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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Age of History 3 - Spies in the game and their role

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My idea for spies

- you can recruit spies for gold (its obvious)

and you can send them to the other country and choose option


1.See Army of the country

2.See How Much money does this country have

3.See how much money this country makes everyday

and thats it i think i dont have any more ideas for spies








Will there be online multiplayer? pleasee

And will there be updates? Pleeaaase

And lastly will there be workshop and steam points shop or what name is for this? pleaseeeee

I want them a lot and probably not only me

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  1. To worse relations between alliance leader and alliance members
  2. To worse relation between vassal and suzerain
  3. Harm builded wonder, and destroy it if already harmed
  4. Decrease infrastructure in province by 1
  5. Spread anti-war ideas, that will result in a penalty to recruitment rate
  6. Send notification when spied civilization preparing to start a war with someone, with ability to warn attacked civilziation
  7. Stealing other's techonologies
    1. If too OP: accelerating the research of a technology if it has already been studied by the civilization being spied 
      1. If still too OP: slowing down other civilzation research rate
  8. Spreading rumors, which results in penatly to prestige (decreasing civilization's place in global ranking and, as i understood, making it's diplomacy more difficult)
  9. Rigging the election results in democracy countries if played as autocracy, giving additional votes to the parties in opposition
Edited by MarerjhAdditionalAccount

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I guess one of the benefits of spies is uncovering a country's nuclear silo - the case for the modern era.

Blackmail a country's plans, so that the efficiency of the army is reduced.

Likewise, first the spies would have to be recruited, then sent, they would have a certain reliability and viability to obtain knowledge and blackmail the opposing nation. Likewise, there may be an economic budget section to finance the spies that we send to a nation, Of course, the efficiency of the spies depends on the allocated budget, the problem of a very high allocated budget can lead to corruption and possibly cause spies to do nothing.

How do you avoid spies? Basically, there can be an economic budget section for national security, the higher it is, easier it will be to find spies and avoid damage to our internal structure.


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Spies could be hired and sent to a province of a neutral, rival or enemy country, with a specified goal. They would require upkeep, and it increases depending on the distance from your capital. The success rate also depends on your civilization's advancement. Here are a few ideas of what actions could be:

Counter-Espionage, Patrol, Spread Unrest, Infiltrate Government (view plans and income), Assassinate Leader/Advisor/General, Coup, False Flag Operations

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28 minutos atrás, Łukasz Jakowski disse:

Neste tópico você pode compartilhar suas ideias sobre como os espiões devem funcionar no jogo e o que eles podem fazer.

Estou realmente interessado em 

47 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Neste tópico você pode compartilhar suas ideias sobre como os espiões devem funcionar no jogo e o que eles podem fazer.

Estou realmente interessado em suas idéias.



Myślę, że po pierwsze nie mogą tak wyglądać we wczesnej fazie gry, ponieważ byłoby to bardzo zepsute.

Ale teraz, jeśli chodzi o pomysły, sugeruję co następuje: sabotaż w budynkach gospodarczych w celu zdestabilizowania gospodarki wroga, sabotaż w koszarach wojskowych bombami w celu zdestabilizowania ilości, jaką może utrzymać i zniszczyć niektóre jednostki wroga oraz uniemożliwienie produkcji nowych żołnierzy w sabotowanym miasta, sabotaż technologiczny polegający na kradzieży technologii wroga, powodując jej awarię lub nawet powodując wydłużenie czasu badań, można również szerzyć fałszywą propagandę i rzucać ją przeciwko ludności, powodując jej zmęczenie wojną i powodując pewien poziom kapitulacji przez miesiąc w zależności od narodu, może być większy lub mniejszy, ludność może się zdenerwować i może podjąć próby rewolucji lub zamachu stanu, w zależności od narodu, zwiększa to ryzyko misji szpiega i sabotażysty 

Jeszcze raz mam nadzieję, że zrozumiecie i polubicie moje pomysły 

Jeżeli coś powiedziałem, ktoś już wam powiedział, to w porządku, bo mogę wymyślić więcej pomysłów, więc to wszystko, życzę powodzenia w zbyciu gry. 


