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Age of History 3

Some ideas for AOH3

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Okay I know that Lukasz Jakowski doesn't want the game to just be a copy of Hoi4, EU, and other RTS games but i think only the Focus tree, Laws & Government, and National Spirit options should be added from hoi4 cuz these features would give more depth to the countries in the game.

I believe that mechanics like Hard and Soft attack should be added to make the battle system more interesting then "my units have higher stats then yours" and that you can add different units on the same line to give the army as a whole different stats and effectiveness they have against other armies, Also add that each army cost a different amount of maintenance on gold and resources based on the units in the army

Maybe even add that you have to fabricate claim, send volunteers, and justify wars as decisions that can be taken against other nations

And for Generals it would be nice if they get upgrades and skills that effect all the armies owned by the nation and can even give enemy armies penalties. It would also be interesting if Nations can get generals through events or there focus tree and even special units as well. Also that i know that leaders of nations will die if they get to old but can there be a way to make them immortal or will the leader just not change if there isn't any other leader set for the nation.

Also it would be fun if Heads of religions can call for Holy Wars for certain provinces or even destroy entire kingdoms and that certain religions have Holy Sites that give different buffs and that its easier to build good relations with countries of the same religion, easier to make alliances with them but religion doesn't affect these if they both follow Religious Freedom.

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