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Age of History 3

Turkish Revulutionary Scenario - Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

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I thought of a scenario where the Turkish citizens and civilians fight for their country as a whole. Whilst Greece, Italy, and France in the Anatolian region. This goes past in 1919 when Mustafa Kemal Ataürk fought with the Ottoman Emperor and went through 5-6 nations that tried to occupy the Turkish mainland. He formed the Kuvay-i Millye which were made up of people who lived in Turkish villages at the time. This would be a good scenario as it isn't in the current AOHll game, also Turkey just celebrated their 100. anniversary of the formation of the modern Turkey. This would mean a lot to the Turkish players who are a large percentage of the player community. Please take this into sight and maybe try to make it. As I said it would mean a lot to us.

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