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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Age of History 3 - Buildings ideas

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Building Group: Military






Construction Duration: 50 turns


Maintenance cost: 35 per month


Name of the technology that unlocks this building: Basic military


Bonuses: Increase military power by 15%

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unique hospital
level 1
recommended stove
population growth +15
death rate from diseases -1
cost 500 gold
goes 1 gold
level 2
small hospital
population growth +20
death rate from diseases -5
cost 1000 gold
goes 20 gold
level 3
big hospital
population growth +45
death rate from diseases -45
cost 7000 gold
goes 65 gold

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21 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Your ideas can become part of the game, in this topic we will write ideas for new buildings in Age of History 3.


The buildings will be grouped into four categories:

1. Administration

2. Military

3. Economy

4. Unique capital buildings - These powerful buildings provide bonuses for the local province or for all provinces of your Civilization or Civilization


All of the buildings can be upgraded, here is example:

Library -> University -> Academy

Each building costs differently and gives different bonuses.



This is what your building idea post should look like, example


Building Group: Administration

Name: Tax Office

Cost: 60 Gold

Construction Time: 90 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.2 gold per month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building (Optional)

And write here what bonuses this building provides. Example:


Local Tax Efficiency: +10%

Manpower per month: +25


The same goes for building upgrades.


The most important thing with new building ideas is to not stick to the old game, get creative and offer new bonuses not available in Age of History 2, and maybe new things and mechanics will be added to the game


Template for the post:


Building Group:



Construction Time:

Maintenance Cost: 

The name of the technology that unlocks this building:






Idea: you should add cultures for example one culture should have bonuses and drawbacks also player should be able to modify this culture 



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Mi idea es crear un edificio que esté ubicado en la capital y que cuando lo pierda ante un enemigo no puedas hacer ciertas acciones como aumentar las relaciones entre otro país, no poder formar alianzas o uniones, no poder llamar a tus aliados, etc. edificio tendría dos variantes (sin niveles), una sería la Oficial y la otra la provisional que serviría en caso de que hayas perdido la oficial.

Grupo de construcción: edificios capitales únicos

Nombre: Centro de Asuntos Exteriores

Costo: 10.000

Tiempo de construcción: 70 días

Costo de mantenimiento: 25-50 por mes

El nombre de la tecnología que desbloquea este edificio: Foreign Affairs

Bonificaciones: -

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Since I do not know the gold system in the game, I cannot write the monthly cost and amount.
Building Group:Unique capital buildings
Name: Kaaba
The amount (entry fee) that Muslim citizens pay to come here depends on the player's choice, but if this preference is too high, the countries with majority Muslim citizens will have a bad opinion of your country. These entrance fees also generate additional income.
Number of people you can recruit in the surrounding army (depending on the country's government and the year you play) +5%-20%
+ or - relationship in Muslim-majority countries depending on fee
Taxation increase in the region

If there are structures of other religions with the same logic, you can do it. I wrote the Kaaba because I do not know any other examples and I am a Muslim.

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Ideas of me and my frends


Building Group:military


Name: lvl1 tunnels 


Cost:50 gold


Construction Time:30 days


Maintenance Cost: 0.1 gold


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: digging 


Bonuses +5 defence


Name: lvl2 underground shelter 


Cost:60 gold


Construction Time:60 days


Maintenance Cost: 0.3


The name of the technology that unlocks this building:digging


Bonuses +10 defence


Name:lvl3 underground tunnels 


Cost:165 gold


Construction Time:120 days


Maintenance Cost: 180


The name of the technology that unlocks this building:digging



+20 defence 

+20 army speed


Building Group:economy

Name:donation office 

Cost:50 gold

Construction Time:30 days

Maintenance Cost: 2 gold

The name of the technology that unlocks this building:institutions 

Bonuses+10 popilaton grow


Name:child care office

Cost:90 gold

Construction Time:60 days

Maintenance Cost:5 

The name of the technology that unlocks this building:foundations 

Bonuses+50 popilation grow


Name:child support office 

Cost:120 gold

Construction Time:90 days

Maintenance Cost: 15gold

The name of the technology that unlocks this building:foundations 


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Building Group: Unique Capital Building


