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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Age of History 3 is in development and will be a real-time strategy game!

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3 hours ago, Evis7 said:

I thought, and why not, add realistic rebels, and for these to increase there must be low goods or high taxes, and for them to decrease it would be the opposite.

Or overextensions causing rebels

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Unfortunately I think since there's gonna be a workshop & map editor, we probably won't be able to make HoI4 or Eu4 maps because paradox might sue. If the game's to similar to their other games they might have an argument for 'It's basically just hoi4 but cheaper' but idk tho.

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Yo finally, an Age of History 2 sequel. I am the first member of the royal family to surface on here since Queen Elizabeth II is my 16th cousin. Let's hope this releases!

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17 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Age of History 3 is in development and will be a real-time strategy game!


Age of History III

Holy shit

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1 hour ago, Noobs Dudes said:

Unfortunately I think since there's gonna be a workshop & map editor, we probably won't be able to make HoI4 or Eu4 maps because paradox might sue. If the game's to similar to their other games they might have an argument for 'It's basically just hoi4 but cheaper' but idk tho.

so... we will make them here then, not on steam :trollface:

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It would be great if you will add election system in democratic countries and make it possible for modders to disable/enable elections in definite ideologies in "governments" file. Parties could also have custom names created by scenario author. It would be also nice if size of portraits and flag in the upper-left corner would be increased.

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22 minutes ago, SVH said:

It would be great if you will add election system in democratic countries and make it possible for modders to disable/enable elections in definite ideologies in "governments" file. Parties could also have custom names created by scenario author. It would be also nice if size of portraits and flag in the upper-left corner would be increased.

like in Victoria 3?

Edited by Austrian empire

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So I never posted on this forum. But now I have to, this announcement made my day. I modded AoC2 by myself but I mastered editing their files a while after its release. Not anything spectacular since I dont script anything, but I managed to add some nice civilizations and challenging formables :d

I could post some of them on this forum, waiting for the Third to release ? But now I SWEAR, I'm gonna be a part of the modding community on the very first days when this will release 🖖

Edited by Randomuser

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21 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Age of History 3 is in development and will be a real-time strategy game!


Age of History III

we see three units in the photo, or maybe they do not suggest the release date of age of history 3 on December 18, 2023 at 9:00

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      Or maybe an idea for a new type of unit with upgrades? I'm waiting for your suggestions.

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