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2k replies🥳 Uwut engine Full update released! revolutionary aoh code! Discord server! MOBILE RELEASED

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19 hours ago, uwut said:

you can play uwut engine by testing conquerors
i will share the dex files of mobile version tomorrow im batman gehseggs today

Even in vanilla when I use conquerors 2.1 s dex with the engine it doesn't open please give us the dex for mobile my day would be completed if it works

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6 minutes ago, __taron said:

yeah cool but. 

Why did you lie to us 2 times? Why didn't u release the dex? Why doesn't vassal control work? I'm not lying I can send proof it doesn't work dude. Why did u promise us every function in mobile if there's not every? Why did u lie about "no problems I tested"? Why does embargo do no impact on the country you embargo but it does massive damage to your income making it useless? Why is the engine literally be but worse???? Where are the laws? Where are the spies? Why is here kerems conquerors mod with the engine but no normal aoc2 with the engine like you promised? Also yeah there's no disband shortcut for mobile I  checked. 


This engine is just megamods engine but worst and we waited way too long for this, and you lie, lie, and lie to us continuously dude, you are trying to play a victim now, disappointed with you. 

i didnt lied bruh
vassal control works
and im preparing the dex now
also spies alpha on pc and didnt works good
embargo works perfectly same as pc 

Edited by uwut

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2 minutes ago, __taron said:

yeah cool but. 

Why did you lie to us 2 times? Why didn't u release the dex? Why doesn't vassal control work? I'm not lying I can send proof it doesn't work dude. Why did u promise us every function in mobile if there's not every? Why did u lie about "no problems I tested"? Why does embargo do no impact on the country you embargo but it does massive damage to your income making it useless? Why is the engine literally be but worse???? Where are the laws? Where are the spies? Why is here kerems conquerors mod with the engine but no normal aoc2 with the engine like you promised? Also yeah there's no disband shortcut for mobile I  checked. 


This engine is just megamods engine but worst and we waited way too long for this, and you lie, lie, and lie to us continuously dude, you are trying to play a victim now, disappointed with you. 

the disband is there for me, vassal control worked for me too, maybe its broken on yours app, try to delete it completely and install again, aome files may be breaking code etc. also he didnt release it yet here, kerems mod had to delete some features cause they were breaking the game, they said it 

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18 hours ago, PHZanoniGamer said:

He spoke with me.. tbh it's not bad at all. Only things that aren't included are the bombs, laws and embargos that somehow aren't working. Everything else apparently is present, such as the vassal control, capitulation system, battle system, new event options, it's all present

We'll get nukes and laws soon, today's version is literally an alpha of what the mobile version will be. It'll improve with time

embargoes are working pretty god without issues

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3 dakika önce __taron şunları söyledi:

evet güzel ama. 

Neden bize 2 kez yalan söyledin? Dex'i neden yayınladınız? Vasal kontrol neden çalışmıyor? Yalan söylemediğim işe yararlığına dair kanıt gösterebilirim dostum. Eğer hepsi yoksa neden bize mobildeki fonksiyonlarının yapısını verdiniz? Neden "testte yaşadığın sorun yok" diye yalan söyledin? Ambargo neden ambargo uyguladığınız ülkede etkilemiyor ama gelirinize büyük zarar vererek onu işe yaramaz hale getiriyor? Motor neden tam anlamıyla daha kötü??? Kanunlar nerede? Casuslar nerede? Neden burada motorla kerems fatih mod var da söz verdiğiniz gibi motorla normal aoc2 yok? Ayrıca, kontrol edildiği mobil cihaz için dağıtılma kısayolu yok. 


Bu motor sadece megamod motoru ama en kötü ve bunun için çok uzun süre saklanıyor ve sen bize sürekli yalan söylüyorsun, yalan söylüyorsun, yalan söylüyorsun dostum, şimdi bir kurbanı oynamaya çalışıyorsun, hayal kırıklığına uğradın. 

AlsIf you don't like it, switch to another mode, you haven't done anything but make empty criticism for 2 days, if you're going to keep messing around, please shut up.

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1 hour ago, uwut said:

hmm i need to check to that

Quick question btw because I have a pretty big suggestion and maybe it's not possible.... Can you add better hre mechanics? (Aka make nation add its provinces to the hre, consolidate your power as the hre emperor and at the end make your vassals unite with you and form holy Roman empire)

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whole message i wrote here got deleted cause forum has autismus, 

6 minutes ago, __taron said:

yeah cool but. 

Why did you lie to us 2 times? Why didn't u release the dex? Why doesn't vassal control work? I'm not lying I can send proof it doesn't work dude. Why did u promise us every function in mobile if there's not every? Why did u lie about "no problems I tested"? Why does embargo do no impact on the country you embargo but it does massive damage to your income making it useless? Why is the engine literally be but worse???? Where are the laws? Where are the spies? Why is here kerems conquerors mod with the engine but no normal aoc2 with the engine like you promised? Also yeah there's no disband shortcut for mobile I  checked. 


