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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Age of History 3 - Buildings ideas

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Pls add: genocide, aviation, Nuclear warheads weapons, missles, nukes, spies, tanks, navy (nukes would be really nice) and also a option where you add hope whenever you annex the country you've invaded so the rebels will trust us more, and also add historical ai

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On 06.11.2023 at 13:18, isa yorulmaz said:

Bina Grubu: Askeri

İlan: Askeri üs

Maliyet: 35 Altın

İnşaat Süresi: 75 Gün

Bakım Maliyeti: Aylık 0,8 altın

Kilidini Açan Teknoloji: Askeri Teknoloji

Bonuslar:Asker kayıplarını azaltır,+%8 savunma bonusu,-%5 askeri harcamalar!

1.Seviye:Askeri Bina;+%2 savunma bonusu,-%2 askeri harcamalar! Maliyet:5 Altın

2.Seviye:Askeri Üs;+%4 savunma bonusu,-%3 askeri harcamalar! Maliyet:8 Altın

3.Seviye:Askeri Yerleşim;+%6 savunma bonusu,-%4 askeri harcamalar! Maliyet:10 Altın

4.Seviye:Askeri Karargah;+%8 savunma bonusu,-%5 askeri harcamalar! Maliyet:12 Altın


Edited by AK KURT
Yazım hatası

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I guess you can add medic camp. and, if you could add Arabic to the original game. and, you might add Ballistic missile that will make the game insanely powerful. Finally, your game is my favorite and it's one of the greatest games in the world but it could be better if you add This things.

Thank You For Making This Game.


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Building Group: Military

Name: Trench

Cost: 30 Golds

Construction Time: 30 Days

Maintenance Cost: -

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: -


Defence Bonus: +25%

Move Speed (for enemies) -15%

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Should you get an opinion from the community for this number and in-game balance, or are you actually managing building samples that you will add to the note?

This question is quite difficult because in which date ranges will the game take place?
For example, military buildings in the Ottoman Empire: Army Headquarters, Wall, Bastion, Shipyard, Fortress, Tower.
Commercial Building: "Ribat, Caravanserai, Inn, Bazaar, Bedesten, Kapan"
cultural, administrative and religious: "Mosque, Zawiya, Dervish Lodge, Social Complex, Madrasa, Tomb, Tomb, Masjid, Sublime Porte, Palace".
private building: "Fatih Social Complex, Bimarhane".

However, it is different in Turkey in modern times. So this question is a bit meaningless.

For example, its buildings such as barracks, which are common in civilization and culture, or its unique buildings such as the Taj Mahal?

My suggestion, which is not hidden from my Age of History 2 experience:
From the language features, I recommend it as UTF-8 csv. This allows for easier editing, and there are many civilizations in Age of History 2 that have not been translated into Turkish.
some were selected for example:
SC = Scenario
SC_AG Lydia (Lidya),
SC_AG Phrygia (Frigya),
SC_AG Paphlagonia (Paflagonya),
SC_AG Ionia (İyonya),
SC_AG Thrace (Trakya),
SC_AG Lycia (Likya),
SC_5 Alania (Alanya Krallığı),
SC_5 Siraces (Çerkesler),
SC_5 Prusians (Prusya),
SC_5 Francia (Frank Krallığı)
SC_5 Frisia (Frizya),
SC_5 mauretania (Mauretanya),
SC_1440 Great Horda (Büyük Orda),
SC_1440 Gold Horda (Altın Orda),
SC_1440 Candia (Kandiye).

Also, the flag of the Great Hun Empire is wrong.

