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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Land units - Ideas AoH3

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if there gonna be eras then in the "future era" , old world blues' power armor units

++defense, +attack, -attack valleys/stone deserts(aka gobi desert)/jungles, +++defense rivers


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Hello Lukasz!
This may have been suggested before, but can we get a system for this where there are multiple possible lines of development set up in a json file, with equivalents on the main unit line where each nation would be assigned a unit line (main as default) for example:

in config file:

base damage: 10
base equipment lifetime: 10
base cost: 10

Main light infantry unit line:

Wood Spike-man (-80% damage -50% equipment life -90% cost) - Flint Spearman (-50% damage -20% equipment life -30% cost) - Spearman (+40% damage -10% equipment life +0% cost) - Pikeman (+80% damage +30% equipment life +30% cost) - etc etc

Greek light infantry unit line:

Wood Spike-man (-80% damage -50% equipment life -90% cost) - Flint Spearman (-50% damage -20% equipment life -30% cost) - Hoplite (+90% damage +10% equipment life +20% cost) - Pikeman (+90% damage +30% equipment life +30% cost) - etc etc

All units in all additional lines would have a corresponding unit in the main line existing (for balancing and easier understanding)

then, greece and byzantine empire and such would be assigned the greek line, and once they would progress to technology level needed and research, or however it will be made to work, they would unlock Hoplites as their equivalent of spearmen, which would cost more but be stronger and more effective.

This kind of system would spice up the unit system and would not be too hard to understand for players and is present in many other games which add battle units, so please consider this suggestion!

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On 12/5/2023 at 2:21 PM, Łukasz Jakowski said:

In this topic we will write ideas for new land units. 


AoH3 will have different types of land units.


First of all, the AoH 3 will have new battle system:

The battlefield

Representation of the battlefield in the game.



Land units will be grouped into 3 types.

Groups determine the placement of units on the battlefield.




Each unit can be unlocked by researching technology and then upgraded.

Units will have a different recruitment cost, attack, defense, movement speed and upkeep.


Here is the current list of units with upgrades:

First line:

Warrior -> Light Footmen -> Heavy Infantry -> Infantry -> Line Infantry -> Modern Infantry

Hoplites -> Spearmen -> Pikeman -> Elite Pikeman -> Musketeer -> Riflemen -> Mechanized Infantry -> Modern Mechanized Infantry

First line side:

Horseman -> Elite Horseman -> Cavalry -> Tank -> Modern Tank

Second line:

Archer -> Bowmen -> Crossbowman -> Elite Crossbowman

Canon -> Field Cannon -> Artillery -> Modern Artillery

Early Airplane -> Airplane -> Modern Airplane


This is a very early version, so maybe something should be changed?

Or maybe an idea for a new type of unit with upgrades? I'm waiting for your suggestions.



hey lukaz can you add more buffs to modern equipment like tank because no way that pikeman can 1/4 of a damage a tank can do and also a tank can go up to 25-45 mph.

Stats for the Heavy Modern tank 

Speed: 20-25

Defense: 180-240

Attack: 180-230


Stats for the Medium Modern tank

Speed: 30-35

Defense: 110-130

Attack: 120-135


Stats for the Light Modern tank

Speed: 40-45

Defense: 75-100

Attack: 80-100

Edited by davidtjk

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A modern tank can solo atleast couple hundred to thousands of medieval soldiers if it has the right amount of fuel and ammunition

Edited by davidtjk

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In addition, you should add the "counter system". For example tanks will be countered by anti-tanks, plane will be countered by anti-plane....When your unit face a enemy anti unit, your army stats will decrease and your enemy's will increase a lots. So, this will lay the groundwork for counterattack, or defense challenge with smaller army than enemy.

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On 12/8/2023 at 4:16 AM, Redguy325 said:

My new proposal is very similar and contradictory at the same time to what I wrote earlier, but who cares, maybe one of those proposals will be approved:

My new Idea: Support Elements

Support Elements would be special "items" able to buy before the battle. Support Elements wouldn't work as regular forces (first, second line) but rather special perks unlockable for countries that have bought these. They would work simply - You buy it, and because of that you have chance for better outcomes / you have better statistics of main forces. Obviously they could be unlocked in the tech tree. My suggerstion for "Support Elements":

Ancient, Medieval and early modern era:
- Logistic company
- Engineers company
- Scouts
- additional supplies of: Horses, Armors, Gunpowder
- Reconnaissance balloons
(Generally in Ancient and Medieval era they wouldn't be used very much, I am also not a very smart about these times so can't say uch)

modern era (XIX-XXI cen.)

