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Is it possible to duplicate already existing scenarios?


I already downloaded and played multiple scenarios from the Forums without any issues, but I genuinely cannot figure out how to copy pre-existing scenarios like Modern World,1440,1200 etc. Every time I copy one of the folders(like modernworld for an example), rename it to something like modernworld123 and paste it into the scenarios folder it just appears as ERROR in my game with 0 civs. Is there any way to fix this? I wanted to make a couple of Alternate Modern World scenarios but I do not want to start from scratch or lose my original Modern World file. Any ideas?

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I dont have any problems with mods/custom scenarios, but I just cant manage to duplicate/copy any of the default scenarios like Modern World. I wanted to do scenarios that are slight variations of the Modern World scenario but that would require either starting from scratch or losing my original Modern World file. Basically, I just want to duplicate the default scenarios without facing any errors. Could you help me with that?


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Well,im completely lost.I just dont know what is the problem...technically they should work but they arent.Excuse me i cant help you with this but i suggest  that you copy and paste your AOCII folder somewhere else and work there with the scenario(this way you wouldnt lose your original file)

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I think i know how I can help you.

1. Copy the folder (In my case, it will be modernworld),


2. Now rename your folder (i renamed it "modernworld2"),

3. In the "modernworld2" folder you have files named modernworld, modernworld_a, modernworld_c... All you have to do is renaming them, so in my case it will be: modernworld2 modernworld2_a, modernworld2_c. Remember about "events" folder, here, you have one file to rename.


4. Open yourscenarioname_INFO.json using Notepad++ or Windows Notepad. Now you have to edit the name of scenario, so in my case it will be ModernWorld2. You can edit here author and link to the wiki too.


5. Now, go here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Age of Civilizations II\map\Earth\scenarios and open file called Age_of_Civilization. You have to add the name of your scenario to the game file. The modernworld2 folder is located after modernworld scenario, so I need to put the modernworld2 tag next to modernworld tag, like on screenshot. If you dont know, where your folder is, you can see in this path I pasted.  Remember about semicolon! If you did this correctly, save the file and close N++.


6. Thats all! Now you should have copy of MW scenario. Sorry for my english xD



Edited by J4DYMY

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J4DYMY, Thank you so so so much! Sorry for the late response (I have not played the game or visited the forum in a while lol), now that I know how to create these kinds of scenarios I am gonna have a ton of fun with it! Thanks again!

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On 3/6/2019 at 7:54 PM, J4DYMY said:


I think i know how I can help you.

1. Copy the folder (In my case, it will be modernworld),


2. Now rename your folder (i renamed it "modernworld2"),

3. In the "modernworld2" folder you have files named modernworld, modernworld_a, modernworld_c... All you have to do is renaming them, so in my case it will be: modernworld2 modernworld2_a, modernworld2_c. Remember about "events" folder, here, you have one file to rename.


4. Open yourscenarioname_INFO.json using Notepad++ or Windows Notepad. Now you have to edit the name of scenario, so in my case it will be ModernWorld2. You can edit here author and link to the wiki too.


5. Now, go here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Age of Civilizations II\map\Earth\scenarios and open file called Age_of_Civilization. You have to add the name of your scenario to the game file. The modernworld2 folder is located after modernworld scenario, so I need to put the modernworld2 tag next to modernworld tag, like on screenshot. If you dont know, where your folder is, you can see in this path I pasted.  Remember about semicolon! If you did this correctly, save the file and close N++.


6. Thats all! Now you should have copy of MW scenario. Sorry for my english xD



I was thinking something like that but I would forget about the events folder XD

Anyway thanks for the advice it will help me a lot about the 30 years war scenario

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2 hours ago, Ilovethisgame2 said:

I was thinking something like that but I would forget about the events folder XD

Anyway thanks for the advice it will help me a lot about the 30 years war scenario

You're welcome 🙂

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On 2/25/2019 at 9:11 AM, TheBlueShadow58 said:

I already downloaded and played multiple scenarios from the Forums without any issues, but I genuinely cannot figure out how to copy pre-existing scenarios like Modern World,1440,1200 etc. Every time I copy one of the folders(like modernworld for an example), rename it to something like modernworld123 and paste it into the scenarios folder it just appears as ERROR in my game with 0 civs. Is there any way to fix this? I wanted to make a couple of Alternate Modern World scenarios but I do not want to start from scratch or lose my original Modern World file. Any ideas?

i did get a scenario on here but it said error, but i did it a second time with 2 of same scenarios but it worked! weird idk how it worked!

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On 3/10/2019 at 3:29 AM, FakelsOn said:

Can you do it on android, I play it on android


Yes that would help me because I want to make modern world with some edits (as everyone here probably)

- Kingpvz

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