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Building Group: Military

Name: Coastal Fortifications

Cost: 20 gold

Construction Time: 60 days

Maintenance Cost: 0,25 gold/month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Coastal Defence Strategy

Bonuses: High bonus for Anti-landing defense (30-50%)

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Building Group: Administration

Level 1

Name: Touring theater
Cost: 5 Gold
Construction Time: 5 Days
Maintenance Cost: 0
The name of the technology that unlocks this building: -
- Culture conversion speed +5%
- Happiness increase +10%

Level 2

Name: Theatr
Cost: 50 Gold
Construction Time: 30 Days
Maintenance Cost: 0,2 Gold
The name of the technology that unlocks this building: 
Basics of art
- Culture conversion speed +15%
- Happiness increase +20%

Level 3

Name: Amphitheater
Cost: 210 Gold
Construction Time: 180 Days
Maintenance Cost: 0.8 Gold
The name of the technology that unlocks this building: 
Basics of theology
- Culture conversion speed +20%
- Religion conversion speed +10%
- Happiness increase +30%
- Research speed +5%

Level 4

Name: Grand theater
Cost: 500 Gold
Construction Time: 270 Days
Maintenance Cost: 2 gold per month
The name of the technology that unlocks this building: 
High art
- Culture conversion speed +35%
- Religion conversion speed +20%
- Happiness increase +50%
- Research speed +10%

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Level 1:


Building Group: Military


Name: Training Station


Cost: 20 Gold


Construction Time: 15 Days


Maintenance Cost: 0.2 Gold per Month


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Basic Training




0.1% - 100%+ Training percentage


Level 2:


Name: Training School


Cost: 40 Gold


Construction Time: 30 Days


Maintenance Cost: 0.4 Gold per Month


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Intermediate Training




0.1 - 100%+ Training Percentage


-5 Training Cost


-5 Training Time


Level 3:


Name: Training Academy


Cost: 60 Gold


Construction Time: 60 Days


Maintenance Cost: 0.6 Gold per Month


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Advanced Training




0.1 - 100%+ Training Percentage


- 12 Training cost


- 10 Training Time




For this building to work you need to bring your divisions to the place where it was built in, then, the 'Train troops' button will appear, which would let you select the amount of Gold for the quality of the training And the amount of Days that your troops would be trained for.


The more Gold and Days you put in, your troops will be more trained, giving them more advantages in combat, and lesser trained ones will have more disavantages in combat.


For the player to know how much their troops are trained, there would be a percentage from 0% to 100%, indicating how much your troops are trained, and it would appear next to the 'Province Value and Defensive Position' Indicators.

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Building Group: Administration

Name: Sejm

Cost: 340zł

Construction Time: 100 day

Maintenance Cost:  50

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: nie rozumiem o co chodzi

Bonuses: +5% money per month

+/- 25% to relations with other countries

Only one building can be built


Edited by Król Damian I

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Building Group: Administration

Name: Meeting Office

Cost: 35 Gold

Concstruction Time: 65 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.5 gold per month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: High Public Contact


Local Nationalism: +20%

Manpower Per Month: +20

Loyality to Government: +15%

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It would be interesting if the heads of state were changed from time to time during the match as this could make for more interesting gameplay.

And also the ability to apply economic embargoes on other countries, subjecting vassal countries to also apply embargoes and being able to receive these embargoes.

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Building Group: Military


Name: Trench


Cost: 50 to 200


Construction Time: 1


Maintenance Cost: 0 


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: [add if you want]





Acts like a Fort 10%+ defense




Name: Tiny Barrier 


Cost: 200 to 300


Construction Time: 3


Maintenance Cost: 0.25


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: [add if you want too]



15%+ Defense 

-5%+ Armyupkeep

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1 minute ago, ISAQUEdev said:



Building Group: Military


Name: Trench


Cost: 50 to 200


Construction Time: 1


Maintenance Cost: 0 


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: [add if you want]





Acts like a Fort 10%+ defense




Name: Tiny Barrier 


Cost: 200 to 300


Construction Time: 3


Maintenance Cost: 0.25


The name of the technology that unlocks this building: [add if you want too]



15%+ Defense 

-5%+ Armyupkeep

Also Add more Lv if you want, or maybe change the names a lit. ok?

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On 11/4/2023 at 11:13 AM, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Your ideas can become part of the game, in this topic we will write ideas for new buildings in Age of History 3.


The buildings will be grouped into four categories:

1. Administration

2. Military

3. Economy

4. Unique capital buildings - These powerful buildings provide bonuses for the local province or for all provinces of your Civilization or Civilization


All of the buildings can be upgraded, here is example:

Library -> University -> Academy

Each building costs differently and gives different bonuses.



