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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Age of History 3 - Buildings ideas

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Building Group: Economy

Name: Oil/Gas Wells

Cost: 50000 Golds

Construction Time: 5 turns (or another mechanic that you would implement)

Maintenance Cost: 10 gold/month (or turns)

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: (Depending on location) Oil or Gas related technology

Bonuses: It can generate around 100 ~ 10000 golds per turn depending on the location and/or the level. Oil/Gas Wells can only be upgraded depending on the Oil/Gas levels. Example: If it’s low, it can’t be upgraded to level 2; On the other hand, if it’s high, it can be upgraded up to level 6.Other countries can build their own or buy your oil wells if you give permission to them.

Happiness (in location): -0.2% ~ -1% per 10 turns (Depending on the country)

Administration: -0.001% per turn



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Bina Grubu: Yönetim

İlan: Adalet Sarayı

Maliyet: 80 Altın

İnşaat Süresi: 120 Gün

Bakım Maliyeti: Aylık 0,3 altın

Kilidini Açan Teknoloji: Hukuk Sistemi Gelişimi


  • Halk Memnuniyeti Artışı: +%15
  • Hukuksal İstikrar: İç isyan olasılığı -20%
  • Dış İlişkilerde Güvenilirlik: +%10

Bina Grubu: Askeri

İlan: Topçu Kışlası

Maliyet: 100 Altın

İnşaat Süresi: 150 Gün

Bakım Maliyeti: Aylık 0,4 altın

Kilidini Açan Teknoloji: Top Teknolojisi


  • Topçu Birliklerinin Etkinliği: +%15
  • En Yüksek Üretim Hızı: +%20
  • Topçu Birliklerinin Hareket Hızı: +%10

Bina Grubu: Ekonomi

İlan: Tüccar Loncası

Maliyet: 70 Altın

İnşaat Süresi: 100 Gün

Bakım Maliyeti: Aylık 0,2 altın

Kilidini Açan Teknoloji: Deniz Ticareti Gelişimi


  • Ticaret Geliri Artışı: +%20
  • Dış Ticaret Hacmi: +%15
  • Malzeme İthalat Maliyeti: -10%

Bina Grubu: benzersiz başkent binaları

İlan: İmparatorluk Sarayı

Maliyet: 200 Altın

İnşaat Süresi: 180 Gün

Bakım Maliyeti: Aylık 1 altın

Kilidini Açan Teknoloji: Merkezi Yönetim İlkesi


  • Tüm Eyaletlerde Halk Memnuniyeti: +%10
  • Gelir Vergisi Verimliliği: +%10
  • Askeri Üretim Hızı: +%15

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Avusturya imparatorluğu 04.11.2023 saat 22:47'de şunları söyledi:

Yapı Grubu: askeri

Adı: nükleer olarak

Maliyet: 10000 altın

İnşaat Süresi: 1 yıl

Bakım Maliyeti: 1000 altın 

Bu binanın anahtarının değişebileceği teknolojinin adı: nükleer

Bonuslar: +500 ordu gücü


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building group:military

name: military school

cost:70 gold

construction time:80 days

Monthly maintenance cost: 0.3 gold

Name of the technology that unlocks the building: education (other education locations cannot be opened without this lock being unlocked)

Bonuses: Each soldier deals 10% more damage, soldiers move 15% faster

Skilled generals' spawn chance increases by 10%


(The Military Academy can only be upgraded 5 times, and with each upgrade the damage score increases by 2%, movement score increases by 1%, the probability of a skilled general appearing increases by 1%, and with each upgrade the required cost will increase by 1.5 times, and with each upgrade the monthly Cost increases by 0.1 .)

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Grupo de construção:Militar




Nome: Muralha Defensiva (tipo linha maginot)




Custo: 100 ouros




Tempo de construção: 6 meses




Custo de manutenção: 30-40 ouros




O nome da tecnologia que desbloqueia este edifício:


Linha defensiva 




+75% de Defesa


+20% de ataque




Versão única 

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Building Group:Administration


Name: church(It will have different names depending on the religion, for example,if a nation believes in Islam it will be called mosque, not church.)


