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Age of History 3


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This idea will make the game more strategic and the economy more diverse. It will also create strategic objects that will create a desire for expansion.
It appears from the video that the resources have been added, but we don't know the details, and I'll write this anyway just in case.

Usable Resources
Resources must have a variety of uses because there is an interest in capturing them.
for example:
Iron must be used to build an army.(Of course with gold)
Stone/wood/marble - buildings
Wood - ships
Oil must be available to move modern equipment(tanks,airplanes)
Food is necessary for both the population and the army. Not having it will cause the drop of happiness of the population and in the case of the army, its death.
Other resources, just increase income.
In such a system, the fight for resources will begin. But for players who play with careful strategy, there must be a trading.

To start trading, you sign a trade agreement with the state, where you indicate what resources you will buy and sell with him, which can be adjusted in the future.(You can only trade resources that are used for something)
Also mark the way, Tiles, which the ship or caravan should pass for trade.(can be adjusted in the future.)
The longer the route, the more additional costs there will be, forcing them to look for the shortest route possible.
If the trade route passes through the territory of another country, or in the part of the sea controlled by another country, the trading countries must pay the customs tax. The price is set by the state through whose territory the road passes, on the principle of low/medium/high. Prices are individual for each country.
To weaken and economically exhaust an enemy state, you must be able to blockade a trade route by placing troops or warships along the route.
This idea adds variety to the game, making resources more usable and trading necessary.
It also shows an interest in expansion to capture resources and trade routes.
I think no other game has anything like this, and this will make AOH 3 unique.

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