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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Age of History 3 - Buildings ideas

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CONSTRUCTION IDEAS: (Taken from friends, me and my DC group)


Building: Economy/Military 


Name: Uranium Mine 


Cost: 3000


Construction Time: 4 months


Maintenance Cost: 0.6 gold


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Leaching




- + 50 gold per week

- Extracts uranium required to build military stuff




Building: Military


Name: Nuclear Reactor


Cost: 10000


Construction Time: 1-2 years


Maintenance Cost: 3.5 gold 


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Uranium Mine




- +200 gold per week

- -0.5% administration cost per reactor

- Ability to build nukes




Building Group: Military


Name: Marines Port


Cost: 100-300 gold depending on what terrain it is


Construction Time: 2 months 


Maintenance Cost: 0.3 gold per month


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Navy




• -40% manpower money on the troops in the ocean your port is bordering


• Troops resting here will be harder to beat in the battle




Building Group: Administration


Name: bridge


Cost: 300 gold


Construction Time: 2 weeks 


Maintenance Cost: 0.1 gold per month




Bonuses: Lets you move your army through a river without needing a navy and reduces the action points required to move






Building Group: Agriculture 

Name: Corn Industry 

Cost: 300

Construction Time: 2 Month

Maintenance Cost: 0.5 gold per month 




Bonuses: More Food,Better Income,Trade and Stability in a Country




Building: Military 

Name: Military Barracks LVL 1,Military Base LVL 2,Military Academy LVL 3

Cost: 12K

Construction Time: 1 Year

Maintenance Cost: 18 per month 


The name of the technology that unlocks this building is Armoury


Bonuses: Better Army,Better Trained Troops,National Spirit,Trustees of Military,Nationalism for People



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Fighting Pits, they are faster to build than forts and bunkers. They get bigger and stronger the longer they are there and depending on how many units are on the Fighting pit, the faster it will get stronger.


Building Group: Military

Name: Pit, renames to "Trench" at max level

Cost: 25 Gold

Construction Time: 1 Day to make the Fighting Pit - 240 Days to get it to max level (Without any soldiers on it)

Maintenance Cost: 0.01 gold per month


Defence: 1% on start, 55% at max level


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Building Group:Military

Name:Military airbase

Cost: 600 gold

Construction Time: 150 days

Maintenance Cost: 50 gold/month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Aircrafts

Bonuses: +50% attack bonus and 75% defense bonus

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A great wall for defense that is almost impenetrable like the marginot line but costly 


Building Group: Millitary

Name: Marginot Line? (Idk) (Possibly Fortress level 3 or Wall level 3?)

Cost: 100k per province

Construction Time: 5 years

Maintenance Cost: 10 gold a month at peace, 300 a month at war or something like that

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Defensive Studies

Bonuses: +100% Defensive Bonus

Edited by Nitra
realised it does not make sense, i would love to see this in the game and it has to be clear what it is

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Building Group: Military

Name: Trench System

Cost: 10 Gold

Construction Time: 20 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.3 Gold Pr/1.5 Months 

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Trench-Warfare Theory

Bonuses: Entrenchment +20%

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Building Group: Economy

Name: Hotel

Cost: 5K Money

Construction Time: 10 Months

Maintenance Cost: 500

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Tourism 


+10% Income from province which the hotel is built in

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Building Group: Military

Name: Naval Base

Cost: 150 Gold

Construction Time: 120 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.4 gold per month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Shipbuilding


Naval Combat Modifier: +5%

Shipbuilding Time: -2%

Edited by Shiite

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Building Group: Millitary
Name: Concentration Camp
Cost: 10K Manpower
Construction Time: 5 years
Maintenance Cost: 1 gold a month
Bonuses: Halves dissent in every province built

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Building Group: Unique Capital Building

Name: Grand Capital Building

Cost: 100-600 (Depending on what you chose)

Construction Time: 1 Month

Maintenance Cost: .2-.5 gold per month (also depends)

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Architecture?

Bonuses: Higher happiness, Stability, and Nationality.


So pretty much, you can construct a building that can make your citizens proud of their country, and more happy. You should be able to choose between a Statute, a simple structure, or a building. (Kinda like the roman colosseum i guess?) The player should be able to name it, and maybe design it?

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2 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Your ideas can become part of the game, in this topic we will write ideas for new buildings in Age of History 3.


The buildings will be grouped into four categories:

1. Administration

2. Military

3. Economy

4. Unique capital buildings - These powerful buildings provide bonuses for the local province or for all provinces of your Civilization or Civilization


All of the buildings can be upgraded, here is example:

Library -> University -> Academy

Each building costs differently and gives different bonuses.



This is what your building idea post should look like, example


Building Group: Administration

Name: Tax Office

Cost: 60 Gold

Construction Time: 90 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.2 gold per month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building (Optional)

And write here what bonuses this building provides. Example:


Local Tax Efficiency: +10%

Manpower per month: +25


The same goes for building upgrades.