Cost:1000 gold


Construction Time:730 days


Maintenance Cost: 0.5 gold per month 


Bonuses: happiness:+10%(if after 1800,then 0%,and if it will be built after 2000,then happiness will be changed by -5%.If Islamic,Hindu or Jewish then it won't change,if orthodox then after 1800 it will be +5%,if after 2000 there will be no changes )

religiousness:+40%(if after 1800,then +20%,if after 2000 then +10%.If Islamic,Hindu or Jewish,then there will be no changes,if orthodox then after 1800 it will be +30%,if after 2000 it will be +20%, also communist nations can't build churches)

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Bu sorun ne olursa olsun oyuna Hoi4'teki gibi bir odak ağacı sisteminin eklenmesi gerekiyor, aksi halde oyunun ömrünün çok uzun olacağını düşünmüyorum.

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Будівельна група: Військова

Найменування: Державна військова частина

Вартість: 135 золотих

Термін будівництва: 100 днів

Вартість послуги: 1,8 золота в місяць

Назва технології, яка відкриває цю будівлю: бойові бонуси

Бонуси: Це залежатиме від їх розташування на місцевості. Казарми, розташовані в горах і пагорбах, дадуть бонуси солдатам у боях у горах і створять гірську піхоту; у прибережних районах казарми дадуть бонус у боях на морі, низинах, тундрі, саванах і пустелях і створять морську піхоту; казарми, розташовані на луках і степах, дадуть бонуси в боях там і створять кінну піхоту; казарми в лісах, джунглях, болотах, тайзі - бойові бонуси створять там мисливську бригаду; казарми в містах і селах - дадуть бонуси в боях в місті і створять охорону.

Ефективність місцевих податків: +1%

Кількість робочих місць на місяць: +30

Наступальні операції: +15%

Захист: +20%

Можливість повстання, повстання (при стабільній армії зарплати): -35%

(Можна трохи змінити бонуси за наступальні операції і захист для кожного з родів військ, я написав приблизні відсотки)

Блокпост>Військове містечко->Казарми->Державна військова частина

1. Блокпост
Вартість: 15 золотих
Період будівництва: 3 дні
Плата за обслуговування: 0,1 золота на місяць
Ефективність місцевих податків: +3%
Робоча сила на місяць: +10
Наступальні операції: +1%
Захист: +6%
Можливість повстання, заколоту : -15%

2. Військові табори
Вартість: 45 золотих
Період будівництва: 15 днів
Плата за обслуговування: 0,4 золота на місяць
Ефективність місцевих податків: +2%
Робоча сила на місяць: +15
Наступальні операції: +7%
Захист: +10%
Можливість повстання, заколот: -15%

3. Казарми
Вартість: 90 золотих
Період будівництва: 45 днів
Ефективність місцевих податків: +1,5%
Вартість обслуговування: 0,8 золота на місяць
Робоча сила на місяць: +20
Наступальні операції: +10%
Захист: +15%
Можливість повстання, заколоту : -25%

Гарного дня та успіхів у розвитку Лукаша!)

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Building Group: Economy

  • Name: Bridge
  • Cost: 50 * width of river in 1x scale pixels  gold
  • Construction Time: 1 day * width of river in 1x scale pixels
  • Maintenance: 0.2 gold per month per pixel
  • Technology: Bridge building
  • Bonuses:
    • Creates a passage between two provinces, separated by a river or a water canal
    • +5% to industry income in both provinces
    • -3% administrative spending in both provinces

This building creates a passage between two provinces, separated by a river or a canal or a sea or an ocean. It is much more viable to build on smaller overpasses, obviously, as the cost noticeably decreases and the benefits are more noticeable.
To mark the bridge ends and fairly calculate its length, the player would need to draw it with two points, the line between them that does not intersect with any provinces would be the bridge.
Those need both sides of the passage to be controlled.


