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Age of History 3
Ares I of Congo

Extra Ideas

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I know there already ideas to make new buildings and I still think that should be included, but I also think that it would be cool if we could make our own buildings with our own affects but we can also choose what type of building it will be like a monument or something, but this mechanic should be done while your playing the game. And out of curiosity, are there going to be different types of weapons in warfare? for example there would be a creation of a crossbow which will make things advanced, It'll also be cool that as the civilization advances you can make more advanced weapons which would be cool. I also think that stuff like famines and disease could just be added at their historically appropriate times rather than just showing up completely out of nowhere. This final idea of mines is more outside the game than inside which is that It could be cool if a person could save what they added in their game like new flags or scenarios because people aren't gonna play AOC3 on the same device so it would be cool if they transferred it if you made like an account with all your stuff in or something

Edited by Ares I of Congo

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مرحبا صديقي لوكاس اتمنى منك اضافة اللغة العربية في اللعبة الرسمية وايضا ان تركز على الحروب النابليونية كذلك لاتنسى الشرق الاوسط  والاحداث التي حصلت فيه خاصة بلدي العراق مع تحياتي لك ❤

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16 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Will be possible to create own buildings, with special bonuses, images etc.

Wait is the AOH3 going to have victory points instead of conquering every providence of that country?

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11 年 28 月 2023 日上午 9 点 51 分,刚果的阿瑞斯一世说:

我知道已经有建造新建筑的想法,我仍然认为应该包括在内,但我也认为,如果我们能用自己的影响建造自己的建筑,那就太酷了,但我们也可以选择什么类型的建筑,就像纪念碑或其他东西一样,但这个机制应该在你玩游戏时完成。出于好奇,战争中会有不同类型的武器吗?例如,会创造一个弩,这将使事情变得先进,随着文明的进步,你可以制造更先进的武器,这将很酷。我还认为,像饥荒和疾病这样的东西可以在历史上适当的时间添加,而不是完全凭空出现。地雷的最后一个想法更多的是在游戏之外而不是在游戏内部,也就是说,如果一个人可以保存他们在游戏中添加的内容,比如新标志或场景,那可能会很酷,因为人们不会在同一台设备上玩 AOC3,所以如果他们转移它会很酷,如果你像一个帐户一样,里面有你所有的东西或其他东西


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