Name: National Government Building (Level 1/2/3)


Cost: 1000/2000/4000 Gold


Construction Time: 6/9/12 Months


Maintenance Cost: 100/150/250 Gold


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Centralization



If Government Type is Republic - +9%/+18%/+27% National Happiness

If Government Type is Democracy - +0.1%/+0.2%/+0.4% National Human Development

If Government Type is Theocracy - +25%/+30%/+45% National Religion Spread

If Government Type is Autocracy - +10%/+12%/+15% National Stability

If Government Type is Technocracy - +15%/+20%/+30% National Technology Research Speed

If Government Type is Fascism - +10%/+25%/+40% National Army Training Efficiency

If Government Type is Anarchy - None

If Government Type is Monarchy - +6%/+12%/+18% National Diplomacy Points Generation

If Government Type is Oligarchy - +12%/+14%/+16% National Trade Gold Generation

If Government Type is Plutocracy - +10%/+15%/+25% National Taxation Gold Generation

If Government Type is Tyranny - +8%/+16%/+24% National Movement Points Generation

If Government Type is Totalitarian - -8%/-16%/-24% National Administration Cost

If Government Type is Federation - +12%/+16%/+20% National Economic Growth

If Government Type is Communism - +8%/+10%/+12% National Supply

If Government Type is Junta - -10%/-15%/-20% National Military Upkeep

If Government Type is Dictatorship- -5%/-10%/-15% National Building Maintenance Cost


A Unique Capital Building that is only buildable in the capital city of your nation. If you move the capital city, or it got annexed by another nation (or you annexed another nation's capital) the building will be automatically destroyed. When the capital is occupied by another nation, the bonuses it provides will no longer be available (including to the country occupying it) but it is not yet destroyed, unless the occupier decides to destroy it. If your government type is Anarchy, you can't build it as your nation doesn't have a capital city.

Edited by ZILONG6969

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Name:nuclear fusion reactor

cost:1500 gold

construction:150 days

maintenance cost:0.10 gold

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: use of nuclear energy

and write here the bonuses provided by this building: soldiers will be able to travel longer distances with less energy in a certain area


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Building Group:  economy

name: textile factory

cost: 30000

Construction Time: 7 weeks

Maintenance Cost: 10 of gold per-week

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: steam engine

Bonuses: 150 gold per-week


-if your contry are at war the factory can have a chance of 25% of close (destroyed or bankrupt)



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23 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Building Group: Economy building


Cost: 50K

Construction Time: 5rounds

Maintenance Cost: 1k per round

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: economical technology

Bonuses: Reduces one-time unemployment by 1%, increases state revenue by 10%


i think this is a great ideo,think about it

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22 saat önce Nitra şunları söyledi:

Yapı grubu: Askeri/Ekonomi

adı: yük treni

Fiyat: 2000 (her seviyede 5000 artar)

Maliyet: Günde 0,5 altın ve 0,2 yakıt

Etkisi ve misyonu: Ticaret ve günlük kazanılan altın artacak (yola bağlı olarak) Askerlerin ihtiyaçları daha hızlı karşılanacak (sürekli saldırılarda faydalı) İş kurduğunuz ülke ile ilişkiler gelişecek.

İstenilen Teknoloji: Altyapı Uzmanlığı


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Building Group: Economy

Name: Natural gas and oil extraction facility

Cost: Idk but it can be expensive

Construction Time: 5 months

Maintenance cost: Idk

Bonuses: If there is such a facility in your country, the economy will develop very quickly.

