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Age of History 3

Better Scenario Editor/Better Civilization Maker and Related

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I have wanted this for a long time and here I will say it.

Idea 1: Pages

Pages will make it easier to go through your custom scenarios and custom civilizations instead of scrolling for a long time, maybe even separate them into groups?

Idea 2: Capitals

When you make a custom civilization you should be able to set its capital so you don't have to search for it every time you make a new scenario, instead just click the city then the civilization!

Idea 3: Better flag making

Possibly have the option to import a flag for your custom civilization from your photos? Could also work with custom civilizations on workshop.

Idea 4 and 5: Copying scenarios and Better Scenario View

Being able to copy scenarios like the modern day one to make alternative history or your own scenario to make a part 2 for the timeline would be great! Maybe even the ability for you to copy workshop scenarios to you AOH3! This could be a option for a better scenario view where you can click on it then have the options to edit, copy, or delete it along with a preview of the Name, Date, Who Made It, and the scenario itself!

Idea 6: Overlay

I am bad at making borders for any continent other than Europe so when I make my own scenarios it would be great to have a built in overlay to see what the area looks like in another scenario in 25% opacity overlay then I can make the correct borders instead of going back and forth.

Idea 7: Make the event making more simple

Please, its hard to use.

Idea 8: Search Bars

I would like this so I can search for one of my custom scenarios or custom civilizations to find and edit them easier.

Idea 9: Custom Civilization Creator Built Into Scenario Editor

Going back and forth to make a custom civilization for a scenario is annoying, so to save a lot of time have it built into the scenario editor!

Idea 10: Custom Civilization Ideology Flags

Being able to change the flag for your custom civilizations different ideology would be cool and easier than making another one.

Idea 11: Make it easier to find the custom formable maker


Idea 12: Custom Ideology Creator

Being able to make your custom ideology easily would be cool

Idea 13: Make the map editor easier, please!!!


Idea 14: Mod Launcher

Being able to have a launcher so you can easily access mods would be cool.

Idea 15: Already Existing Civilizations

Being able to change the ideology flags for already existing civilizations would be cool but probably not needed because of the custom civilization creator.

Idea 16: Border Presets

This is similar to the overlay, but much better. Being able to go into a tab for making preset borders for a civilization so you don't have to make the borders would be cool, or am I just lazy? Well I would love to click a button and China goes from just its capital to its modern borders in some built in system into the scenario editor called Border Presets, there would be a separate tab below the custom civilization creator called that so you can make your own, ones made by the creator of the game, or from workshop.

Thanks for reading my ideas! This took a while to type. I hope some come to AOH3!

Edited by Nitra
made a change to the end and realized a tiny mistake that i didn't put Who Made It in Idea 5

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