- spy plane
- Medium and Heavy machine guns
- anti-air and modern anti-air support
- anti-tank and modern anti-tank support
- Oil and supply depots
- spy plane
- Trucks
- Railway gun
- Rocket artillery and modern rocket artillery
- Drone company
-  field hospitals


Sounds a lot like the European War series that Easy Touch did, where you could assemble instruments for units. That's a nice idea. Of course I think it would be nice to have it as an option for mobilizing armies like Victoria III, generating extra overhead.

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The game will be more realistic if each unit require technology point, or coincede era to unlock and train. Warrior, horseman or archer will be normal unit, which can train in every eras, with every technology of every civilizations while some unit like tanks, planes or nukes require high technology in real life to invent will require very HIGH tech point to own and train. And they will also only train in coincede era too, Planes, tanks will albe to unlock and train in early 20th century. Nukes will albe to unlock and train in the second half of 20th century.

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12 hours ago, davidtjk said:

hey lukaz can you add more buffs to modern equipment like tank because no way that pikeman can 1/4 of a damage a tank can do and also a tank can go up to 25-45 mph.

Stats for the Heavy Modern tank 

Speed: 20-25

Defense: 180-240

Attack: 180-230


Stats for the Medium Modern tank

Speed: 30-35

Defense: 110-130

Attack: 120-135


Stats for the Light Modern tank

Speed: 40-45

Defense: 75-100

Attack: 80-100

I don't think it's enough to just have attack-defense values, you also need armor (lightly armored peasant armies can't penetrate a knight's armor, and will make their attacks much less effective.) , morale (make demoralized army quit the battle), synergistic ability (when one side attack, friendly side hit extra damage based on synergistic ability, such as cavalry, which can effectively support infantry's attack), and armor is divided into light, medium, and heavy armor. Light armor is used by infantrymen, and the value of the armor reflects what he wears. It has a certain defensive ability against melee attacks, and is slightly resistant to gunpowder weapons, but cannot resist any armor-piercing attacks. Medium armor refers to the explosion-proof shield and light armored vehicle armor, effective resistance to melee weapons, can resist a certain degree of gunpowder damage, but for armor-piercing attacks is difficult to resist. Heavy armor refers to the armor of tanks, melee weapons are completely ineffective, gunpowder weapons damage is very small, armor-piercing weapons need to look at the ability to penetrate the armor and the thickness of the armor comparison, if the armor is thicker, then the damage will be less, and vice versa, it will cause the damage inflicted and have a probability of causing the effect of damage to the armor, the effect of the armor is reduced in this battle until the next time to replenish the staff.

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Idea for new mode in game
                It's challenge mode. In this mod, player can play in each challenge, from old to modern day. This mod will appear under a series of scenarios. The difficuly of each scenarios will increase by scenario. And the scenario will be arranged by time. For example, the first scenarios of this mod is playing as egyptian and save the capital before the invasion of enemies.
                In each scenarios, players will have 3 goals to finish, respectively to 3 stars. In 3 goals, the main goals will be the most important and easiest to finish. If you don't finish the mail goal, you can't pass this scenario.
                Next, Scenarios will limit turn you can play to finish goals. For example, in the first scenario, you play as ancient Egyptian (as mentioned), your goal is saving the capital before enemy's invasion. Number of turn you finish goal is 25 turns. So, you have to save your capital for 25 turns. If you can't save, you will lose this scenario. And if you finish, the scenario ends, you will be scored by the number of goals you finish.
                Also, there is a leaderboard to see who has the most stars and the number of scenarios he/she passed right now. The leaderboard will auto updated.
               In the end, I will give you some suggestion for goal of scenarios: Save cities, leaders, units; Conquer all enemy's land; extinguish rebels, increase happiness of civilizations to 100% with limit turns; reach 100000 coins; collect enough resources; train enough units; reach enough technology.... Remember, all the scenarios will have limit turn to finish mail goals.

