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Age of History 3
Noobs Dudes

Pretty Much, everything we need Mod making wise in AoH3

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As the title suggests, this'll be everything we need Mod making/Scenario making wise for AoH3. I'll try to be in depth, and clear. I'll also organize it in different groups. So, lets begin!


Leader Customization

Leaders should, without a doubt, be far more Customizable. And, i have a few ideas.

1. More Advanced Buffs/Debuffs (Traits) - AoC2 has this, but it's pretty simplistic. In the new game, it should be far more advanced, similarly to Hoi4. So for example, there could be a 'Charismatic' trait, which improves improving relations. Or, as a negative trait, you could have 'Selfish', and have a debuff to gold earning.


2. Leader Descriptions - This should be in the game, since it'll add more depth to Alt-history, or Fantasy scenarios. In AoC2, there's a wiki page system, but that's not that good. In the new game, i'm fine with it existing, but there should be leader descriptions.


3. Changeable Leaders - Quite obvious since leaders live forever. Should be modifiable via the Scenario editor, and leader editor. (If that's in the game.) So, there should be a 'date died' to prevent stuff like Zog leading Albania in 2018 or something. Also, you should be able to modify this in the scenario editor as well, as well as changeable leaders via events. Also, generic leaders could be cool.


Example Leader i made:


Stephen Montreaux

Stefan was a Priest who gained power through his religion, Atlasianism. The religion promised to be the solution to the Problems of Anarcho-Capitalism, and was a way to prevent the fate of the City of Aynville; a city that was turned into a kind of 'Corporate Feudalism' by Billy Bob and his water company. However, after gaining much power, he established the 'Holy Atlasian Federation', a state heavily inspired by the Roman Empire. After it's creation, he conquered neighboring city states and he reigned over territory the size of a small country.

Master Converter

-10% Resistance

+10% Integration

+15% Religious Conversion

High Support

+15% Daily Happiness

+3 Weekly Stability

Cult-like Following

+5% Recruitable Population

-8% Military Upkeep

+5% Attack

+5% Defence

(Inspired by Adamsomething's series on Anarcho-Capitalism.)


National Buffs and Debuffs

We really need this. National buffs & debuffs will make more advanced scenarios. They should be made via the Scenario editor, and removeable via Events, Decisions, or any other means. It should be similar to HoI4's system as well. But overall, it'll make for much cooler looking Scenarios! And they should also include descriptions, much like Leaders.


Disarmed Nation - -25% Equipment gain -20% Attack -20% Defense -15% Manpower

Highly Skilled Workers - 10% Gold Gain 12% Factory Output


Army Leader Editing

I Know that they'll be in the game, but they should be editable! So, for instance, you can add custom generals via scenario editor, with custom portraits as well! That's about it when it comes to them.



Since dynamic cities will be in the game, here's what should be added:

1. Renamable Cities - For example, if you as Greece take Istanbul, it should be renamed to Constantinople. And, when you rename a city in a save game, it should remain.


2. Changing city names via Events - Obvious, should be a thing! So, lets say a event requirement for Germany is 'Formed Greater Germanic Reich,' and when the event fires, you should be able to rename Berlin to Germania.


3. Changing city names via the Scenario editor - Also, quite obvious. So, for example if you make a Germany Wins WW2 Scenario, you should be able to rename Berlin to Germania.


And that's all i got! If you have your own ideas, just feel free to share them!

Edited by Noobs Dudes
Slight leader modification

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