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Age of History 3
Corgi X

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Here are my ("very creative") ideas

1.fix: Connections 

why did mongols attack my province (that didnt border the province that they were previously in)

2. add mechanics like:

auto assimilation- asimilates all provinces that have less than 50% stability (from BE2)

national celebration- makes festivals in all of your provinces (from BE2)

Better peace conferences, (so that AI whould make actually good looking broders) 

Demilitaryzation of region- in peace conferences u can select regions that will be demilitarized, which means that after peace conferences troops (of the country that lost the war) cant enter those regions, u need to have half of stars that all provinces of country u conquered have (this is from hoi4 probably idk)

Overall better AI (so that some random african country wouldnt try to make a colaition with me for 14 gold)

Nukes (I know)

Officers settings- it would be in editor, it would work like leaders editor, u can make new officers, give them buffs and debuffs, and change portaits of officers

Leaders- now I'm gonna repeat what @PHZanoniGamer said, there should be leaders death date, and (my opinion) in leaders editor we should have an option to set what leader will take controll over a country once the old leader is dead, also there should be events that change leaders of civlilzaions (so that scenario makers like me could do a election event more easily)

Bez tytułu.png

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