Building Group: Military

  • Name:  Temporary Bridge
  • Cost: 10 * width of river in 1x scale pixels  gold
  • Construction Time: 0.05 day * width of river in 1x scale pixels
  • Maintenance: 30 gold per month per pixel
  • Technology: Military engineering AND bridge building
  • Bonuses:
    • Creates a passage between two provinces, separated by a river or a water canal

This building also creates a passage between two provinces, separated by a river or a canal or a sea or an ocean. It is also much more viable to build on smaller overpasses, obviously, as the cost noticeably decreases.
To mark the bridge ends and fairly calculate its length, the player would need to draw it with two points, the line between them that does not intersect with any provinces would be the bridge.

To keep it fair and balanced, military bridges would act as a separate province which could be captured and walked across. They can be destroyed at any time by the country that owns them, for example to cover its retreat.
Those only need one side of the passage to be controlled.

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On 11/4/2023 at 6:15 PM, AxCfore said:

Pls add a building to recruit general to boost our division and the more we upgrade it the more out general is powerfull and also it would be usefull if we could recruit ships like light ships, medium...naval dominance would completely change the game and also i would like the naval army Can Weaken the troops in coastal province 


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Building Group: Religious

Name: Place of Worship

Cost: 50-200

Construction Time: 25-45 Days

Maintenance Cost: 1,5 per month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Religious influence (I couldn't find a good title here)

Bonuses: Manpower in the state will increase by 10 percent and 25 percent more gold revenue (It will receive bonuses according to the religions in the game. For example, in wars or important battles for religion, places with this structure will give more income and manpower.)

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Building Group: - ECONOMY💰


Name: - BANK🏦


Cost: - I don't know which is the mean of cost, but is the most expensive. (200 moneys, in consideration with the other ideas)💸


Construction Time: - 15 WEEKS🕰️


Maintenance Cost: 5 bureaucracy  points, and 6 moneys per year.✒️


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: - ¨Mercantilism or stock exchange.¨💎


Bonuses: - A building where the player can subsidize loans for the population, in addition to serving as an investment, as the money stopped will not create inflation, and will be used as fuel. (1%-20% de lucro por ano, sobre o capital inserido na instituição.
5% de crescimento econômico.)🤑


This edification opens unique investment windows, such as real estate investment events, stock market values, etc...(There is a possibility of an economic crash if a very large amount is deposited in these events (1%-2% risk)💱

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Building Group: Militairy

Name: Stall

Cost: 50 Gold

Construction Time: 10 Days

Maintenance Cost: 1 gold per month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Cavalry

Can recruit cavalry.

Stats of Normal cavalry:
   Unit speed: 2 Tiles per month(TPM for short)
   Attack: +40% Attack bonus
   Defense: -60% Defense bonus
   Morale: -2% Sadness per battle (Sadness per battle is by default -5% and if it is - then it decreases the sadness and if + it increases)
National Sanity +2% (Decreases death rate since people are not k*****g themselves

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bina grubu:askeri

isim: askeri okul

maliyet:70 altın

inşaat süresi:80 gün

Aylık bakım maliyeti: 0,3 altın

Binanın kilidini açan teknolojinin adı: eğitim (bu kilit açılmadan diğer eğitim yerleri açılamaz)

Bonuslar: Her asker %10 daha fazla hasar verir, askerler %15 daha hızlı hareket eder

Yetenekli generallerin ortaya çıkma şansı %10 artar


(Harp Akademisi yalnızca 5 kez yükseltilebilir ve her yükseltmede hasar puanı %2 artar, hareket puanı %1 artar, yetenekli bir generalin ortaya çıkma olasılığı %1 artar ve her yükseltmede gerekli maliyet artar 1,5 kat artar ve her yükseltmede aylık Maliyet 0,1 artar.)

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Structure Group: Military

Name: Railway

Cost: 500 Gold

Construction Duration: 22 Days

Maintenance Cost: 50

Name of the technology that unlocks this building: 1.2

Bonuses: Can be built as a road between several cities and requires fuel.

Army speed +45%

Economic growth +5%.

Building Group: economy

Name: Oil and well

Cost: 5000 Gold

Construction Duration: 22 Days

Maintenance Cost: 500

Name of the technology that unlocks this building: 1.2

Bonuses: Certain areas will have a lot of fat and the amount removed will vary accordingly. It can be used as fuel in devices such as trains. It can be purchased.