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14 minutes ago, MarerjhAdditionalAccount said:
  1. Ухудшить отношения между лидером альянса и членами альянса
  2. Ухудшение отношений между вассалом и сюзереном
  3. Навредить созданному чуду и уничтожить его, если уже причинен вред
  4. Уменьшить инфраструктуру в провинции на 1.
  5. Распространять антивоенные идеи, что приведет к штрафу за вербовку
  6. Отправлять уведомление, когда шпионская цивилизация готовится начать с кем-то войну, с возможностью предупредить атакованную цивилизацию.
  7. Воровство чужих технологий
    1. Если тоже ОП: ускорение исследования технологии, если она уже изучена шпионимой цивилизацией 
      1. Если все еще слишком ОП: замедление темпов исследования других цивилизаций
  8. Распространение слухов, что приводит к снижению престижа (понижению места цивилизации в мировом рейтинге и, как я понял, усложнению ее дипломатии)
  9. Фальсификация результатов выборов в демократических странах, если играть в режиме автократии, предоставление дополнительных голосов оппозиционным партиям

Also thing spies shouldn't be able to do:

1. Destroy armies (overpower)

2. Spy armies location (hard to balance so it wouldn't be op or completely useless)

3. Steal civilization's recruits or gold, provinces, vassals, nukes (overpower)

4. Murdering leader, generals of advisors (useless)

5. Destroy non-uniq building (useless + I'm sure ai will be easily destroyed this way)

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Send a spy to see the soldiers of a state
Send spies to a state before declaring war
Kill the leader of the state
Support minorities in the country (in normal AoH2, but I said it anyway)

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1.Spy on countries military size,leaders next moves and policies 

2. Get information about upcoming war,rebellion and technology 

3. Get information about in your country's government (corruption,black market,military coup and etc.)

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Spies exist for reasons. The most important one is gathering information, what the information is depends on how op the spies will be. Like armies will not be shown in map if there are no spies there, or only part of the neighbor country will be 'monitored' because there is not enough spies.

I'm partial on the 'damaging' part like destroying properties etc. because I think that was not really spies are for. Welp that is only my opinion.

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We could have a limited number of spies which we can increase trough technologies, legacy or anything similar. We send the spies to build a spy network, which will give us buffs the battles and sieges due to intelligence advantage. Spy network will also be a kind of a mana for submersive operations, which can be:

  • Stage a coup
  • Steal technology
  • Forge war justification
  • Steal maps
  • Support rebels and etc...

The spies will also have a efficiency value for how fast the spy network is built and how successful an operation may be, it will be determined by spy traits, technologies and legacy

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Spies should be able to do the following(in my opinion)

Give you information about the army of the nation(how large is it and what kind of units make it up)

Give you the ability to see what buildings the spied nation is building

Give you the economic situation of the nation

Give you the relations the nation has with every other nation in the scenario(I think the relations should be locked unless you have spies in that nation)

Give you the ability to see what the country is currently researching

Spies should cost gold, around 40 gold/year

There should be a 10% chance the spy gets caught,if that happens then:

The relations between the two nations will be reduced by -30

You will lose all access to the information the spy gave you

You will pay the spy the 40 gold immediately

You will have to pay the nation you spied 50 gold instantly, and an additional 50 gold over the course of 6 months

By time,  the chance of the spy being caught will increase slightly, until it reaches 100%,which should basically never happen, because:

The spies send will have a limited time in that nation, with a max of 10 years

And lastly,You should be able to recall a spy if you can't keep up with the cost of keeping them in the country you are spying,or you simply just don't want to spy the country anymore.

Edited by paul2kdj
Made a mistake while writing this(initially I suggested you should pay the spy 100 gold/year, but then I realized it didn't match up with the price you should pay them if they get caught, and I find 40 gold to be more reasonable than 100.)

