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Fate of Kingdoms | British Isles map

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On 11/4/2023 at 2:55 AM, Reich said:2023년 4월 11일 오전 2시 55분 라이히는 이렇게 말했습니다.

Fate of Kingdoms운명의 왕국 — the local mod about history of — 의 역사에 관한 현지의 격언.British Isles브리튼 제도..

·· A great new map of Britain and Ireland, consisting of more than 3k provinces based on historical borders;역사적 국경선을 기준으로 3k개 이상의 지방으로 구성된 영국과 아일랜드의 거대한 새 지도;
· More than 20 main historical, elaborated scenarios, including time frames from the VI to the XVII centuries;· VI부터 XVII 세기까지의 시간대를 포함하여 20개 이상의 주요 역사적, 정교한 시나리오;
· A huge number of new civilizations· 엄청나게 많은 새로운 문명들이
· Rebalance of ages;· 연령 재균형;
· Redesigned forms of government;· 재설계된 형태의 정부;
· Atmospheric soundtrack;· 대기 사운드트랙;

· Small changes in the interface;· 인터페이스의 작은 변화;
Et cetera...에쎄테라...

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Em 11/03/2023 às 14h55, Reich disse:

Fate of Kingdoms — o mod local sobre a história das Ilhas Britânicas . 

· Um excelente novo mapa da Grã-Bretanha e da Irlanda, composto por mais de 3 mil províncias baseadas em fronteiras históricas; · Mais de 20 principais cenários históricos modificados, incluindo períodos do século VI ao século XVII; · Um grande número de novas civilizações · Reequilíbrio de idades; · Formas de governo redesenhadas; · Trilha sonora atmosférica; · Pequenas alterações na interface; Et cetera...


⚔️ Baixar ⚔️  


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Edited by Dancoppean Mapper

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44 minutes ago, pogmapcreator said:


Not new, I think it was reposted because I remember seeing another British isles map identical to this

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1 hour ago, PHZanoniGamer said:

Not new, I think it was reposted because I remember seeing another British isles map identical to this

Earlier Fate of Kingdoms was posted on forum without my permission by somebody who is not related to the development of this project. He took the link from my VK group (https://vk.com/wall-175027405_74022)

However, it is really not new. It was released by me almost two years ago (I was too lazy to publish it on forum)

Edited by Reich

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2 hours ago, Reich said:

Earlier Fate of Kingdoms was posted on forum without my permission by somebody who is not related to the development of this project. He took the link from my VK group (https://vk.com/wall-175027405_74022)

However, it is really not new. It was released by me almost two years ago (I was too lazy to publish it on forum)

I see. Is there is any android link for it?

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16 hours ago, Reich said:

Earlier Fate of Kingdoms was posted on forum without my permission by somebody who is not related to the development of this project. He took the link from my VK group (https://vk.com/wall-175027405_74022)

However, it is really not new. It was released by me almost two years ago (I was too lazy to publish it on forum)


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On 11/15/2023 at 2:13 AM, Reich said:

Earlier Fate of Kingdoms was posted on forum without my permission by somebody who is not related to the development of this project. He took the link from my VK group (https://vk.com/wall-175027405_74022)

However, it is really not new. It was released by me almost two years ago (I was too lazy to publish it on forum)

yeah, i thought the mod had died and forgotten forever.

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