The most important thing with new building ideas is to not stick to the old game, get creative and offer new bonuses not available in Age of History 2, and maybe new things and mechanics will be added to the game


Template for the post:


Building Group:



Construction Time:

Maintenance Cost: 

The name of the technology that unlocks this building:










Building Group: unique capital building

Name: Arc de Triomphe 

Cost:nothing since it is a special building but if you have to pay like 350 gold maybe idk the worth of gold in this new game so depends

Construction Time: like a year or two 

Maintenance Cost: 1 gold per month ( idk how much gold is worth in this new game so depends )

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: don’t know probably a construction tech

Bonuses: probably a bonus on armies like + 5% morale if their will be such things in battles and a bit of diplomatic bonuses like 5% more diplo points

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Building Group: Economy

Name: Hotel

Cost: 3K

Construction Time: 6 Months

Maintenance Cost: 500

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Tourism

Bonuses: +10% Income

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Building Group: Administration

Name: Church

Cost: ~50, depends on balance in game

Construction Time: 3 rounds

Maintenance Cost: ~0.2 - ~0.3 per round

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: indulgences, religion, and something like this

Bonuses: gain more gold per round, increases happy and patriotic level. 

Can be played well, if you add religion and religion buffes/wars in game (Did not work out in AoH2? Make in AoH3!). Religion can be displayed like peoples in provinces in AoH2 (check photo).

Church is good building for AoH3 era: in middle ages and new ages. Religion is very interesting thing in there times.

Popularity of selected by country religion can give buffes and debuffes, like:

If your religion <50%:

Rebels increasing, costs decreasing, chance of rise/riot (and events about it), war goal for other country with selected religion for your region

If your religion >85%:

More costs, more happy and patriotism, cheaper mobilisation and more, more, more


Без имени-1.png

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Building Group: Economic


Name: Airport


Cost: 13000


Construction Time: 5 Turns


Maintenance Cost: 15 Gold per Month


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Plane


Bonuses: Airports will facilitate popular movement, and will stimulate the economy of the province where the plane was built, potentially increasing by +15%

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Building Group: Economy 


Level 1


Name: Small Market


Cost: 30-50 gold


Construction Time: Two Turns


Maintenance Cost: 6 gold


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Currency 




+10 gold for every trade route passing through the city


Economy +10%


Level 2


Name: Large Market


Cost: 40-70 gold


Construction Time: Three Turns


Maintenance cost: 10 gold 


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Currency




+20 gold for every trade route passing through the city 


+3 gold for every resource being produced in the city 


Economy +15%


Level 3


Name: Trade Hub


Cost: 60-90 gold


Construction time: Three turns


Maintenance Cost: 15 gold 


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Steam Engines




+25 gold for every trade route passing through the city 


+6 gold for every resource being produced by the province


Economy +30%



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Building Group: Unique capital

Name: Consulate

Cost: 100 Gold

Construction Time: 5 Rounds

Maintenance Cost: 0.5 Per Round

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Diplomacy, consulates, and like this


- Cheaper and easier diplomacy actions

- Neighbor countries will have diplomacy bonus (for example +10 opinion)

- Cheaper goals of war

And more and more


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Building Group: military ( but like a building that you can only make once )

Name: military school 

Cost: 300 gold ( depends on the value of gold in the game )

Construction Time: 6 months for level 1, 1 year for level two and 1 year and 6 months for level 3

Maintenance Cost: level 1: 3 gold, level 2: 5 gold and level 3: 8 gold every month ( Again, it depends on the value of gold )

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: a late military tech probably

bonuses: if generals have levels like victoria II or EU4 generals then maybe it will uprade a trait of a random general every year at level one up to 1 random trait for 3 generals at level 3, and if their isn’t this kind of things for generals then you can add an attack, bonus or morale boost that increases every level ( maybe like 3%->6%->10% bonus), and the different levels of the building should be far away to avoid the player quickly building the max level and having god tier generals at the start of the game )

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Building Group: Economy

Name: Hospital

Cost: 150

Construction Time: 60 days

Maintenance Cost:  0.2/month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Medicine (~500 BC.)

Bonuses: +5% population growth, diseases are less lethal in provinces where hospital is built


Hospital —> Modern Hospital

Name: Modern Hospital

Cost: 600

Construction Time: 60 days

Maintenance Cost:  0.75/month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Modern Medicine (~1900)

Bonuses: +15% population growth, diseases are much less lethal in provinces where hospital is built

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Building Group:Economy

Name:Panama Channel or the kiel or suez channel it depends on which channel they wanted to build (obviously it has to be in the actual location)

Cost:5 millon for the suez and the panama channels and for the kiel channel 1 million

Construction Time:  7 months for the kiel channel,3 years for the suez channel and 7 years for the panama channel

Maintenance Cost: 20 gold per month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: civilizing mission

Bonuses:that allows naval crossing through the provinces that have the canals, an amount of gold per year ranging from 100,000 to 1 million gold, +10% of defense in the province with the channel

