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Dynamic Leader Mechanics for Age of History 3

  An idea that I’ve had for a long time is dynamic portraits. Here is how they might work:

Mortal Leaders: For leaders like presidents and chancellors, they update every set number of years to a new elected president, which could be random or historical. Each random leader could have a unique set of traits.

Combat Leaders: Leaders that are also generals or just generals have portraits/flags representing their location on the battlefield and need to be protected. They can withdraw if necessary.

Dynamics and Detail: For monarchs and dictators, their portraits will change as they age. For example, if Alexander the Great avoided death and kept on ruling, whenever his variable of “age” reaches 60 or so, his leader portrait would change from a young Alexander to an old one. Or, if Queen Elizabeth II was crowned early, the ui may show a picture of a child Elizabeth. The art style could change based on time period. Using AI, this is easier than ever to achieve and really cool (Elizabeth Woodville, a queen of England, is attached here: E II.zip). AI (and manually edited) portraits of Abraham Lincoln and Catherine the Great are below with another cool addition of their corresponding nation’s flag as the background. If Java can support gifs or short clips of video without being inefficient, then I can even animate them to blink and such. Talking, however, would take a longer time.


Elizabeth Woodville, the English monarch, is (very roughly) animated below, however the bounce/boomerang effect isn’t applied:


AoH and/or modders, reach out if you’d like me to provide some custom portraits or something similar. I’m happy to receive feedback/questions/ideas.

Edited by whiskeybravo
Elaboration & Clarity

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