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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Age of History 3 - Buildings ideas

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Building Group: Military

Era: 1910 - Post-imperialism, pre-conflict era

Name: Trench

Cost: 750 Gold

Construction Time: Instant - 15 days - 1 month - 5 months  (Province size, population, natural relief, biome and stability.)

Maintenance Cost: 0,1 gold a month

Technology: Advanced Underground Fortification


+15% Defense

+ 26% Atack


unoccupied province:

+30% Army maintenance

-7% Moral

-0,1% Units per month

+25% Field-trenches diseases

Occupied province:

+36% Army maintenance

-14% moral

-0,5% Units per month

+32% Field-trenches diseases


 They are large excavations that are used for the defense of a province, they are generally dirty and are usually infested with rats, which reduces the morale of the troops. but it strengthens the defense of an occupied or native province.

Destruction button: When the battle is imminently lost, you can destroy the trench before the enemy army manages to control them.

|||||||||||||||||||||||||• ↑↑↑LV 2

Building Group: Military

Era: 1917 - Confict Era

Name: Advanced trench fortification (LV2)

Cost: 1,450 Gold

Construction Times:  5 months - 10 months  (Province size, population, natural relief, biome and stability.)

Maintenance Cost: 0,5 gold a month

Technology: Advanced Excavation Machinery


+21% Defense

+ 34% Atack


unoccupied province:

+23% Army maintenance

-2% moral

-0,01% units per month

+14% Field-trenches diseases

Occupied province:

+28% army maintenance

-5% Moral

-0,2% Units per month

+19% Field-trenches diseases


a trench that, unlike the common ones, was not made instantly by a massive amount of population with the intention of defending a province in danger, but rather was made more slowly but hastily.


Reinforced Trench Network: Level 3

| - Research: Terrestrial Camouflage System.

| Cost 2,121 gold

| Maintenance Cost: 0,8 gold

| Bonuses: +36% Defense,  +31% Atack

|Penalty: +17% Army maintenance, -1% moral, -0,01% units per month, +8% Field-trenches diseases

Strategic Defense Complex: Level 4

| - Research: Heavy Weaponry and Advanced Communication Systems.

| Cost 2,921 gold

| Maintenance Cost: 1,1 gold

| Bonuses: +42% Defense,  +38% Atack,  +1% moral.

|Penalty: +13% Army maintenance, +4% Field-trenches diseases

Integrated Fortification System: Level 5

| - Research: Environmental adaptation defenses

| Maintenance Cost: 1,8 gold

| Bonuses: +48% Defense,  +42% Atack,  +4% moral.

|Penalty: +9% Army maintenance.


Building Group: Administration 

Era: Age of civilizations 

Name: Foreign issuing office.

Cost: 159 Gold

Construction Time:  7 months - 9 months

Maintenance Cost: 0,9 gold a month

Technology: Control of distant lands


+22% Administration 

+ 19% Stability

Allows you to colonize lands on the native continent.

|||||||||||||||||||||||||• ↑↑↑LV 2

Building Group: Administration 

Era: Era of expansion (Or maybe for all era)

Name: Colony Administration Office

Cost: 820 Gold

Construction Time: 9 months - 1 Year and 2 months

Maintenance Cost: 1,5 gold a month

Technology: Colonialism 


+32% distant administration

+25% Stability of the colonial empire

Special Features:

implementation of colonial policies such as: Indian Rights (Spain), elimination of Indian ethnic groups (England), Participation in forced slavery in the colonies (Portugal), Intense exploitation of resources (France), Racial Separation (Germany, France) , Forced resource colony (Italy), discriminated slavery (Belgium), Population 1 to 100 Texas (USA).

implementation of sabotage such as: Sending mercenaries, privateers or pirates to intercept economic ships of a country (England), promoting hatred and rebellion in the colonial region (United Kingdom), support for independence (Spain, France).

colonization selection implementation: Select several provinces to colonize for a specific period of time, the time can be reduced by increasing the colonial budget or investing in the colony administration office.

implementation of colonial trade such as: East Indian trade, West Indian trade, Indian trade, Chinese trade. possibly a colonial black market that sells a colony's resources cheaper than the original cost.

possibility of creating a commonwealt if the necessary time passes, example: you colonized America in 1700, the commonwealt creation bar will fill little by little until it is full in 1960, where you will be able to liberate Nations that, despite being independent, will be governed For the country, of course, you will have to maintain an entire colony for two centuries to be able to carry out this process, possibly being a special achievement, and could even allow the achievement of steam: "Spain forever" if you manage to maintain the viceroyalties of America. Speaking of viceroyalties, it is a great possibility that Spain could create viceroyalties, which would be a variation of a colony, although it is practically the same.

You can implement conferences, such as the Berlin conference, in which Africa was divided up, although it would be a bit complex, this would allow the lands to be colonized more quickly or avoid strange borders.

