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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Events - Common events for every civilization in the game

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Event 1
Title :
 - The Fall of Civilization
  Description :
 - Conditions for the fall of civilization during war
  Catalysts :
 - Civilization is at war
 - The fall of the capital
 - Collapse of 75% of the economy
 -  Half of the soldiers die
  The result :
 -  Fall of civilization
Event 2 :
Title : Civil War
  Description :
- Civil war due to decreased stability
- Decreased stability below 30%
- Decreased happiness below 50%.
  Result :
- creation of a civilization with a different government
- declaration of war between the two governments
Event 3
Title: Union
- Unions between civilizations
- There will be an alliance
- relationship 90+
- Proposing the establishment of a union between two or more civilizations

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My suggestions for triggers/outcomes, most I just copied from AoH2.

controls_province=101;102;103 #  I guess we'll be able to enter multiple provinces
civ_population_over=99000 # Total civilization population
(the same for other civ_capital triggers)

trigger_event=event id, or whatever identifies it
province_population_percentage=tag=20=101;102;103 # 20% of the province population will convert to tag

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Idk how related this could be but I would like it if changing Ideolodgies wasn't just click of a button, so maybe add events where people could vote for a certain ideolodgy or an event to ignite a civil war between 2 ideolodgies (Something like this I can't really explain it better)

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@Łukasz Jakowski Hello Lukasz! I would like to suggest something other than what you are asking for here. Well, I would rather ask you if you have already thought about putting the following things that I am going to mention to you.

In the previous Age of History games the sea is quite useless, troops can cross the sea without any problem and there are no units or elements that affect navigation. So what I mean is if you plan to put military ports in which you can build many different types of historical ships, these ships would have different stats like the troops and these would serve for various functions including: Transport x amount of land troops, reach more distant seas, make maritime blockades to the provinces that are overseas to prevent resources from arriving and of course landings and naval warfare.

That is my suggestion, thank you.

Edited by Keguca10

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I think the game should be released with 2 or 3 scenarios, good features should be added to these scenarios, and scenarios with good features should be added with updates after the game is released in this way, this way it will be better. 

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🌟I don't know if my idea will be suitable, but I will present it:


Title: Desertion


Regular description: The country has been losing in the ongoing war for a long time, and soldiers are deserting massively.


Trigger: The country has been losing for a long time, our army is quickly being destroyed, little money is allocated to the economy and soldiers, propaganda works terribly poorly.


Option 1: The state increases spending, or gives money to soldiers - 30% chance that soldiers will return; 70% chance that they will not return.


Option 2: Arrest or shoot - 40% chance that desertion will decrease, but dissatisfaction will arise; 60% chance that this will cause protests and dissatisfaction with riots.


🌟By the way, I also wanted to suggest the idea that if very massive and serious strikes or uprisings with revolutions take place, then some structures, for example, "a farm", could break down and then it would be necessary to allocate money for repairs, or the workers simply refuse to work and it would be necessary to spend money to find new employees.


But if the state allocates a lot of money to the police and the army, then the chance decreases.


-First position (high expenses) - 70-80% that the police will be able to suppress the protest;


-Second position (average expenses) - 40-45% - that the police will be able to suppress the protest;


And so on.


When suppressing, it will be necessary to hire new workers with a chance of 30-40%.


When suppressed, the player will receive an event that the police worked perfectly, but with corruption, the chances of the police suppressing the protest decrease.


Also, with low taxes and high spending on the development of public goods, people will be less likely to organize strikes.

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25 minutes ago, Huni said:

Я понятия не имею, насколько это может быть связано, но мне бы хотелось, чтобы смена идеологии происходила не простым нажатием кнопки, поэтому, возможно, добавьте события, где люди могли бы проголосовать за определенную идеологию, или событие, которое разжигает гражданскую войну между двумя идеологиями (что-то вроде этого, я не могу объяснить это лучше).

It was good, but it would be better to do it in a democracy, and also add the ability to choose parties in a democracy, I would also like to see the vassalet worked out in more detail, It was good, but it would be better to implement this in a democracy, and also add the ability to choose parties in a democratic system. Additionally, I would like to see a more detailed elaboration of vassalage, both when we are a vassal and when we have a vassal for our management.

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@Łukasz Jakowski ¡Hi! Lukasz, I have some sugestions and I don't know if you already have considered them. First is a new sistem of making war, deciding a reason to start a war. For example I want a county and I declare the war only for this county, with these forms wars are slower and with sense. That will be a great way to control the war system, If you left the declaring war for nothing wars are stupid and doesn't have any sense. Other thing bad of the already system is that when the war ends you can claim counties without sense and maps get deformed easily.