This is what your building idea post should look like, example


Building Group: Administration

Name: Tax Office

Cost: 60 Gold

Construction Time: 90 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.2 gold per month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building (Optional)

And write here what bonuses this building provides. Example:


Local Tax Efficiency: +10%

Manpower per month: +25


The same goes for building upgrades.


The most important thing with new building ideas is to not stick to the old game, get creative and offer new bonuses not available in Age of History 2, and maybe new things and mechanics will be added to the game


Template for the post:


Building Group:



Construction Time:

Maintenance Cost: 

The name of the technology that unlocks this building:

military and economy :Water channel


Plus 10% defense

plus a 10% mobility cost

plus a 3% increase in production 

large water channel


Plus 20% defense

Plus 15% mobility cost

plus 8% increment in the production

economy and military: : bridges


minus 5% mobility cost

plus 2% in production 

Broad Bridge large:


plus a 6% increase in production  

Minus 10% transportation costs

I sincerely hope that you read this petition Mr. Lukas Jacowski

I had to correct it since I didn't read the regulations correctly. 

Edited by T_34Dark

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On 11/4/2023 at 2:13 PM, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Ideas for new buildings ACIII


Construction: Community Farms


Cost: 60 Gold

Construction Time: 90 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.2 Gold per month



Increase in Food Production: +5%

Reduction in Farm Maintenance Costs: -10%



Construction: Local Market


Cost: 80 Gold

Construction Time: 120 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.3 Gold per month



Festivals increase happiness by ??? Points

Increase in Wealth Generation: +10%



Construction: Artisan Guild


Cost: 120 Gold

Construction Time: 150 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.4 Gold per month



Increase in Wealth Generation: +16%

Reduction in Workshop Maintenance Costs: -15%



Construction: National Trade House


Cost: 180 Gold

Construction Time: 210 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.5 Gold per month



Labor Bonus: +10%

Increase in Generated Wealth: +24%



Construction: Imperium Mercatorum (Merchant Empire)


Cost: 350 Gold

Construction Time: 300 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.6 Gold per month



Labor Bonus: +16%

"Grand Wealth": +30% in Wealth Generation

Prosperous Ventures: General Maintenance Cost Reduction: -15%


Auxiliary Constructions (linked to Imperium Mercatorum):


Construction: Navigation School


Cost: 100 Gold

Construction Time: 120 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.3 Gold per month



Allows the construction of Ships (depending on technology) and also undertaking exploratory or colonizing voyages (again, depending on technology)

Reduction in Ship Maintenance Costs: -10%

Construction: Financial Theater


Cost: 80 Gold

Construction Time: 90 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.2 Gold per month



National Prestige: +10%

Increase in Tax Efficiency: +5%


"Construction: Military Training Grounds


Cost: 70 Gold

Construction Time: 90 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.2 Gold per month



Increase in Recruitment Speed: +5%

Recruit Training Bonus: +5%



Construction: Army Academy


Cost: 100 Gold

Construction Time: 120 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.3 Gold per month



Sharpshooter Precision: +10%

Reduction in Archer Maintenance: -10%

Recruit Training Bonus: +15%



Construction: Military Forge


Cost: 150 Gold

Construction Time: 180 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.4 Gold per month



Military Equipment Production: +15%

Increase in Quality of Armored Units: +15%



Construction: Strategic Arsenal


Cost: 250 Gold

Construction Time: 240 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.5 Gold per month



Distance Unit Recruitment Bonus: +10%

Increase in Movement Speed of Recruited Armies from this Region: +10%



Construction: Bellum Bastion (War Bastion)


Cost: 400 Gold

Construction Time: 300 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.6 Gold per month



Warrior's Virtue: +25% Army Morale

Strong Wall: Reduction in Damage Received from Enemy Attacks: -15%

Auxiliary Constructions (linked to Bellum Bastion):


Construction: Military Engineering Workshop


Cost: 90 Gold

Construction Time: 120 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.3 Gold per month



