto army
also you cant change your economic politic at negative money

Force plan
force plan button added to decisions
theres 3 war plans:
force attack: gives attack buff debuffs defense
force defense: gives defense buff debuffs attack
balanced: no buffs or debuffs
you need 2.2 movement points to change your force plan

Vassal changes
vassal ai not declares war
if vassal and their lord fights in a war the provinces that vassal conquered will be gived to their lord (if their lord isnt joined to war they will be get the provinces)
technology of vassal button added now you can set the technology points of your vassal
economy politics of vassal button added now you can select economy politics of your vassal
force plan of vassal buton added now you can select force plan of your vassal
set color button added to control a vassal sets vassal color otomaticly to your color

Other changes
timeline button added to  game options now you can see your timeline without defeat
scenario settings button added to diplomacy now you can go to scenario settings in game
in scenario settings the limit of starting capital army increased
in scenario settings the limit of starting economy increased
and  so much other changes that i cant remember

Bug fixes
game crash when opening playlist at settings fixed
broken diplomacy colors at non agression pact and other pacts are fixed
annoying leaders bug fixed
code is remastereded from zero this fixed many bugs
lower change for 0 relation bug
and so much other bug fixes that i cant remember


INSTALLATION VIDEO: deleted by youtube idk why

 add every thing on rar file to your game and open uwut engine.exe
advanced audio by mega4oss
nuclear age by mega4oss
better vassals plugin by yellowsquared
advanced events from world crisis
new game options bloody europe 2
discord server:https://discord.gg/qctf6uY6tv
pc new update v1.6.5: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ojFnpYIDAeORSYtMkNDumaAKrSC2Ug9f/view?usp=drive_link
pc new update v1.6.5 (no new battle system) https://drive.google.com/file/d/14QfwB_wAQm2UD-TLXyhVpbfMrWNAJt23/view?usp=drive_link
mobile (new) second alpha:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MyKwNvPmYQfB_syqcTaW2P2IIvUQho6P/view?usp=sharing

How do i dowloand on mobile

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I was forming the British Empire, I was fighting against Ukraine and when I changed the government to Monarchy it changed to Horde government, then I changed it to Democrat and it worked normally. And then I changed it to communist to see if it was my mistake and nope. Big, medium and small black lines appeared with the map background in grey background.

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I have a problem, you can't declare war. I hit the declare button and nothing happens. It happened to me with 2 different mods and now I try it with the new version, a different mod and on another PC and the same thing happens to me.

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2 hours ago, Angely2k said:

I have a problem, you can't declare war. I hit the declare button and nothing happens. It happened to me with 2 different mods and now I try it with the new version, a different mod and on another PC and the same thing happens to me.

it works fine, you forgot the casus belli system

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3 hours ago, Relse said:

I was forming the British Empire, I was fighting against Ukraine and when I changed the government to Monarchy it changed to Horde government, then I changed it to Democrat and it worked normally. And then I changed it to communist to see if it was my mistake and nope. Big, medium and small black lines appeared with the map background in grey background.

a issue about ideology ids in your game, if you change places of horde and democracy in goverments.json it will be fixed  i will update the id in code to be more compatible with vanilla ideology ids

Edited by uwut

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21 minutes ago, uwut said:

a issue about ideology ids in your game, if you change places of horde and democracy in goverments.json it will be fixed  i will update the id in code to be more compatible with vanilla ideology ids

a new patch in android released to fix this issue

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I have a question, it's possible add an input that it add for example, select the army with the left click button, and with the right click button to select the province that we want the army to go, I don't now if this possible, but I interesting in this idea.

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Uwut Engine Resources Update pc & android

For more information dont forget to join to our discord server!

now theres resources system in game, what it does?

provinces with high growth rates gives more resource income, its imporant to capture provinces with high growth rates


now you can make trades with resources, now resources haves a  very important role on trades


you cant gain resources when you are in war

building buildings will be take resources to build

recruiting army will be take a little amount of resources and if you have so much army your resource income will be low

its possible to gift resources to other countries

it will be possible to give resources by events

there will be a resources editor  in scenario editor like starting money of countries

it will be possible to steal resources of your vassal

with that system game is a lot more realistic and fun, like there just wars just for resources like japan invasion of china

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3 hours ago, uwut said:

Actualización de recursos de Uwut Engine PC y Android

Para obtener más información, ¡no olvides unirte a nuestro servidor de discordia!

Ahora hay un sistema de recursos en el juego, ¿qué hace?

Las provincias con altas tasas de crecimiento dan más ingresos de recursos, es importante capturar provincias con altas tasas de crecimiento


Ahora puedes hacer intercambios con recursos, ahora los recursos tienen un papel muy importante en los intercambios


No puedes obtener recursos cuando estás en guerra

La construcción de edificios requerirá recursos para construirlos

Reclutar ejército requerirá una pequeña cantidad de recursos y si tiene tanto ejército, sus ingresos de recursos serán bajos

Es posible regalar recursos a otros países

Será posible dar recursos por eventos

Habrá un editor de recursos en el editor de escenarios como el dinero inicial de los países

Será posible robar los recursos de tu vasallo

Con ese sistema, el juego es mucho más realista y divertido, como si solo hubiera guerras por recursos como la invasión japonesa de China

i wait this update, looks very cool!

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Here's a small suggestion for the mod:

Civil war Event outcome (basically you can choose 2 countries that get into a civil war and when the war is done the countries annex each other)

Stronger power event condition (if a country is stronger than another)

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Uwut engine Automatic Mobilization system

a new feature named mobilization added to auto process, when you use it it automaticly recruits armies from the provinces that has your max recruitable population with whole money  that makes  army recruiting so easy and not painful 

join to our discord server for earlier notifications and more informations - https://discord.gg/FqTc65EqxB
image.thumb.png.3330dd893ab852ea15895f1c80c941d6.png image.thumb.png.b51034ca0a4e1e0b8ed795c09dc094b0.png

Edited by uwut

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1 hour ago, YusufAliDE said:

The resource icon should change, when it looks like this it looks like the resource in be2

agree, i dont have any other options if you have a suggestion image send it

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I've said it once and I'm gonna say it again

Brother uwut the events in mobile version DO NOT work properly as the game does not read the triggers and the events pop up anyway please fix it

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8 hours ago, Kaiserreich said:

I've said it once and I'm gonna say it again

Brother uwut the events in mobile version DO NOT work properly as the game does not read the triggers and the events pop up anyway please fix it

its same as vanilla and works perfect. for proof check conquerors mod it uses mobile uwut engine with working events

Edited by uwut

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6 hours ago, uwut said:

its same as vanilla and works perfect. for proof check conquerors mod it uses mobile uwut engine with working events

It still doesn't work I installed conquerors and added the latest mobile version of your engine to conquerors and the events still have the same problem. I ain't lying you just don't want to believe me for some reason

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16 hours ago, Kaiserreich said:

It still doesn't work I installed conquerors and added the latest mobile version of your engine to conquerors and the events still have the same problem. I ain't lying you just don't want to believe me for some reason

it works, same as vanilla like i said 300 times
i will not reply other posts about this

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