Army speed -

Economic growth: (will vary depending on the number of wells and oil reserves.)

Name: Straits Fortress

Cost: 500 Gold

Construction Duration: 22 Days

Maintenance Cost: 50

Name of the technology that unlocks this building: 1.2

Bonuses: It prevents or allows armies to pass through the straits and collects taxes on the passing army.

Army speed -

Economic growth +5%.

Structure Group: economy and military
Edited by EmoAbi133213

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Building Group: - ECONOMY💰




Name: - BANK🏦




Cost: - I don't know which is the mean of cost, but is the most expensive. (200 moneys, in consideration with the other ideas)💸




Construction Time: - 15 WEEKS🕰️




Maintenance Cost: 5 bureaucracy  points, and 6 moneys per year.✒️




The name of the technology that unlocks this building: - ¨Mercantilism or stock exchange.¨💎




Bonuses: - A building where the player can subsidize loans for the population, in addition to serving as an investment, as the money stopped will not create inflation, and will be used as fuel. (1%-20% de lucro por ano, sobre o capital inserido na instituição.

5% de crescimento econômico.)🤑




This edification opens unique investment windows, such as real estate investment events, stock market values, etc...(There is a possibility of an economic crash if a very large amount is deposited in

these events (1%-2% risk)💱


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Are Unique capital buildings like unique for every country, or just unique for capital city? I mean is this something special like Eiffel Tower for Paris/France or just building special for capital but available for every country?

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Building Group: Economy

Name: Cattle Farm>>>Cattle Ranch>>>Homestead>>>Cattle Station>>>Advanced Cattle Station

Cost: 15>>>30>>>45>>>60>>>80 Gold each level

Construction Time: Each level 30 days

Maintenance Cost: Each level 0.2 Gold

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Cattle farming (Cattle farm, Cattle ranch)>>>Cattle Communities (Homestead, Cattle Station)>>>Advanced Cattle Communities (Advanced Cattle Station), Side technology: Touristic Homesteads

Bonuses: +4% Population growth to 1 province,  +4% Economy earnings from 1 province

When player has unlocked Touristic Homesteads technology all Cattle stations that have at least 3 level (Homesteads) have bonus +30% touristic income bonus.

All Levels of cattle stations earn +50% bonus to all stats when are on Savanna, Steppes or Arid terrain types

They are only population growth boosting building on Savannas, steppes and arid terrains

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 just building special for capital but available for every country

5 hours ago, Dadi39 said:

Are Unique capital buildings like unique for every country, or just unique for capital city? I mean is this something special like Eiffel Tower for Paris/France or just building special for capital but available for every country?


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Construction Group: Military

Name: L1 = Trench, L2 = Trenches, L3 = Tunnel Rat

Cost: L1 = 4 Golds, L2 = 8 Golds, L3 = 30 Golds

Construction Time: L1 and L2 = 7 Days, L3 = 14 Days

Maintenance Cost: L1 = 0 per month, 0.1 per month (If at war) L2 = 0 per month, 0.15 per month (If at war) L3 =  0.1 per month, 0.3 per month (If at war)

Technology: Strategic use of territory

Only on Terrain: Plan

L1 Bonuses: Defence against infantry +8% and Defence against Planes +2% and Defence against Tanks +2%

L2 Bonuses: Defence against infantry +15% and Defence against Planes +3% and Defence against Tanks +3%

L3 Bonuses: Defence against infantry +35% and Defence against Planes +7.5% and Defence against Tanks +7.5%

Edited by Skull

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Nuclear bomb Sanctions Revolutions for new governments Navy Normal Bomb Events 7-9 Thousand Provinces More Formable Civilizations Capitulation Union of countries that already happen (Example Poland +Lithuania=Republic of the two nations) 35 Ideologies

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      Here is the current list of units with upgrades:

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      This is a very early version, so maybe something should be changed?

      Or maybe an idea for a new type of unit with upgrades? I'm waiting for your suggestions.

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