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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Land units - Ideas AoH3

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The units should be like this:

First Line:

Ancient -> Medieval Spearman (both have shields as spears are one handed)

Pikeman (longer two handed spear with no shield, more damage less defense)

Bronze Age Swordsman -> Iron Age Swordsman -> Medieval Swordsman

Variants: Greatswordsman (only for european armies, two handed swords, higher damage but no shield, so less defence unless you give them armor), heavy swordsman (heavy armor, medieval), light swordsman (only for arab and turkic armies, light and low armor but more damage (unless theres a combat mobility/agility/speed stat, then that instead of damage))

First Line Side and (evolves to) Vanguard (first line/spearhead):

Horseman -> Cavalry -> Early Armored Car, Early Tank -> Armored Car, Light Tank, Medium Tank, Heavy Tank -> IFV, Main Battle Tank

Variants of Cavalry: Lance Cavalry, Horse Archer, Sabre Cavalry

Mechanized infantry not needed IMO, since its just unarmored and troop transport with no guns just like jeeps and early humvees, and all infantry use vehicles to transport since ww2

Second Line and (evolves to) First Line/Core:

Bowman -> Archer -> Early Footman (matchlock early muskets/arquebuses) -> Footman (flintlock muskets), Grenadier, Skirmisher -> Early Rifleman (early cartridge rifles of mid 19th century), Light Infantry -> Rifleman (late 19th century-ww2), Early Machine Gunner -> Machine Gunner, Assault Infantry (smg) -> Early Modern Infantry, Early Modern Machine Gunner (cold war) -> Moderm Infantry, Modern Machine Gunner, Special Forces/Modern Assault Infantry

Third Line/Rear

Artillery (all do large bonus dog against any form of fortifications except trenches): Catapult -> Trebuchet -> Early Cannon -> Cannon, Variants: Large Caliber Cannon (anti fort) Field Cannon (anti infantry), -> Early Howitzer (late 19th century), Early Field Gun -> Howitzer (ww2-coldwar), Field Gun, Rocket Artillery -> Modern Howitzer, MLRS

Variants of Howitzer: Self Propelled Howitzer

Variants of Modern Howitzer: Modern Self Propelled Howitzer

(All have large bonus dmg against any form of fortifications except trenches, large caliber cannons and howitzers even more)


Early Fighter (recon (possibly for giving bonus efficiency for ground troops and especially artillery) and able to fight other airplanes), Early Bomber -> Fighter, Bomber, Strategic Bomber (meant to be used against forts and buildings) -> Early Modern Fighter, Early Modern Bomber, Early Modern Strike Aircraft, Early Modern Attack Helicopter -> Modern Fighter, Modern Bomber, Modern Strike Aircraft, Modern Attack Helicopter

Early Anti-Air Gun -> Anti-Air Gun -> Early Modern SAM -> Modern SAM (SAMs can take down enemy aircraft and cruise missiles)

Early Modern Cruise Missile Launcher -> Modern Cruise Missile Launcher

Early Modern Ballistic Missile Launcher -> Modern Ballistic Missile Launcher

Early Modern ICBM Launcher -> Modern ICBM Launcher

Early Modern Anti-Ballistic Missile Launcher -> Modern Anti-Ballistic Missile Launcher


All types of bronze age to medieval to pre 20th century ships and variants, too many to list -> Early Modern Battleship, Early Destroyer, Early Submarine, Early Cruiser, Early Torpedo Boat -> Modern Battleship, Destroyer, Cruiser, Submarine, Early Modern Aircraft Carrier -> Early Modern Cruiser, Early Modern Submarine, Early Modern Destroyer, Modern Aircraft Carrier, Early Modern Supercarrier -> Modern Cruiser, Modern Submarine, Modern Destroyer, Modern Supercarrier

Variants of Early Modern & Modern Cruiser: Light Cruiser, Heavy Crusier, Missile Cruiser

Variants of Early Modern & Modern Submarine: Recon Submarine, Missile Submarine

Possibly add transport units like for making transport times faster like transport plane/cargo plane (early, early modern, and modern, long range, needs airfield or runway to takeoff and land, can carry vehicles and artillery), transport helicopters (short range but can land anywhere, only carries soldiers), cargo helicopter (short range and only carries 1 vehicle or artillery each but can drop it anywhere), transport ships (small and large variants, all eras with evolution, slow but can go anywhere through sea, but needs a port to go and arrive, large can carry vehicles and artillery), landing craft (ww1-ww2 era, launches from transport ships or maybe any ship, slow and short range but does not need a port and can arrive anywhere), strike boats (early modern-modern, fast but short range and small capacity, best used for special forces/modern assault infantry, probably isnt suited for AoH though), modern transport ship (faster than old transport ships, can carry vehicles and artillery), modern troopshop (fast and good capacity but can only carry soldiers), and all can transport wounded troops and damaged vehicles to safety for healing and repair