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Add plantation in colony , that make you able to change the resource from a basic one to something else you can choose ( spice , sugarcane , coffee, cacao , dye , even silk ) and could we have trade post that increases the revenue of a resource 


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There are a number of proposals based on buildings seen in the alpha (I apologize for possible repetitions and inaccuracies). The recording format implies the idea of modernization, and therefore I invite those who are not indifferent to my idea to offer their own version with a balance of the following buildings and the technologies needed for them.

1. An industrial version of buildings tied to resources in the province. In the alpha presentation, you can see that if you have the resource, special buildings such as “coffee plantation” are available. I thought that in an area with 18th-20th century technological levels, industrial improvements should be introduced for such buildings. Examples:

Iron Mine --- Steel Mill; Sawmill --- Woodworking plant; Cereal field --- Distillery; (I also noticed that in alpha some provinces produce not natural resources, but basic goods such as glass or paper) Paper production --- Printing house; Glassblowing workshop --- Porcelain production etc.

2. About "Power plant". It would be nice if this building had special options for the terrain (obviously, with additional bonuses). For example, a geothermal power plant in the mountains; coal station in the province with coal, etc.

3. This is of course the height of arrogance, but what about buildings with restrictions on ideology? "House of Soviets" for communists, which enhances the negative and positive effects of low or high taxes. "Collective farm"/"Worker cooperative", which gives a positive percentage of production if there is a building for a local resource; um...Friendship Camp (self-censorship) for fascists, which, at the cost of growth rate, greatly reduces discontent in the provinces and slightly increases production. Sad but realistic; It can be done so that for monarchists/democrats (bourgeois)/fascists/communists there will be corresponding analogues of military buildings of the "gendarmerie/police station/secret police department/people's militia department". Differences in maintenance costs and efficiency are expected. The cheapest are among the communists, since the police are actually a militia, and the most effective are among the fascists due to unlimited terror; For bourgeois democracies, you can introduce the capital building "Central Exchange", which gives a bonus to taxes and every year (for example) provokes an event with different predetermined outcomes. From a complete collapse of the stock market, but economic prosperity based on a financial bubble that has not yet burst; For monarchies, you can add the expensive capital building "His Majesty's Palace", which makes it easier to improve relations with other countries with a monarchy and the same religion.

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Building Group: military


Name: Radar


Cost: 600 Gold


Construction Time: 8 months and 12 Days


Maintenance Cost: 0.4 gold per month

Technology: advanced detection system


detects nuclear bombs threat

Detects bombers and enemies planes.

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Building name: Spy Headquarters (HQ)

Building category: Military

Building cost: 10,000-20,000

Maintenance cost: probably between 1000 gold a turn or something like that I'm not too sure


Specific bonuses are tough to pinpoint as I am not the developer but I can point out the purposes of this building.

Dealing with revolutionary groups: This building will enable the player to have intelligence on and effectively deal with any possible anti government/revolutionary groups operating in the country itself or in occupied territories.

Dealing with extremist and terrorist organisations: Assuming this is added into the game, intelligence/spy agencies can help the player with fighting terrorist' insurgent and extremist organisations operating in the country or by working with other countries to fight these groups.

Battlefield intelligence: This one should be obvious but spy agencies can provide intelligence an an enemy's armed forces which will allow the player to make better battlefield decisions.

Sabotage: The spy headquarters will allow for sabotage to be carried out against other countries I.e. at a navy base or airbase

As mentioned above the specific bonuses for this building are at the discretion of Mr Lukasz Jakowski. I have simply provided what I believe to be the benefits of this building 



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purchase cost 40 coins maintenance cost 1 coin per month

1 small mill (upgrade cost 10 coins (+0.7 to population growth in the province in which it is located and +0.3 to population growth in the neighboring province)

2 wind tower (cost of pumping 14 coins (+1 to population growth in the province in which it is located and +0.7 to population growth in the neighboring province)

3 mill (cost of pumping 19 coins (+2 to population growth in the province in which it is located and +1 to population growth in the neighboring province)

4 large mill (purchase cost 24 coins (+3 to population growth in the province in which it is located and +1 to population growth in the neighboring province))

and also each pumping gives x1.5 to the farm in the province in which it is located and x1.2 to the farm in the neighboring province

but there are also negative boosts -20% to the intelligence of the population and deurbanization, that is, -5% to all other buildings but only affects the province in which the mill is located

NOTE: All values are subject to change.