For example, for oil, any Middle Eastern country or Russia have oil regions. Or We can drill for natural gas in any sea

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Sarebbe bello se potessi scegliere la modalità di guerra, come la guerra di trincea o la guerra lampo. ovviamente se sceglierai l'uno o l'altro avrai dei bonus o delle penalità. come se usi la guerra di trincea, ma nella seconda guerra mondiale avrai delle penalità. sarebbe fantastico anche usare aerei, navi, carri armati, perfino bombe atomiche (solo dal '45 in poi ovviamente) e se le usassi in modo offensivo, molto probabilmente molti paesi ti dichiarerebbero guerra, oppure i tuoi alleati non la vedrebbero bene. un'altra idea sarebbe l'economia: gasolio legno ferro tungsteno ecc. ecc. finalmente rendere l'intelligenza artificiale più intelligente. puoi anche fare una cosa su HOI4: la seconda (e prima) guerra mondiale segue gli eventi storici.


Spero di averti dato tante idee per il tuo fantastico gioco, lavoraci sopra tutto il tempo che ti serve, non essere frettoloso. buona fortuna amico🙂


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Level 1
Construction group:Administration



Construction time: 90 days

Maintenance cost: 10 gold per month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: railways

Bonuses:-5% Administration

Level 2

Name:Level 2 trains (or whatever name you want)


Construction Time:100 days

Maintenance Cost: 25 gold per month

Bonuses:-10% administration

Level 3

Name: level 3 trains (or whatever you want)


Construction Time:120 days

Maintenance Cost: 50 gold per month

Bonuses:- 20% Administration

Level 4

Name:Level 4 trains (or whatever you want)


Construction Time:150 days

Maintenance Cost: 75 gold per month

Bonuses:-30% Administration

Level 5

Name: Level 5 trains (or whatever you want)


Construction Time:160 days

Maintenance Cost: 100 gold per month

Bonuses:-40% Administration

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Sarebbe bello se potessi scegliere la modalità di guerra, come la guerra di trincea o la guerra lampo. ovviamente se sceglierai l'uno o l'altro avrai dei bonus o delle penalità. come se usi la guerra di trincea, ma nella seconda guerra mondiale avrai delle penalità. sarebbe fantastico anche usare aerei, navi, carri armati, perfino bombe atomiche (solo dal '45 in poi ovviamente) e se le usassi in modo offensivo, molto probabilmente molti paesi ti dichiarerebbero guerra, oppure i tuoi alleati non la vedrebbero bene. un'altra idea sarebbe l'economia: gasolio legno ferro tungsteno ecc. ecc. finalmente rendere l'intelligenza artificiale più intelligente. puoi anche fare una cosa su HOI4: la seconda (e prima) guerra mondiale segue gli eventi storici.


Spero di averti dato tante idee per il tuo fantastico gioco, lavoraci sopra tutto il tempo che ti serve, non essere frettoloso. buona fortuna amico🙂

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19 hours ago, 桑榆不是鱼 said:

Building Group: Unique capital buildings



Construction Time:5-years

Maintenance Cost: 0.5

The name of the technology that unlocks this building:

Nation:Han culture,chosen culture only.

Bonuses: 200% bonus to the number of defenders, 50% bonus to defensive battles, and adjacent tiles cannot be looted. Before the enemy captured the fortress, they could only retreat to their original positions and could not cross it.

Age:Can only be built in a limited area before the Industrial Age. It was not possible to build a new building after the Industrial Age, but the original building remained. The bonus is reduced to 10% while increasing local production income by 10%.


Building Group:Millitary

Name:Nuclear bomb launch bases


Construction Time:1year

Maintenance Cost: 500

The name of the technology that unlocks this building:

Nuclear reaction technology

Missile technology


Attacks can be carried out with nuclear bombs, and the range is centered around the base. It is divided into short-range missiles, medium-range missiles, and intercontinental missiles, and it is necessary to develop different missile technologies to upgrade the base and increase the range.

Think, that better don't make new buildings for every local building in history, better customize standart buildings, reskin them and add more bonuses

Example: At the start of game, provs with Great Wall will have fortresses/bunkers, skin of Great Wall and some buffes like more happy, patriotic and e.t.c. 