Also make evolution happen for every type of unit at the same time, since it doesnt make sense for a nation to have developed jet fighters but still use muskets. But dont make old units automatically upgrade or disappear when players research new tech. They should remain but just not be able to be produced anymore


I know this is a lot but I am passionate for this game and want it to be the best of it's kind with lots of features, depth, complexity, and am just throwing in my suggestion for units & evolution, and I would organize it all into a proper evolution tree and post it if I could


Hope Lucasz sees this and even better, uses it


Damn just realized this took me like an hour to type

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On 12/5/2023 at 3:42 PM, Redguy325 said:

It is HUGE and GREAT. But I have doubts if this system makes sense in modern (after 1815) times

Yeah true I agree. Lines werent used since the mid 1800s, but adding realistic modern combat would be very complex so I wouldnt blame Lucasz if he doesnt add it, but it would be weird to have modern combat be fought in lines

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It may be the background depending on the terrain we are fighting on. While arranging the lines, the plain that appears in the background may change with mountainous and forested backgrounds.

Edited by YusufAliDE

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On 05.12.2023 at 23:21, Łukasz Jakowski said:

In this topic we will write ideas for new land units. 


AoH3 will have different types of land units.


First of all, the AoH 3 will have new battle system:

The battlefield

Representation of the battlefield in the game.



Land units will be grouped into 3 types.

Groups determine the placement of units on the battlefield.




Each unit can be unlocked by researching technology and then upgraded.

Units will have a different recruitment cost, attack, defense, movement speed and upkeep.


Here is the current list of units with upgrades:

First line:

Warrior -> Light Footmen -> Heavy Infantry -> Infantry -> Line Infantry -> Modern Infantry

Hoplites -> Spearmen -> Pikeman -> Elite Pikeman -> Musketeer -> Riflemen -> Mechanized Infantry -> Modern Mechanized Infantry

First line side:

Horseman -> Elite Horseman -> Cavalry -> Tank -> Modern Tank

Second line:

Archer -> Bowmen -> Crossbowman -> Elite Crossbowman

Canon -> Field Cannon -> Artillery -> Modern Artillery

Early Airplane -> Airplane -> Modern Airplane


This is a very early version, so maybe something should be changed?

Or maybe an idea for a new type of unit with upgrades? I'm waiting for your suggestions.



Örneğin 1200 yılında teknolojimiz gelişirse tank mı kullanacağız?

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There should also be upgrade on the idealogy and goverment systems(i think best would choice wouls be some kind of system like stellaris)as well aa that nukes,but that should be very costly technology as well harmful to all nations(depending òn size)

Seasons should also have some sort of effect on the nation and army itself (remember ww2?)

 vassal should be 

Like autonomos regions as well as tributory and puppet state. And as well as that having a choice to change  how they rule the nation would make the game truly a game played for years

Demographics and races

Although sensitive topic to some ,you should be able to make choices on the diffrent people in your nation,assimilation or acceptance of their culture,enslavement or just plain genocide if your fascist

This are my ideas,sorry for the bad grammer and if this kind of system were to be introduced, even if it would cost 50$ i would still buy.

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On 12/5/2023 at 2:21 PM, Łukasz Jakowski said:

In this topic we will write ideas for new land units. 


AoH3 will have different types of land units.


First of all, the AoH 3 will have new battle system:

The battlefield

Representation of the battlefield in the game.



Land units will be grouped into 3 types.

Groups determine the placement of units on the battlefield.




Each unit can be unlocked by researching technology and then upgraded.

Units will have a different recruitment cost, attack, defense, movement speed and upkeep.


Here is the current list of units with upgrades:

First line:

Warrior -> Light Footmen -> Heavy Infantry -> Infantry -> Line Infantry -> Modern Infantry

Hoplites -> Spearmen -> Pikeman -> Elite Pikeman -> Musketeer -> Riflemen -> Mechanized Infantry -> Modern Mechanized Infantry

First line side:

Horseman -> Elite Horseman -> Cavalry -> Tank -> Modern Tank

Second line:

Archer -> Bowmen -> Crossbowman -> Elite Crossbowman

Canon -> Field Cannon -> Artillery -> Modern Artillery

Early Airplane -> Airplane -> Modern Airplane


This is a very early version, so maybe something should be changed?