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I would suggest having a certain time that we can unlock investment in certain technologies because, from what it seems like,if we invest in say, modern tank technology as rome,we can use a tank in BC era, that's quite weird don't you think? Whereas if we can invest in modern tank technology around the 2000s it would be logical to do so

Now I know there will be a line of technologies to unlock the most modern stuff but it would still be quite weird for a nation to have a tank in 300 BC say, so adding a time of being able to invest in something would be quite realistic.

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On 05.12.2023 at 23:21, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Bu başlıkta yeni kara birimleri için fikirler yazacağız. 


AoH3 farklı türde kara birimlerine sahip olacak.


Öncelikle AoH 3 yeni bir savaş sistemine sahip olacak:

Savaş alanı

Oyundaki savaş alanının temsili.



Kara birimleri 3 tipe ayrılacaktır.

Gruplar, birimlerin savaş alanındaki yerleşimini belirler.




Her birimin kilidi teknoloji araştırılarak açılabilir ve ardından yükseltilebilir.

Birimlerin işe alım maliyeti, saldırı, savunma, hareket hızı ve bakımı farklı olacaktır.


Yükseltmeleri olan birimlerin güncel listesi:

İlk satır:

Savaşçı -> Hafif Piyadeler -> Ağır Piyade -> Piyade -> Hat Piyadeleri -> Modern Piyade

Hoplitler -> Mızrakçılar -> Mızraklı Adam -> Elit Mızrakçı -> Silahşör -> Tüfekçiler -> Mekanize Piyade -> Modern Mekanize Piyade

İlk satır tarafı:

Süvari -> Elit Süvari -> Süvari -> Tank -> Modern Tank

İkinci çizgi:

Okçu -> Okçular -> Arbaletçi -> Elit Arbaletçi

Canon -> Sahra Topu -> Topçu -> Modern Topçu

Erken Uçak -> Uçak -> Modern Uçak


Bu çok erken bir versiyon, yani belki bir şeyler değiştirilmeli?

Ya da belki yükseltmeleri olan yeni bir ünite türü için bir fikir? Önerilerinizi bekliyorum.


 kesinlikle donanma olmalı donama benim için en önemlisi 1.Dünya savaşı tanklarıda eklenebilir yada muhafızlar gibi diğer şeyler eklenebilir / düşman ülkemizde propaganda yaparak o ülkede iç savaş çıkmasını sağlayabilmeliyiz / oyun sadece savaştan ibaret olmamalı ülke içinde çeşitli şeyler yapabilmeliyiz siyaset gibi  /  komutanlara serbest savaş emri verebiliriz

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Training soldier types may require not only gold but also equipment. With technology, equipment can be improved and the power of these soldiers can be increased. For example: infantry have 35 strength, but infantry with level 2 weapons have 45 strength. This may reduce the rate or speed of fire. It will offer a more detailed and realistic gaming experience. It may also contain Armor, Bow, Arrow or tanks. At the same time, while these increase power, they can also cause a loss of speed, and equipment can be minted with gold. What I said can be changed, but it provides a more realistic gaming experience.

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In land battles, depending on what the infantry wear, events such as weakening may occur due to weather conditions, and weather conditions can also create effects such as decreasing the speed of tanks or vehicles and prolonging the duration of the war, and technologies can also be used. used. It has been developed against this or soldiers are capable of resisting them.

Edited by zheliym

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add generals(like the HOI 4 system of generals) to be in charge if a battalion(what is shown in the pictures, to make for a smoother experience and to add a more organised feeling.Aand you can train generals too.

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I don’t really know where to post the post, let it be here.

A couple of suggestions for innovations in AOH3:

Colonization. It needs to be changed. In the last part of the game, when you created a new city (for example, in empty America), a small population spawned. The population in such settlements is 5-10 times less than in already generated settlements. It is extremely difficult to raise such cities to the same European level. Therefore, in the new part of the game you can make colonization more realistic. For example, in Europe there is a city with a population of 100 thousand people, and there is a new colony with 10 thousand people. It can be done using a system of calls, where people would be encouraged, for example, 10 thousand out of 100 thousand. And then you move them. This can also be done with the colonization system to transfer the population from large cities to mines (into colonies). And already there they were disbanded, so that all 10 thousand residents of this city.