But your idea is very good, should say!

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Building Group: economy 




Level 1




Name: Artisan Guild




Cost: 45 Gold




Construction Time: 120 Days




Maintenance Cost: 0,2




The name of the technology that unlocks this building: - medieval economy 








Economy growth +10%




Tax revenue +5%


Level 2




Name:  Manufactory




Cost: 140 Gold




Construction Time: 150 Days




Maintenance Cost: 0,5




The name of the technology that unlocks this building: - early specialization








Economic growth +20%


Tax revenue +10%


Level 3




Name: Factory




Cost: 440 Gold




Construction Time: 180 Days




Maintenance Cost: 0.8 gold per month




The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Industrial revolution 





Population growth +5%


Economic growth +30%


Tax revenue +15%



Level 4




Name: Industrial district




Cost: 1000 Gold




Construction Time: 400 Days




Maintenance Cost: 0.9 gold per month




The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Industry concentration 




Economic growth +40%


Tax revenue +20%


Population growth +10%

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Construction group: economic
Name: Central Bank
Cost: 150 gold
Construction Time: 120 Days
Maintenance: 20.0 gold per month
technology to be released: state efficiency
+20% gold gains
+40% in tax collection
+15% state control

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Building Group: Administration

Name: Hospital

Cost: 5000 gold

Construction Time: 45 days

Maintenance Cost: 0.5 gold per month/turn

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Advanced Healthcare

Bonuses: -15% disease death rate in the province

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Building Group:



Nuclear Reactor


5.000-10.000 gold

Construction Time:

180 days

Maintenance Cost: 

5.0 - 7.5 per day

The name of the technology that unlocks this building:

Atomic research


0.5 gold (in the same time as the maintenance cost)

Economy bonus in bordering provinces

Research bonus

Maybe Atomic weapons development?

(1 nuclear reactor = 0,25 nuclear bomb per month)

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Building Group: Economy/Military

Name: Railroad ---> Ballasted Railroad (can be upgraded to "High Speed Rail" if you have highly advanced tech and modern locomotives) 

Cost: Depends on the terrain, but 100 gold for Plains/Prairies, and 300-400 gold if building through steep hills or mountains for example.  Upgrading to Ballasted Rails would double costs. 

Construction Time: 3 days minimum (can increase depending on terrain, like mountains could cost 6 days). This could also depend on how large a province is as well, so building a railroad through Siberia could take forever and can cost a heavy chunk of change. 

Maintenance Cost: 50 gold minimum (also dependent on terrain, so mountain provinces would require around 70-100 gold, think of rock slides or tunnel collapse). Upgrading to Ballasted Rails also ups the maintenance by 40% 

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Early Steam Engines (early locomotives) for basic railroads, and Improved Steam Engines (more conventional/typical steam engines, which is the upgraded form of Early Steam Engines) for Ballasted Rails. 

Bonuses: The required time to transport troops across provinces is cut by 25%, and increases the economy of a province by 15%. Ballasted Track improves transport time of troops by 55%, and greatly improves the overall economy by 30%. If a rail line connects to a port, all connected provinces by either type of rail line can improve the economy drastically. If a railroad connects to another nation's railway, then trade costs go down when trading with that nation (like materials, ores, textiles, or other things) 

This could be especially viable for transporting troops across rivers with bridges, allowing for a quick travel method. 

I would want it to be somehow era specific as well. If a nation doesn't have a railway in the modern day, it wouldn't make sense for them to have primitive steam engines from the 1800s. 

Since I am a railroad nerd, my real wish is to be able to edit the overall "route" of a railroad by sort of "drawing" on the map in a railroad connections editor of sorts. Not sure how it would work on mobile. 
Also, you could have the choice to abandon unnecessary routes in a province that aren't viable any more, like real life. 

Edited by Vexodym

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