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1. Spies can infiltrate the country and start a civil war
2.For example, Ottoman (Muslim), can secretly spread Islam by sending müslim spies to France (Christian).
3. They can draw the troops of the enemy country to his side
4. If the spy get caught, relations between countries will deteriorate.
5: We can see the country's military units and where all its soldiers are.

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  • Controlling relations from side of already spy-controlled nation
  • Spreading religions or ideologies with propaganda in a sphere of influence of nation
  • Creating a sphere of influence for nations(can be noticed on the some map mode if spy-network have been discovered or published)
  • Intrigues with murdering or controlling advisors and generals
  • Intrigues with sending foreign advisors to own nation(foreign nation losts that advisor)
  • Сounter-spying networks in own nations and vassals or sphere of influnce
  • Uniting spy-networks of nations if nations one long-term war alliance(short-term war alliances is coalitions)
  • Another way of controlling relations between nations
  • Using information from spy and counter-spy networks for trading between nations
  • Stealling provinces/regions of nation with low stability
  • Creating casus bellum for wars. Without casus bellum people of agressor's nation will be unhappy about start of war.
  • Lowering stability of foreign nations to make everything noticed in the up easier to make real
  • Every idea noticed in the up can be done with violence or without. But chances of no-violent final of spy-network action is always not equal to zero
  • Counter-spying network example - military police, guard patrols, privateers in Her majesty's service, customs, counter-propaganda(this increases immunity from another nation's lowering in stability + can create casus bellum for wars). Counter-spying increases stability.
Edited by neverger84
More ideas added + More ideas added

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In my opinion, spy networks should not have only one service and their function should be expanded. Also, espionage operations should be more likely to succeed or FAIL depending on the prestige of the civilization you send them to. For example:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

(+ We should be able to recruit spies, each spy should have a different skill level and cost, like military spies, complete spies, fast spies, efficient spies...

1) Military Spies: More successful in military operations

2) Fast Spies: Perform espionage actions faster

3) Efficient Spies: They can perform espionage actions in the most efficient way

4) Complete Spies (5 Stars): These spies have almost all spy features.

Many more spy types and features can be added)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

~ First of all, in order to carry out these spying operations, we need to set up a SPY NETWORK. Without setting up a spy network, the following operations cannot begin. The time and cost to set up a spy network for a state may vary depending on the prestige of the civilization to be spied on. If the spy network fails, the civilization cannot be spied on again for 1 year.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

~ I also thought of a building that can be upgraded to prevent or make espionage activities against you less successful, this building will make espionage activities at least successful, if not completely prevented, and the percentage of prevention will increase according to its level.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

1- Learning Military Units

Duration: 6 Months

Cost: 500 Gold (representative)

- This feature does not allow us to learn about the military units of the entire civilization, this feature allows us to learn about the soldiers of only one province of the civilization you send the spy to

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

2- Propaganda

Duration: 4 Months

Cost: 250 Gold (representative)

- This feature lowers the level of HAPPINESS of the people in the civilization you send it to by making fake news that will disturb the people. Failure to do so will result in the suspension of relations with the state that sent the spy.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3- Assassination of the Leader

Duration: 1 Year+

Cost: 2000 Gold (representative)

- This feature allows you to assassinate the leader of the civilization we send you to, failing which all diplomatic and trade relations between you and that state will cease.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

4- Inciting minorities to revolt

Duration: 1 Year

Cost: 2000 Gold (representative)

- This feature provokes minorities in the civilization you send them to, encouraging them to rebel.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

5- Provocation

Duration: 2 Years

Cost: 2500 Gold (representative)

- This characteristic is to try to create problems between two civilizations. For example, our spy will go to the French state and make fake news about the German state, with the aim of worsening relations between the two states. If you fail, both states will turn against you.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

6- Creating a cause for war

Duration: 2 Months

Cost: 600 Gold (representative)

- This feature is useful if you want to declare war against a state but you have good relations with it or you don't want to get too much backlash from other states, we can create a cause for war in this way to minimize the backlash from other states.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