Efficiency in Military Equipment Maintenance: +15%

Reduction in Maintenance Costs of Siege Engines: -10%

Construction: Monument to Heroes


Cost: 60 Gold

Construction Time: 60 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.1 Gold per month



Increase in Troop Morale: +10%

National Prestige: +15%


Construction: Wooden Fortress (depends on technology)


Cost: 350 Gold

Construction Time without Army in the province: 60 days

Construction Time with Army in the province: 7 - 55 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.2 Gold per month



Reduction in damage received by infantry and cavalry troops: -20%


Auxiliary Constructions (linked to Wooden Fortress):


Construction: Wooden Observation Towers (depending on technology):


Cost: 30 Gold

Construction Time (requires an army to build): 2 days

Maintenance: 0.1 Gold per month


Bonuses: allows spotting armies in bordering provinces


-5% casualties in case of an attack


Construction: Logistic Center


Cost: 150 Gold

Construction Time (requires an army): 15 days

Maintenance Cost: 0.2 Gold per month.



-20% Military Maintenance


Allows recruiting soldiers from a province that has been occupied but not annexed (very long campaigns)"



Construction: Merchant Trading Post


Cost: 50 Gold

Construction Time: 90 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.1 Gold per month



Local Labor: +10%

Additional Wealth Generation: +10%



Construction: Exchange House


Cost: 90 Gold

Construction Time: 120 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.2 Gold per month



Labor +20%

Reduction in Commercial Transaction Costs on that trade route: -10%



Construction: Royal Bank


Cost: 150 Gold

Construction Time: 180 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.3 Gold per month



Increase in Generated Wealth: +20%

Tax Efficiency: +5%



Construction: Imperial Treasury


Cost: 250 Gold

Construction Time: 240 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.4 Gold per month

Unlocking Technology: Imperial Economy



Reduction in Construction Costs: -20%

Tax Efficiency: +15%



Construction: Grand Curia


Cost: 400 Gold

Construction Time: 300 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.5 Gold per month



"Eternal Riches": +30% in Wealth Generation

Peace and Prosperity: General Maintenance Cost Reduction: -15%

Auxiliary Constructions (linked to Grand Curia):


Construction: School of Economics


Cost: 80 Gold

Construction Time: 90 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.2 Gold per month



Increase in Tax Efficiency: +5%

Economic Research Bonus: +10%

Construction: Ornamental Gardens


Cost: 60 Gold

Construction Time: 60 Days

Maintenance Cost: 0.1 Gold per month



National Prestige: +10%

Reduction in Building Construction Costs: -5%"

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i think Age Of Civilization 3 must have flag maker, ideologues : comunizm, fashism, terroristic, organization, democracy parlamental republic, president, republic, anarhism, city state, socialism, nationalism, liberalism, constutional monarchy, monarchy . The game must have too option to asimulation to all provinses per click , scenarions: 200 year bc 100 year bc 1 year ac 681 year ac world war 1 , after ww1 , ww2 after ww2 today and arternative scenarions, vassials: edit regions annex,easy transer troops in water, i thing stability provinces must disavalable  

Edited by X-Rait

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Level 1
Building Group: Administration

Name: Path

Cost: 150

Construction Time: 15 days

Maintenance Cost: 5/m

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Ancient Infrastructure

Movement speed +10%
Trade income +5%

Level 2

Building Group: Administration

Name: Road

Cost: 250

Construction Time: 1 months

Maintenance Cost: 10/m

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Rudimentary Infrastructure

Movement speed +20%
Trade income +10%

Some users already wrote some updates.

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Building Group: Unique capital buildings

Name: State Temple

Cost: 100 gold

Construction Time: 2 turns

Maintenance Cost: 0.5 gold per month

The name of the technology that unlocks this building: Increased Spirituality

Bonuses: Select a religion between Pagan cult or a (realistic or custom) Religion; increase manpower by 5% every turn.





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      So the AoH 3 will have new battle system.

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      Or maybe an idea for a new type of unit with upgrades? I'm waiting for your suggestions.

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