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Age of History 3
Çağan Ayyıldız

New Editor Suggestions

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Editor Ideas:
Ideas for Map Editor:

- Instead just one Growth Rate Editor; add Economy Editor, Population Editor (or any other value like this in aoh3 if exists) and growth rate for just editing how fast will it grow.

- Province Value Editor; This will make province values easier to edit.

- Development Level Editor; Briefly, making special editing slot for it way more easier than editing them scenario-by-scenario.

- Edit Map Settings: Allow us to edit map settings like author, map name, background name etc. in-game.

- Make Regions Better: Idk; but they should got more uses like buffs and debuffs according regions, taking regions in peaces insteead provinces, building in regions instead province-by-province etc.

- Making Formable Civs Better: Add them a Government Type section for selecting government type.

Ideas for Game Editor:

- Building Editor: Able to make us our buildings there, this will make game more customisable and easy for modding

- Government Type Editor: Add government type editor to Game Editor and this will make it easy to edit.

- Religions Editor: I think you should add religions, and of course religions editor to Game Editor section like government editor.

- Making Unions Better: Make "Unions" like formable civilizations. able us to select capital and government type. Also let us be able to choose at least how many and which of these countries should unite for the union to be formed.

Ideas for Leader Editor:

- General Editor: If you add generals, of course you should add this too. Works like leaders but for generals.

Ideas for City and Civilization Editor:

- Search Section: Add search section to City Editor and Civilization Editor.

Ideas for Scenario Editor:

- Religions Editor: As i said, you should add religions to the game, and they should editable in the scenarios like government types and also like cores there should a religion map for editing religion rates in provinces.

- Making Cores and Religions Better: Instead of only small flags appearing in the game or in the editors, the province should be colored with the color of the majority religion/ethnic group. The more dominant it is, the color should closer to the main color.

- Making Holy Roman Empire Better: Make HRE like real HRE. If one country that not in HRE attacks to an HRE country, entire HRE should attack it.

- Making Events Better: Events should developed more. Like; allowing events that go to every country, building buildings with events, setting capital with events, changing name of a city with events etc.

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21 hours ago, Çağan Ayyıldız said:

Editor Ideas:
Ideas for Map Editor:

- Instead just one Growth Rate Editor; add Economy Editor, Population Editor (or any other value like this in aoh3 if exists) and growth rate for just editing how fast will it grow.

- Province Value Editor; This will make province values easier to edit.

- Development Level Editor; Briefly, making special editing slot for it way more easier than editing them scenario-by-scenario.

- Edit Map Settings: Allow us to edit map settings like author, map name, background name etc. in-game.

- Make Regions Better: Idk; but they should got more uses like buffs and debuffs according regions, taking regions in peaces insteead provinces, building in regions instead province-by-province etc.

- Making Formable Civs Better: Add them a Government Type section for selecting government type.

Ideas for Game Editor:

- Building Editor: Able to make us our buildings there, this will make game more customisable and easy for modding

- Government Type Editor: Add government type editor to Game Editor and this will make it easy to edit.

- Religions Editor: I think you should add religions, and of course religions editor to Game Editor section like government editor.

- Making Unions Better: Make "Unions" like formable civilizations. able us to select capital and government type. Also let us be able to choose at least how many and which of these countries should unite for the union to be formed.

Ideas for Leader Editor:

- General Editor: If you add generals, of course you should add this too. Works like leaders but for generals.

Ideas for City and Civilization Editor:

- Search Section: Add search section to City Editor and Civilization Editor.

Ideas for Scenario Editor:

- Religions Editor: As i said, you should add religions to the game, and they should editable in the scenarios like government types and also like cores there should a religion map for editing religion rates in provinces.

- Making Cores and Religions Better: Instead of only small flags appearing in the game or in the editors, the province should be colored with the color of the majority religion/ethnic group. The more dominant it is, the color should closer to the main color.

- Making Holy Roman Empire Better: Make HRE like real HRE. If one country that not in HRE attacks to an HRE country, entire HRE should attack it.

- Making Events Better: Events should developed more. Like; allowing events that go to every country, building buildings with events, setting capital with events, changing name of a city with events etc.

Setting capital is there already and always has been, however the rest is good.

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