7- Soldiers

Duration: 1 Year

Cost: 1500 Gold (representative)

- This feature provokes the army of the civilization you are sending spies to, lowering their will to fight, morale and work rate, failing which the soldier's morale will rise and your army's morale will fall

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

8- Spreading Ideology (and religious)

Duration: 3 Years

Cost: 5000 Gold (representative)

- This is done in order to change the ideology of the civilization you are sending a spy to, and internally this ideology starts to resonate in the civilization. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Edited by mysta

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Hello Lukasz, here is my overview of how I believe spies should work in Age of History 3:

 Spies in my vision should be mainly used as intelligence network and a disruptive scheme to weaken you opponents.

To begin with, the ruler must have a Spy Advisor which will unlock the ability to recruit spies and create a spy network in a foreign country (or the player's country)

Once a spy network has been created which should take some time in-game, the player will start with limited interactions such as Infiltrate the Military or Infiltrate the Parliament or Infiltrate the Industrial Sector. Each one of these will give limited bonuses such as information however, they do lead to other paths and interactions. 

When the specified sector has been infiltrated, the ruler will be able to now do higher scale operations. For example, the player has infiltrated the Military, they now have an ability to disrupt military installations such as military bases where the personnel is training, upon completing the scheme, the enemy will have an event pop-up of mutiny by the conscripts which will add a negative effect on the military base affecting the speed at which an army can be mobilised. This however is just an example and can be changed to whatever, but the concept is:

Infiltration = The player gains access to the specific sector such as the Economy, Military, and the Government.

Operation = After a successful infiltration, the player gains access to operations or schemes in that sector. For example, the user infiltrated the economic sector, the player can now do a scheme to disrupt the production of goods in a region.

Effect = After a successful operation, the effects on the sector is placed. If the player for example successfully disrupted the production of goods in some province, the building producing lets say paper will have a negative effect for a year or so, decreasing the production.

Regarding the ability to create spy networks in your own country, they will work somewhat similar in their concept however of course with different interactions.

For example, the player will now have options like discovering spy networks created by the enemies or even staging coups in their own country for the purpose of changing ideologies. 

Thank you for reading and I am genuinely so hyped for Age of History 3! Good-luck with development and take your time! 

Edited by qxz

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I think that spies missions should be divided in 3-4 parts, wich can be unlocked by adequate research. In addition every action could be executed by the appropriate number of administrative/spy/diplomatic points. It's important to the cost of operations and their length be balanced. For exemple: only rich countries can afford to buy the actions from group 3. 

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Game Spy System: Spies could bring you data from the country you are spying on, such as: how much money the country has, see the number of people present in the armed forces, sabotage. The sabotage would be as follows: The spies would find some way to sabotage the country's government, causing a certain economic shock or disrupting army research and other research within the game.

Theft of technologies: Spies could steal technologies to help with their technological research or even bring it to their country. If the neighboring country has an interesting technology that you don't have, you could get it through espionage.

Wars: If a country intends to wage war against your country, spies could warn you days before it happens.

Coups d'état: A spy can join the government of a rival neighboring country at the behest of a coup d'état. This may include a change of government (Ideology) or the country becoming your vassal. But this would cause 99% of the population to revolt as they do not want a foreign government interfering in their policies.

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8 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

In this topic you can share your ideas about how spies should work in the game and what they can do.

I'm really interested in your ideas.



Very strange idea, but maybe some sort of disorganising your units in a way they begin to do unwanted moves. For example someone send spies to you, and one of your units goes in the opposite direction than wanted.

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11 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

In this topic you can share your ideas about how spies should work in the game and what they can do.

I'm really interested in your ideas.



Spies could report the position of enemy armies.

So you send a certain amount of spies to a province on enemy land and they would reveal the army on a certain range (1-5 provinces, 1-3, whatever) 

This would useful so you can anticipate the arrival of the enemies and start recruiting more army.

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