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Age of History 3

Colonal System

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Let's start with how colonisation should look like:

In scenario editor you can choose when AI can start colonisating. It will be able only when civ see the land without owner. In new game you shouldn't use your troops but you should have something named "coloners". Coloners would be needed to colonasing. How they should work: They would have there levels (from 1 to 3). Better levels cost more money but is colonising faster. They would have time (random generated). Level 1 would making colones longer and 3 faster. If you have some lands you should get something in diplomatic window named "Make a colony"

Colonies flags would be the same as your flag (automatic flag). In scenario editor should be option to add "ready colony". If you want reales "Ready Colony" than you should have all provinces needed. Colonies should get something like vassals system. There should be tree levels of colonies (able to set in scenario editor and by events):

1. Puppet State (teren with highest autonomy - It is working like protectoriat but you can get only 10% of taxes)

2. Protectoriat (teren with almost highest autonomy - it is a "independenc" state but you can get up to 20% of his taxes. If someone will declare war on him or if someone will be occupieing one of his province than you will join the war)

3. Dominium (Very hight autonomy - working like protectoriat but you can get 25% of taxes)

4. Mandate (Hight autonomy - It is a in theory part of you BUT you can take only 25% of taxes and can only build building on his provinces)

5.Colony (normal autonomy level - This is in theory part of your state but you can take only

Autonomy would be able to get lower by player or AI

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