This engine is just megamods engine but worst and we waited way too long for this, and you lie, lie, and lie to us continuously dude, you are trying to play a victim now, disappointed with you. 

vassal control works for me, disband button is also there for me, in kerems mod some features had to be deleted cause they were breaking the whole game, they said it on forum, you should try deleting the files of the app, and installing it all over again, some files may stay from the older version and somehow ruin the new app version, it happened to me few times already

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1 minute ago, Poland_in_1939 said:

buraya yazdığım mesajın tamamı silindi çünkü forumda otizm var 

vassal kontrolü bende çalışıyor, disband butonu da bende var, kerems modunda bazı özelliklerin silinmesi gerekiyordu çünkü bütün oyunu bozuyorlardı, forumda söylediler, uygulamanın dosyalarını silip yüklemeyi denemelisiniz tekrar ediyorum, bazı dosyalar eski sürümden kalabilir ve bir şekilde yeni uygulama sürümünü bozabilir, bu zaten birkaç kez başıma geldi

Absolutely right 

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10 hours ago, Kaiserreich said:

The "declare war" Event crashes the game (in mobile)

this bug fixed and mobile version link added thanks for your report without swearing 

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29 minutes ago, __taron said:

yeah cool but. 

Why did you lie to us 2 times? Why didn't u release the dex? Why doesn't vassal control work? I'm not lying I can send proof it doesn't work dude. Why did u promise us every function in mobile if there's not every? Why did u lie about "no problems I tested"? Why does embargo do no impact on the country you embargo but it does massive damage to your income making it useless? Why is the engine literally be but worse???? Where are the laws? Where are the spies? Why is here kerems conquerors mod with the engine but no normal aoc2 with the engine like you promised? Also yeah there's no disband shortcut for mobile I  checked. 


This engine is just megamods engine but worst and we waited way too long for this, and you lie, lie, and lie to us continuously dude, you are trying to play a victim now, disappointed with you. 

1) I wish you list some of his lies. If your claims of his lies consists in portation of all features to mobile, then this is illegitimate, as he never promised to be able to port all features to mobile as this would be impossible, because of the different code languages. And there's the claim of him lying about the release date, and he never lied. The postpones are justified as it was Kerem's fault for postponing his mod. It was a treaty and he honoured it.

2) About the embargo, it literally works the same way as the PC version.

3) The laws are present, you just need to go on the diplomacy tab and scroll to the bottom, the feature will be there.

4)As me and Uwut said before , spies are one of the features that are harder to port, and keep in mind that it doesn't even work well on the PC version, so why bother porting a broken feature to mobile?

5) The most stupid claim here is the no disband button, it is literally at the side of the more button...

6) BE2 1.1.8 & 1.3 are pure garbage compared to this, I only used this on Megamod because there weren't any better option...


I can't see what's the point of making up bad stuff to tell off uwut, making that will only drain up his motivation and it'll keep us more and more further away from the 100% mobile version of the engine...

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2 minutes ago, Elderlegate said:

I get the error that the application keeps stopping, what should I do?I get the error that the application keeps stopping, what should I do?

i guess you didnt added the game and ui folder 

Edited by uwut

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12 minutes ago, PHZanoniGamer said:

1) I wish you list some of his lies. If your claims of his lies consists in portation of all features to mobile, then this is illegitimate, as he never promised to be able to port all features to mobile as this would be impossible, because of the different code languages. And there's the claim of him lying about the release date, and he never lied. The postpones are justified as it was Kerem's fault for postponing his mod. It was a treaty and he honoured it.

2) About the embargo, it literally works the same way as the PC version.

3) The laws are present, you just need to go on the diplomacy tab and scroll to the bottom, the feature will be there.

4)As me and Uwut said before , spies are one of the features that are harder to port, and keep in mind that it doesn't even work well on the PC version, so why bother porting a broken feature to mobile?

5) The most stupid claim here is the no disband button, it is literally at the side of the more button...

6) BE2 1.1.8 & 1.3 are pure garbage compared to this, I only used this on Megamod because there weren't any better option...


I can't see what's the point of making up bad stuff to tell off uwut, making that will only drain up his motivation and it'll keep us more and more further away from the 100% mobile version of the engine...

Honestly the only problem I have with mobile is that it removed some of the features from 1.2.1 (like the annex feature, they bugged the declare war Event, and they added again the trade-declare war exploit.... Other than that there are some minor annoying changes but those are the major ones)

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4 minutes ago, Kaiserreich said:

Honestly the only problem I have with mobile is that it removed some of the features from 1.2.1 (like the annex feature, they bugged the declare war Event, and they added again the trade-declare war exploit.... Other than that there are some minor annoying changes but those are the major ones)

annex ultimatum removed on pc too because its to easy to annex countries
trade declare war exploit fix bugs whole trade menu removed on v1.3 update
it has all of v1.2.1 content

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3 minutes ago, Historyk said:

Actually engine on mobile is working. It is okey. I just tested:

- World events

- Vassals (outside war)

- Disband army shortcust

theres play as civ outcome too

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33 minutes ago, uwut said:

theres play as civ outcome too

will actually I don't saw anything where I can use this so I even don't tried this. I need more "Rename City" outcome (for example: Borenz --> Szczecin after Poland will conquest this province in my mode). Fact that we dosen't was having this did make me angry (I was that hyped that I even changed city names in my mode)

Edited by Historyk

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5 minutes ago, ChastityTheCelibate said:

I found a weird bug with Uwut engine where sometimes my country will get -3 billion gold for no reason, putting them in inescapable debt

yea money bug use devulation button and it will fixed

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16 minutes ago, Historyk said:


will actually I don't saw anything where I can use this so I even don't tried this. I need more "Rename City" outcome (for example: Borenz --> Szczecin after Poland will conquest this province in my mode). Fact that we dosen't was having this did make me angry (I was that hyped that I even changed city names in my mode)

rename city and other outcomes will be added in second mobile update

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