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Age of Gensokyo Mod (Official Discord!!!)

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The Gensokyo Map is now a full on mod!

The mod features:
-A 735 Province Map of Gensokyo
-A 108 Province Map of PC-98 Gensokyo
-A bunch of civilizations created for the maps.
-Governments have been turned into "Alignments" and features a bunch of rebalanced alignments for you to mess around with.
-A bunch of civilizations have "Formable Nation Paths" that you can follow.
-Redone ages
-Scenarios based on Touhou 1-19
-Reworked and Unique Terrains

Future features:
-More Alignments
-More formables

Mod Download Link: Mod Download
Current Update: 1.9.0

Discord Link: Discord

Touhou Project by ZUN
Leader Portraits from Touhou Puppet Dance Performance Shard of Dreams and Extended
Tenma Portrait from Igneous25
Chang'e Image from Touhou: Silent Sinner in Blue
Touhou 19 Character Sprites from Touhou 19
Mizuchi from Foul Detective Satori
Akarui Shinehold, Rin Satsuki, and Layla Prismriver by NomadMoon
Sendai Hakurei by Mr./Ms. Yagami (ヤガミさん)
Music from Touhou 6 and 7, by the legendary ZUN himself


Edited by LildawgGaming

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1.2 Update
-Everyone's FAVORITE Touhou Character, Mizuchi, has been added. (Sarcasm)
-Alignments for Zanmu (Nothing) and the Dream World (Dream) have been added.
-Scenarios for Touhou 6-13 have been added.
-Updated to Uwut Engine 1.5.3.

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Just now, rzg0ld3n said:

Hey man, do you mind if I make a 'submod' or like, my own version of this mod? I love the idea and effort behind it and I'd like to add my grain of sand for it to be better, and ofc I'd credit you as the original maker) @LildawgGaming

As long as you provide credit back to me for the creation of the original mod, I am fine if you do your own thing with it.

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PC-98 Update:
PC-98 is an interesting era for Touhou Project. The first 5 games are categorized in this era, and whether it is still canon is hotly debated.
In the original Vanilla Version of the Gensokyo Map, I did the PC-98 Era Scenarios on the regular map, and it looked weird.

I had an idea, and I want to leave it all up to you.

Should PC-98 get its own unique map?
The map won't be very big. PC-98 has way less confirmed regions than in Windows Era and would be way easier to put together. However, it would look way better, as I can design it around the PC-98 Canon.

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PC-98 Update:
- New Map! PC-98 Gensokyo, a smaller map for shorter games, has been released.
- 2 New Alignments! Mima and Time Traveller for Mima's Clan and Time Travellers respectively.
- With the new map comes scenarios based on Touhou 1-5.

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Update 1.6
-A bunch of Formable Nations for ALL the nations in the Hell Region.
-Fairy Alignment Rebalanced due to the new combat system.
-Some new event images.


Edited by LildawgGaming

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Update 1.6.1
-A bunch of formables for the Moon Nations added. (Both Exile Formables and Staying on the Moon Formables.)

The mod will be put on hiatus for a while due to another Touhou-Related Project I have started working on. I will be back to continue this mod sometime in the future.


Edited by LildawgGaming

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On 2/28/2024 at 1:26 AM, Jord said:

Brother, by any chance do you have the download link for Android?

Sadly no, I have not figured that out. In the future I plan on switching Mod Engines, since Uwut has become way too complicated for the mod. Hopefully the new engine will make porting to Android more easy.

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Returning to the Age of Gensokyo Mod
I am finally returning to development of this mod after some time.
So what is the plan?

Abandonment of Uwut Engine
Uwut Engine got way too complicated for the mod I wanted to produce. No disrespect to the creator, it is a well developed engine and has fixed most of the issues I have had with the game.

The Devastating Bug
There is also bug with all engines, including the Vanilla Version, where AI Civilizations will refuse to sign peace with other AI Civilizations, even if one fully occupies the other.
I have asked Uwut Multiple times throughout Uwut Engine's Development to fix this irritating bug. However Uwut Engine has left development and is considered "Complete" despite the bug remaining.
The reason this bug is a much bigger deal than it seems is because the AI seems to be programmed to not declare any wars until they aren't at war. (Most of the time.)
This bug hit my mod like an absolute freight train. Lunatic Kingdom, Moriya Shrine, The Tengu, and the Underworld Region are all afflicted by this bug every single game within the first 50 turns, which causes these civilizations to be a non-factor in basically every playthrough. Which if you didn't know, most of these are supposed to be major powers and threats. This bug has completely railroaded the mod and I want to have this bug fixed in the mod before I finish and leave it in any way.
So this is basically a call to arms to all engine developers if they wish to do something about it, I will gladly switch the mod to an engine that fixes the bug.

My Engine Options
-Switching back to Vanilla. (The bug is still present.)
-NW Engine, which is a more simplistic engine with what I desire for the mod. (The bug is still present.)
-Starting my own engine. Definitely an option, and I would have the freedom to do what I want for the engine, but this is my last option on the list. With my desires being killing off that annoying bug, and of course a capitulation mechanic.

With all that out of the way, 1.7.0 is going to be a major update. I will be swapping the mod back over to Vanilla Engine temporarily before I decide on what I want to do regarding the engine.
1.7.0 will also feature a few new Alignments and some civilization renames and fixes.

Can't wait to continue development on this mod.

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Update 1.7

  • Swapped back to Vanilla Engine.
  • Some small secrets if you know where to look.
  • Two new alignments: Kappa and Self-Aligned.
  • New name changes to some of the buildings to fit more with the mod.

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Posted (edited)

1.8 Update

Apologies for slow updates, been busy with some other projects as of late.
1.8 is an update to the nations in The Garden of the Sun.

-Sunflower Kingdom renamed to Sunflower Field
-Sunflower Field, Northern Vampire Clan, Bad Apples, and Nameless Hill receive their unique formable nation paths.

That is about it. Didn't have to spend as much time on this region as I did on others due to it having less nations and actually being in Gensokyo.


Edited by LildawgGaming

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Update 1.8.1

-Fixed some tech levels in Makai on the main scenario.
-Added Makai Maids (Yumeko) to Makai in the main scenario and the PC98 Scenarios. I have no clue how I forgot to include her. XP

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On 8/3/2024 at 4:39 AM, GKJ_0108 said:

does it will out for Android version pls

Sadly no. This mod will not be coming to Android.
Android porting is a tricky thing to accomplish.

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Posted (edited)

Update 1.9.0
-Tenma, Aya, Hatate, Momiji, and Megumu all given unique formable paths.
-SinGyoku given a unique formable path.
-Secret formables featuring certain interesting unseen characters and/or OCs in the Touhou Community.
-Genso-Lunar War Scenario re-added for fun.
-Switched to NW Engine.


Edited by LildawgGaming

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