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So i watched videos about new features and I don't see any button to help construct buildings easier like button to construct all buildings in one provinces and button to construct one building in all provinces

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Grupa budynków: wojskowy  

Nazwa: lotnisko 

Koszt: nie wiem 

Czas budowy: 120 dni 

Koszty utrzymania: nie wiem 

Nazwa technologii:  nie wiem 

Bonus: nie wiem 


Wojskowe lotniska umożliwiło by przemieszczania się w promieniu kilka kilometrów od lotniska i tam właśnie by lądowali i startowali samoloty 

Edited by karbo
Błąd ortograficzny

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I propose to improve the ports by adding 2 things: a trade map and “trade”, but how will this work: the country produces/extracts a resource such as timber, coal, diamonds, etc. they can be sold to another country, in which way we explore the port, then ships, and then we can go to the port window and load the resource into the ship, then send it to another country under an agreement and earn the amount that we agreed on in advance (TRADE ONLY RESOURCES AND NOTHING ELSE) the port can develop at several levels; The number of spaces for ships and cargo depends on the level. As for the trading card, there will be a map on which the ports are marked and a request for the purchase and sale of cargo (resource) is made on it. Then there will be seasons when it is more expensive and cheaper, for example, if you sell coal in the summer, it will be cheaper than in the winter. All

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What if something like a 'military bank' were added, similar to a recruitment center? In the province where it's placed, you could hire an army without spending money to maintain them. Instead, you'd spend money to maintain the building itself, gradually recruiting troops over time until reaching maximum capacity, which could be increased by upgrading the construction. It would be worthwhile since they already left the building prepared, as sometimes a nation can attack you unexpectedly."

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Lukas gemide olsun hani sen dedin ya mızrak atardan silah olması

İşte ilk gemi,modern gemi,top gemi,havan,gemi gibi olsun 

Kara ve hava var ama gemi yok lukas yaparsan daha iyi olur herkes 

Bunu istiyor lukas 


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On 10.01.2024 at 21:38, Łukasz Jakowski said:


Bu başlıkta oyundaki her Medeniyetin başına gelebilecek olaylara dair fikirlerinizi merak ediyorum .

Medeniyetin bir şeyler yapması gerekiyor, yoksa bir şeyin seviyesi daha yüksek veya daha düşük olacaktır. Bir olaylar zinciri oluşturmak da mümkündür.


Ayrıca Her Medeniyete Yönelik Görevlerle de ilgileniyorum. Etkinliklerin aksine görevler, tamamlanacak görevlerin listesini içeren özel bir menüde gösterilecek.

İşte bazı örnekler: 10.000'den fazla orduya sahip olun, 5.000'den fazla altına sahip olun, 10 bina inşa edin, bir Danışman işe alın, vergi verimliliğini 20 kat artırın, dünyadaki bazı kaynakların en büyük üreticisi olun, 5 Medeniyet mirasının kilidini açın vb.


İstediğiniz her şeyi bulabilirsiniz, eğer iyiyse eklemeye çalışacağım.




Görev Tanımı: (eğer bu bir görevse)

Basit Açıklama:


Sonuç 1: 

Sonuç 2: 



Başlık: Tarımsal Atılım

Basit Açıklama: Dikkate değer bir ilerlemeyle, illerimizde tarımda başarılı bir devrim yarattık.

Tetikleyiciler: Medeniyet, eyaletlerinin nüfus artış hızını 25 puan artırmalı ve rastgele şans %77,5'tir.

Sonuç 1: Nüfus Artışını Artırın - Random eyaleti büyüme oranını 5 puan artıracak

Sonuç 2: Askeri Kuvvetleri Genişletin - Rastgele eyalet insan gücü seviyesini 5 puan artıracak





On 04.11.2023 at 20:13, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Fikirleriniz oyunun bir parçası haline gelebilir, bu başlıkta Age of History 3'teki yeni binalar için fikirler yazacağız.


Binalar dört kategoriye ayrılacak:

1. Yönetim

2. Askeri

3. Ekonomi

4. Benzersiz başkent binaları - Bu güçlü binalar yerel eyalete veya Medeniyetinizin veya Medeniyetinizin tüm eyaletlerine bonuslar sağlar


Tüm binalar yükseltilebilir, işte örnek:

Kütüphane -> Üniversite -> Akademi

Her binanın maliyeti farklıdır ve farklı bonuslar verir.



Bina fikri gönderinizin böyle görünmesi gerekiyor, örnek


Bina Grubu: Yönetim

Ad: Vergi Dairesi

Maliyet: 60 Altın

İnşaat Süresi: 90 Gün

Bakım Maliyeti: Aylık 0,2 altın

Bu binanın kilidini açan teknolojinin adı (İsteğe bağlı)

Ve buraya bu binanın hangi bonusları sağladığını yazın. Örnek:


Yerel Vergi Verimliliği: +%10

Aylık insan gücü: +25


Aynı şey bina yükseltmeleri için de geçerli.


Yeni inşa fikirlerinde en önemli şey eski oyuna bağlı kalmamak, yaratıcı olmak ve Age of History 2'de bulunmayan yeni bonuslar sunmaktır ve belki oyuna yeni şeyler ve mekanikler eklenecektir.


Yazının şablonu:


Bina Grubu:



İnşaat Süresi:

Bakım maliyeti: 

Bu binanın kilidini açan teknolojinin adı:








Lukas hayvancılık olabilir ekonomi katkı sağlar

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      Or maybe an idea for a new type of unit with upgrades? I'm waiting for your suggestions.

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