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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Age of History 3 - Buildings ideas

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Building Group: Military

Name: Medic camp

Cost: 10-50

Construction Time: 1 Round

Maintenance Cost: 0 due to cost

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Probably one in the military section


it works like the festival in AOH2,
giving +5% to 25% increase in defense depending on money spent.
or healing the troop after start of new round by 10% to 50% losses depending on the money spent.

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Building Group: Unique capital building

Level 1

Name: Roads

Cost: 15 Gold

Construction Time: 10 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: -


Army speed +15%

Economic growth +5%

Level 2

Name: Advanced roads

Cost: 25 Gold

Construction Time: 15 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: -


Army speed +30%

Economic growth +10%

Level 3

Name: Infrastructure

Cost: 40 Gold

Construction Time: 30 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.05 gold per month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Infrastructure


Army speed +45%

Economic growth +20%

Happiness +5%

Level 4

Name: Infrastructure

Cost: 40 Gold

Construction Time: 30 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.1 gold per month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Mechanical engineering

Age: Information Age


Army speed +65%

Economic growth +25%

Happiness +10% 

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Building Group: Economy

Name: Customs 

Cost: 10% from number of quantity of province population

Construction Time: 30 days

Maintenance Cost: 10 gold per Month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Trade (conditionally :р)

Bonuses: +10% to income of province OR +10% to trade with certain country.

Customs are possible to be built only in province on a border with other country or countries. Besides, there will be a debuff about -5% from relations with country you build a customs post with. This country also will get a debuff to stability of province which border with province with customs post.

It would be cool to create a separate menu where player can regulate level of customs duties (choose between protectionism and free trade) and information about customs posts. Their amount can proportionally influence to bonuses and debuffs percents. 

There will be two upgrades of the Customs building. The second one will not change the name, but will increases all bonuses and debuffs in 25%, but the cost will be 2 times more.


Edited by Reich

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Railways, Infrastructure and Supply Hubs like in HOI4

Supply Hubs gives Supply for Troops

Railway transports that Supply

Infrastructure does both


Depending on their levels they will also influence Troop speed


Edit: Was too excited and didn't read the entire Post


Building Group: Infrastructure 


Name: Infrastructure 


Cost: idk


Construction Time: 40 days


Maintenance Cost: idk


The name of the technology that unlocks this building:

Basic Construction


Little Supply and Troop speed




Building Group: Infrastructure 

Name: Supply Hub


Cost: idk


Construction Time: 50 days


Maintenance Cost: idk


The name of the technology that unlocks this building:


Basic Construction 2 (At start the only supply hub is the capital)



A lot of supply, which needs to be transfered by a railway




Building Group: Infrastructure 


Name: Railway


Cost: idk


Construction Time: 5 days per railway


Maintenance Cost: idk


The name of the technology that unlocks this building:

Basic Construction 



Transfers supply






Edited by Nemotastic

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Building Group: Economy

Name: Goldmine

Cost: 60 gold

Construction Time: 120 days

Maintenance Cost: 15 gold per month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Basic Economy

Bonuses: +15 gold -10 administration cost


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Building Group: Administration

Name: Early Hospital - Hospital - Modern Hospital

Cost: 100 Gold

Construction Time: 150 Days

Maintenance Cost: 1.0 Golds Per Month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: (Simple Medicine)

Bonuses: Reduces the number of people dying from diseases by half. (%50 Diseases Kill Rate)


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Building group: Military

Name: Strategy Center

Cost: 10 000 gold

Construction Time: 6 month

Maintenance cost: 1000 gold

Technology: The Plan For War


Level 1:

+10% to attack (for civ)

Level 2

+20% to attack and +5% to defence (for province)

Level 3

+25% to attack +10% to defence (for province) +5% to defence (for civ)

I know that it cost much but it give a lot

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Por favor lukas ponga esto


-Costo = 1050  $

-Tiempo de construcción = 60 días


-Estabilidad política osea con los paises = 10%

-Felicidad = 12%

-Mejoras rápidas en tecnologías = 6%

-Control territorial = -5


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This might be a bit gimmicky but hey why not

