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Age of History 3

Peace Conference Additions

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  • An option to leave war with one nation that you are at war with without having to peace with the whole alliance of the opposition(i know you can do it in AOH2 but it still had to be agreed with our allies if there was)
  • A probability of the alliance members(some or all) leaving the alliance after the war(the probably of this should increase if the relations between the allies worsen and gets better with a different alliance member or just a different nation which would make improving relations with allies something that worths because in AOH2 you could have insulted your ally and nothing would happen
  • An option to choose war repretions's amount and also to get them to more than 1 nation.
  • Demilitarization zones and also military reduction
  • Occupations and also pre-determined referendums(like how saarland was going to get a referendum on whether to join france or remain in germany some time after ww1 and also occupations should be temporary with it's time determined in the peace deal)
  • Preventing diplomatic actions between nations(like for example i am azerbaijan and invade armenia and for some reason i dont want them to increase relations with greece)
  • An option to refuse a part or all of the deal like refusing to leave an occupied zone, refusing to pay repretions etc. which would give us prestige, increase our relations between the rival/the nation that is at war with of the nation we are refusing to do the part of the deal to.
  • An option for nations who are at war with same nation(s) to be able to get same peace deal(because it is annoying to have ai bordergore. even if the ai gets better, i think it would be cool to have that)
  • Choosing the ideology and capital of the released nation.
  • Also there should be a generated peace deal image after we create the deal and then an animation of signing it. It isnt much but it would be cool to see  treaty clauses
  • Moral insults where we can customly write text for the peace deal image like "germany is responsible for the war" kind of things(this would damage the prestige of the selected nation and the amount of prestige damage will be able to increased or decreased according to our warscore)

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