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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

First preview of the Alpha version of Age of History 3

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Age of History 2 tamamen sayılardan oluşan bir oyundu evet pek çok şey değişti ama savaş sisteminde de bir değişiklik olması gerektiğini düşünüyorum çünkü savaşı kimin kazanacağı rastgele belirleniyor.


Let me give an example: 10 thousand vs 20 thousand armies are fighting. If it were in Age of History, the army of 20 thousand people would win, but here it is random. 

It would be better if we could control the army order and create strategies accordingly.


Let me give an example: Let's say I first bombed from the air with planes, then I marched my tanks and land armies and won the war. 


Everything was perfect, but we cannot create a strategy in the battle system here as in Age of History 2.

Edited by canseoki11122
I elaborated more

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Will it have an exploration system like EU4 or Civ?
What I mean is that you have to explore provinces before being able to see them. Unlike in AoH2 where the whole map was visible, just the civilizations were hidden.

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Good day, dear Lukash. Alexander from Russia is addressing you. I have a very good suggestion for you that I would like to see in this future wonderful game that I am waiting for. What is my suggestion?: This is the addition of a general to divisions, and the unification of divisions under the command of a general. I think you know this idea from HOI 4. I would really like to see the choice of generals, their leveling, and assignment to divisions. What do you think?Good day, dear Lukash. Alexander from Russia is addressing you. I have a very good suggestion for you that I would like to see in this future wonderful game that I am waiting for. What is my suggestion?: This is the addition of a general to divisions, and the unification of divisions under the command of a general. I think you know this idea from HOI 4. I would really like to see the choice of generals, their leveling, and assignment to divisions. What do you think?

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22 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Nukes are already added 😛

hello lukasz, you said it before but has your opinion on navies changed? So, will navies be in the game?

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Proposals Ideas

Hello Łukasz!, I want an idea that I came up with for Age of History 3 related to any ideas.

Civil Wars

The idea is simple, when the government of a nation changes suddenly without the approval of the majority of the population or some other reason, a percentage probability of breaking out in a civil war will break out. When that percentage is 100%, the conflict will break out. In this case you can play with one of the 2 sides or if you are another nation you can send support to that same side.

Decisions Button

The decisions button will be a button where you can approve some decisions such as reforms or laws, etc., including forming a civilization, but to form the civilization you will have to make a event of decision/objective to form the civilization when that objective and its requirements to start the reform of that civilization.


It would be great to see colonizing companies like in real life that serve the economy and trade of your colonies with the trade of species or materials.

Although there should be a separation between vassals and colonies.




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On 1/7/2024 at 3:04 AM, Łukasz Jakowski said:
First preview of the Alpha version of Age of History 3
Release date: When it's ready 😛 Subscribe for more!
What do you think about the look of the game? Maybe some ideas what could be added or changed?
Grand strategy wargame where the destiny of Civilizations rests in your hands - will they stand united under your leadership or fall divided in conflict? Journey through the entire saga of human civilization, from its earliest days to the futuristic era, crafting your legacy age by age.

Is aoh3 compatible with all devices from Android 9 and above?

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There could be something related to you being able to send an army to help in a war without needing to declare war, as if they were volunteers, it would be very useful in a civil war. Keep up the great work, if the alpha is already like this, the final game will be amazing!!

Edited by Eduardo furlaneto

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so i have a suggestions that One cool thing to add would definitly be Trades like you can see how many resources you have and to get good relations or wanna be rich you can trade like i think its a pretty cool feature

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      In this topic we will write ideas for new land units. 


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      Second line:

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