Or maybe an idea for a new type of unit with upgrades? I'm waiting for your suggestions.



It would be good to put variants of a vehicle and have a little more example

Plane>>Transport plane :can transport units, ammunition, rations or to increase trade  Z.jpg.c68580a8eb4e463ffbd42aad438df758.jpg

I would recommend that you add infantry transport commission2Q.jpg.3dd96b7952d996d9fa240a7e9c7caef4.jpg

The transport half-track (it would be from the transport truck family): Units only 9k.jpg.a735879923b8945a4d063e90cafa5efd.jpg

Another from the same family would be the APC: I could only transport units with 30mm armor on the front and 20mm armor on the sides. It can only transport units


finally the IFV: a cannon of approximately 30-50 mm, transports units


I could tell you others but it would be very long 

I hope you have read it Mr. Lukasz 

Edited by T_34Dark

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Ok, so I just had a unit idea: Wagon forts


They should probably be in the same category as Tanks, however it would fit quite well in the medieval times, possibly could even be Bohemia specific, since it was used during the hussite wars, winning the hussites many battles. Oh it would also be nice, if there will be any 1400 scenario, there could be Hussite wars events.
Sorry for the big size image lol.

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17 minutes ago, MatijoS said:


According to me, for greater diversity, special units should be added that can only be created exclusively by a specific country, for example, the Gustav railway gun that only Germany can produce.

Seconding this, because Wagon Forts, I already mentioned

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I'm hoping the game's economy system will be something better like a economic collapse event or golden ages event idk you guys get what I mean

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 I actually have a couple of ideas for the customization/modding part of the game.

 I want to start with the civilization editor, the part that needs the most improvement in the second game. First of all, flag customization is fine, but could be made better. More flag patterns and symbols would be nice, in fact, you should be able to import symbols and entire flags into the game via the civ editor, it'd make civilization creation more efficient. You should also be able to change the flag and name of the civ when it's in deferent ideologies in the editor, improving custom nations ten fold. Speaking of that, a ideology editor could make a nice little edition.

 Then I want to touch the scenario editor, it's already really well crafted and intuitive. The only problem and a nick-pick is with the event system and scenario icons. The edition of adding custom icons in-game would be a nice quality of life feature. Then we come to the event creation system, confusing at best. It needs work, aka making it less confusing. It'd allow for more complex and enjoyable scenarios to be made.

 Otherwise that's it! Again these are just suggestions of mine! Nice to see you've returned! :D

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05.12.2023 о 22:21 Łukasz Jakowski сказав:

У цій темі ми напишемо ідеї для нових земельних одиниць. 


AoH3 мати різні типи земельних одиниць.


Перш за все, AoH 3 матиме нову бойову систему:

Поле бою

Відображення поля бою в грі.



Земельні одиниці будуть згруповані в 3 типи.

Групи розташування підрозділів на полі бою.




Кожну одиницю можна розблокувати, дослідивши технологію, а потім оновити.

Юніти матимуть різну вартість найму, атаки, захисту, швидкості руху та утримання.


Ось поточний список одиниць з оновленнями:

Перша лінія:

Воїн -> Легкі піхотинці -> Важка піхота -> Піхота -> Лінійна піхота -> Сучасна піхота

Гопліти -> Списоносці -> Пікеман -> Elite Pikeman -> Мушкетер -> Стрільці -> Механізована піхота -> Сучасна механізована піхота

Сторона першого рядка:

Вершник -> Елітний вершник -> кавалерія -> Танк -> Сучасний танк

Другий рядок:

Стрільник -> Лучники -> Арбалетник -> Елітний арбалетник

Canon -> Польова гармата -> Артилерія -> Сучасна артилерія

Ранній літак -> Літак -> Сучасний літак


Це дуже рання версія, тому, можливо, варто щось змінити?

Або, можливо, ідея для нового типу агрегату з оновленнями? Я чекаю ваших пропозицій.



Я так довго цього чекав , може років 3-4 , і ось нарешті !

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I dont think the battle system rn is bad. Altough i have an idea that will make eras have more meanings. In lets say the dark ages will have those units that were in dark ages. And after a new age there will be new units unlocked. Because it would be weird to have tanks in 500s  or planes

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