Building Group: Unique capital buildings

Name: War Monument

Cost: 80 gold

Construction Time: 180 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.1 gold per month

Required Techonology: Monument


  • Happiness: +2%
  • War support: +5%
Edited by setapdede

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Grupo de construcción: Militar


Nombre: Centros de reclutamiento 


Costo: 3000 de oro


Tiempo de construcción: 70 Días 


Costo de mantenimiento: 1000


El nombre de la tecnología que desbloquea este edificio: (Reclutamiento de Tropas)


Bonificaciones: +Reclutas que deberás de entrenar para convertirte en Ejército +7% de defensa +2% Experiencia militar

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Building Group:Unique Capital Building

Palace Building (The player names it after building it)

Cost: 310 gold

Construction: 120 days

Maintenance: 0.5 gold

Technology: Whichever group is for Unique buildings

Bonuses: -10% Admin Cost +9% Production +5% Yearly Happiness -5% Troop Costs +9 Troop Attack

-Can't be Ubgraded


Its supposed to be as a palace that country leaders rule from (White House, Forbidden City, Winter Palace etc, that's why you can make up your own name which will appear after built)

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1 hour ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Your ideas can become part of the game, in this topic we will write ideas for new buildings in Age of History 3.


The buildings will be grouped into four categories:

1. Administration

2. Military

3. Economy

4. Unique capital buildings - These powerful buildings provide bonuses for the local province or for all provinces of your Civilization or Civilization


All of the buildings can be upgraded, here is example:

Library -> University -> Academy

Each building costs differently and gives different bonuses.



This is what your building idea post should look like, example


Building Group: Administration

Name: Tax Office

Cost: 60 Gold

Construction Time: 90 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.2 gold per month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building (Optional)

And write here what bonuses this building provides. Example:


Local Tax Efficiency: +10%

Manpower per month: +25


The same goes for building upgrades.


The most important thing with new building ideas is to not stick to the old game, get creative and offer new bonuses not available in Age of History 2, and maybe new things and mechanics will be added to the game


Template for the post:


Building Group:



Construction Time:

Maintenance Cost: 

The name of the technology that unlocks this building:








Improved Docks (Docks LVL 2 - Could create ships)
Academy (School LVL 2)
Univerzity (School LVL 3)
Resident Building
Comecrial Building
Wheat Farms
Animal Farms

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Building Group: Economy

Name: L1 - Early Bank L2 - Modern Bank L3 Complex Bank

Cost: 150 Gold

Construction Time: 195 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.3 Gold Pr/Month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Banking System

Bonuses: L1 - 20 Gold Once every 3 Months L2 - 20 Gold Once Every 1.5 Months - L3 - 15 Gold Once every Month

Edited by Austrian empire

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Building Group: Military

Name: Tank Factory

Cost: 250 Gold

Construction Time: 40 Days

Maintenance Cost: 40 Gold

Bonuses: Ability to research and make Tanks

Technology Required: Armored Vehicles

Can be made only after: 1915

Edited by qwertyui

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Building Group: Economy

Era: 1700s - 2000s

Name: Railway

Cost: 600 gold

Construction Time: 1 Month

Maintenance Cost: 2.5 gold a month

Technology: Better Life or Coal Revolution or Better Economy or New Era


+50% Movement Poins
+50% Movment Speed in the Province {idk how will it works}
+50% Economy Grow in the Province

Edited by sonil_or_you

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Building Group: Military

Name: L1 - Simple Fort L2 - Reinforced Forts L3 - Fortress

Cost: 20 Gold

Construction Time: 25 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.2 Gold Pr/Month and 0.5 Gold Pr/Month (If at War)

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Early Fortification

Bonuses: L1 - Defence +5% L2 - Defence +10% L3 - Defence +15%

Edited by Austrian empire

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Building Group: Unique Capital Buildings

Era: After Year 0-1

Name: Church

Cost: 7500 Gold

Construction Time: 1 year and 5 months

Maintenance Cost: 15 gold a month

Technology: Adapting Religion


+70% Religius
-50% Warness
+30% Happines

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      Or maybe an idea for a new type of unit with upgrades? I'm waiting for your suggestions.

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