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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Land units - Ideas AoH3

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you should add the experience and generals to the game.

also, in history and even modern time. wining the war wasn't only decided by the battles.

sometimes it's the injuries or captives that matter the most.

for example, basilus II once defeated entire kingdom by one battle when he blinded the captives and sent them back to their home.

you can add a mechanism where you need to maintain the upkeep for injured units and try to free the captives or otherwise recruitment cost increases and have some unrest if you don't liberate the captives.


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I leave my suggestion here. A system of special units would be good according to the nation, for example, Hungary can have a special investigation that allows it to have hussars, Russia the Tzar cannon, Poland the Winged Hussars, and so on for each country (only if it is unified or formed before)

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