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Beh diciamo che è più una dinamica ma potresti mettere nel nuovo gioco la possibilità di vendere e comprare vassalli e anche che i vassalli adottino la stessa ideologia del paese sovrano Quando diventano vassalli o accettano l'ultimatum, allora potrebbero esserci la possibilità di rendere l' editor dei flag più avanzato, ad esempio le persone possono pubblicarli tramite la galleria del telefono, sovrapposizioni personali o prese da Internet, ecc. (ci sarà un sandbox nel gioco e, in tal caso, potrebbe non essere necessario punti o denaro per fare delle cose, allora potresti aggiungere nuovi comandi come ad esempio un comando per unire i paesi con id o un altro per rimuovere un giocatore o aggiungere un giocatore, ad esempio per le bandiere dell'ideologia dei paesi aggiungere bandiere Standard ma poi le persone possono cambiarli come desidera (proprio come l'editor delle bandiere) e anche per l'unione tra due o più paesi. scusa se ti ho disturbato

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Building Group: Economy

Era: From the start

Name: LVL 1 Local Shop - LVL2  Marketplace - LV3 Shoppin Centre

Cost: LVL1 500 Gold - LVL2 5000 - LVL3 100 000

Construction Time: 20 Days

Maintenance Cost: 05 gold a month

Technology: Shopping and Buying


LVL1 +30 Gold +40% Supply in the Province
LVL2 +100 Gold +60% Supply in the Province
LVL3 +450 Gold +90% Supply in the Province +20.5 Happines +75.5 Economy Grow

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Building group: Military


Name: Military Factory


Cost: 50k per province


Construction time: 1 year


Maintenance cost: 5k per month


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Industrial Military Production


Bonus: You can produce military equipment that changes according to your level of military research, at the most primitive level, weapons, at the most advanced level tanks, airplanes, for example




Building Group: Economy


Name: Civilian Factory


Cost: 50k per province


Construction Time: 1 year


Maintenance Cost: 5k per month


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Civil Industry


Bonuses: Increases income by local literacy percentage




Building Group: Administration


Name: Government Building


Cost: 10k per province


Construction Time: 6 months


Maintenance Cost: 500 per month


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Local Government Administration


Bonuses: Increases tax revenues by 5%

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Building Group: Unique capital building

Level 1

Name: Shrine

Cost: 100

Construction time: 5 days

Maintenance cost: 0.001 coin per month

The name of the technology that unlocks the building: Basic Faith

Bonus: +5% Faith, +5% Morale


Level 2

Name: Temple (Chapel)

Cost: 250

Construction time: 1 month- 5 months

Maintenance cost: 0.1 coin per month

The name of the technology that unlocks the building: Basic Theology

Bonus: +10% Faith, +10% Morale


Level 3

Name: Church (Mosque, Mandir, Gurdwara, Synagogue, Vihara)


Cost: 500


Construction time: 6 months - 100 years


Maintenance cost: 10 coin per month


The name of the technology that unlocks the building: Theologism Study


Bonus: +15% Faith, +20% Morale


Level 4

Name: Grand Temple (Cathedral)


Cost: 1000


Construction time: 5 years - 100 years


Maintenance cost: 100 coin per month


The name of the technology that unlocks the building: Advanced Theology


Bonus: +50% Faith, +25% Morale


Level 5

Name: Basilica


Cost: 5000


Construction time: 10 years - 250 years


Maintenance cost: 1000 coin per month


The name of the technology that unlocks the building: Centralized Church, Advanced Theologism Study


Bonus: +100% Faith, +50% Morale


Holy Place

Name: Holy Place


Cost: A blessing from the head of the church


Construction time: 1 day - 1 year


Maintenance cost: 100 coin per month


The name of the technology that unlocks the building: Advanced Theology


Bonus: +150% Faith, +65% Happiness

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wish more expanded moddable options

and make it easy to introduce mods on the game (and thats profits you can add DLCs in the future)

Mod Feature 

Custom Buildings, Custom Scenario Packs, Custom UIs, Custom Maps, Custom Generals, Custom Tags, Language packs, Custom Ideologies, Custom Flags, Custom Emblems, Custom Missons(something like NF), Custom Music Pack, Custom Techniques, Custom Events


And Multiplayer Features.

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Building Group: Economy

Name: Metro/subway

Cost: (idk depends how economy will work but should be expensive)

Construction Time: (idk also depends maybe like 300days or more)

Maintenance Cost:  4 per month or more

The name of the technology that unlocks the building: "Chemin de fer Métropolitain"


the province should be more populated


Bonuses: little bonus with protection against missiles and nukes

also improve happines 

maybe some partisans supply

and improve economy


I would appreciate a mechanic where you could add metro lines, give custom names, of course, but adding more metro lines would increase the bonuses, and also add a maximum limit depending on the population on how many metro lines can be introduced.

Edited by The dark

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