A separate peace. I believe that what can be done so that the country can sign peace with the enemy without depending on the opinions of the allied countries. In the last part of the game, the moments when you were at the peak and you had the best conditions for signing peace were very infuriating. But when you sign an offer to sign peace, the union state refuses to sign it. And then the initiative passes to the enemy, where he ultimately recaptures part of the territories until the forces of the parties become equal and the front freezes. Even so, the allies will still refuse to sign a peace treaty. While my soldiers are dying, the ally may not suffer any losses at all. And this can go on for a very long time. I think that signing a separate peace should be in play, but for balance, make signing it difficult and with big consequences. For example, deterioration of relations with allies. As for the difficulty of signing such a separate agreement.....I haven’t come up with anything here yet.

Trade. The problems with current trading are obvious, because essentially you can trade with other changes by country: gold and bonuses. That is, you can either give gold to another country (they definitely won’t give you money), or exchange money, for example, for the right of passage for an army. There is too little that can be used in trading. It would be cool to add other things to the game. For example, add useful natural resources. You can also make a system of loans and give them to other countries. Everyone can repay their loans in any way. If a country is in very large debts, then it can be paid off, for example, with territories.

Natural resources. It is worth discussing more about them. Obviously this will be a very big innovation. Look, these are at least trade items. But why do we need them? Let's start with the fact that depending on the era there will be conditionally its own resources. After all, it is obvious that, for example, talking about petroleum in 1400 is not a good idea. Some kind of wood would probably be suitable here. But it’s also necessary to let the system move from the same timber trade to petroleum. How to mine? You can add a special building for resource extraction. For the same wood, you need to build a sawmill, and for petroleum production - oil well. Partly, it is now worthwhile to construct a building not only from the point of view of gold (money), but also from resources. For example, the construction of an oil well: 10 thousand gold and 10 tons of iron. This should also apply to other buildings, including any fortresses. There is a stone or something else, or several materials at once. But a certain rarity of resources is needed. We have different maps in the game: political, geographical and others. We add a conditional new map where resources are shown. Although it is not necessary to make this card visible to the player. You can make natural resources appear on the map in some random way. Since the player does not see where the resources are, he needs to study the area for their presence for money. Here the player’s own personal map appears, where the resources found by the player are already marked and will be marked. Or you can make sure that the map is not personal for each country (general), but make sure that if other countries find resources, they would also be marked on the map. Let the spawn of resources be in the form of ore veins, that is, so that most of the map would be, for example, without the presence of iron, but there would be some spots of different sizes with their presence. The real question is: should useful resources be separated from each other or can there be several useful resources in one city at once? In the case of the latter option, it is worth making subsections in the map of useful resources, where each resource will be shown separately. Now it’s worth discussing how rich the country will be in these resources. It is obvious that some territories are very rich in one resource or another, while other territories are only slightly rich. It is worth making the degrees of wealth of cities (territories). From 0 to 3. 3 - a lot of resources, 2 - average, 1 - few, 0 - none. Also, how to extract resources depends on this figure. You can do this: 3 - production is easy, as they say: poke a stick in the sand and you'll find petroleum; 2 - you need to build more advanced buildings for mining; 1 - since there are few resources here, expensive upgrades of buildings are needed. If a country has few any resources, then these resources can be purchased from other countries.

I shared many of my ideas. Please support my post so that Łukasz Jakowski sees and comments on it. If you have any other ideas on how to complement my thoughts, then write. Thank you in advance.

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    • Land units - Ideas AoH3
      AoH3 will have different types of land units.

      In this topic we will write ideas for new land units. 


      So the AoH 3 will have new battle system.

      Representation of the battlefield in the game.

      Land units will be grouped into 3 types. Each unit will have a different recruitment cost, attack, defense, movement speed and upkeep.

      Groups determine the placement of units on the battlefield.


      Each unit can be unlocked by researching technology and then upgraded.


      Here is the current list of units with upgrades:

      First line:

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      Hoplites -> Spearmen -> Pikeman -> Elite Pikeman -> Musketeer -> Riflemen -> Mechanized Infantry -> Modern Mechanized Infantry

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      Second line:

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      This is a very early version, so maybe something should be changed?

      Or maybe an idea for a new type of unit with upgrades? I'm waiting for your suggestions.

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