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40 minutes ago, Zhirinovsky said:

🌟Я не знаю, подойдет ли моя идея, но я представлю ее:


Название: Дезертирство


Обычное описание: Страна проигрывает в продолжающейся войне в течение длительного времени, и солдаты массово дезертируют.


Триггер: Страна долгое время проигрывает, наша армия быстро разрушается, на экономику и солдат выделяется мало денег, пропаганда работает ужасно плохо.


Вариант 1: Государство увеличивает расходы или дает деньги солдатам - 30% шанс, что солдаты вернутся; 70% шанс, что они не вернутся.


Вариант 2: Арестовывать или расстреливать - 40% вероятности, что дезертирство уменьшится, но недовольство возникнет; 60% вероятности, что это вызовет протесты и недовольство вплоть до беспорядков.


🌟Кстати, я также хотел предложить идею о том, что если произойдут очень массовые и серьезные забастовки или восстания с революциями, то какие-то сооружения, например, "ферма", могут выйти из строя и тогда нужно будет выделять деньги на ремонт, или рабочие просто откажутся работать и нужно будет тратить деньги на поиск новых сотрудников.


Но если государство выделяет много денег полиции и армии, то шанс уменьшается.


-Первое место (высокие расходы) - 70-80% того, что полиция сможет подавить протест;


-Вторая позиция (средние расходы) - 40-45% - что полиция сможет подавить протест;


И так далее.


При подавлении необходимо будет нанять новых работников с шансом 30-40%.


При подавлении игрок получит событие, свидетельствующее о том, что полиция сработала идеально, но из-за коррупции шансы полиции подавить протест уменьшаются.


Кроме того, при низких налогах и высоких расходах на развитие общественных благ у людей будет меньше шансов организовать забастовки.

🌟I would like to add that when building military facilities, the chances of the success of a protest will decrease. Also, I would like to make it possible to choose the level of harshness for the police, meaning:


- Pacifist police;

- Mildly aggressive police;

- Totalitarian police.


This choice of police aggression will provide some additional options, for example, with "Pacifist police," one will not be able to make harsh decisions such as shooting, excessively harsh dispersal of protesters, and so on.


But this may sometimes provide additional alternative peaceful solutions.

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Title: Revolutions

Simple Description: A revolution to change the ruler and/or ideology of a nation.

Triggers: When the happiness or stabilty are very low

Outcome 1: The revolution wins and the ruler and/or ideology is changed (there could be change of dinasties with kings)

Outcome 2: the revolution loses and the ruler stays in power

Edited by estrofago

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21 hours ago, mysta said:

Title: Ruthless Leader!

Simple Description: You and your government's excessive destruction and looting in war have turned your image in the world into that of a bad guy! 

Triggers: Use of nukes or genocide of 75% of the population of city X (figures are representative)

Outcome: State prestige decreased by 35%, army strength increased by 25%

Pretty nice

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Łukasz, this gotta be nice but I'm wonder how missions would be.

is there trigger of event_taken ? this works when certain event had taken by player, always be true.

and also, Is there any rooms to mod in missions and some other interfaces?

If it could, I'd like to add decision menu and diplomatical tactics things


btw i have some suggestions too

Declaration of shogunate

: Now, after conflict era, Japan is unified under one leader, shogun. isn't it time to declaration of shogunate?

: its triggered by occupying all main cities in Japan, and Muromachi Shogunate isn't exist.

1 : Yes, right now! - change country rank into shogunate, change country name into "Japan"

2 : Not yet - you can trigger this as you like later.





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Title: One world, one country



 Simple Description: The world has been unified, the last countries gave in to the absolute control of the most powerful (Country), now there is nothing left to do, we are the first and last empire to achieve the great feat.



 Triggers: conquered all existing provinces.



 Outcome 1: Glory to the Empire: Finish the game, unlock an achievement: "when the world was unified."



 Outcome 2: Our path is not over yet: Continue the game with a single country for eternity. Unlocks an achievement "When the world was unified."



 Special Result (Spain): The world is no longer the world, it's just Spain: unlock an achievement "The Hispanic Empire."



 Special Result (British): God Save the Empire: Unlock an achievement "British World."

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I think an event that should happen is a conspiracy that would want to be removed or a because either they usurped power and so rule on the country is shaky or the people are unhappy with the leader, this would make events like the French Revolution or the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. I also really hope for there to be a social rank so there can be a revolt of unhappy peasants with their position.

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When specfic major well known cities of the world get nuked it gives our a specfic event like in hoi4 /news that such a city got nukes also if a major city was captured like Berlin by polish or British forces

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It would be good if coalitions could be formed against you, something like infamy in the victory saga or the aggressive expansion in Europa universalis.

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1. Do you plan to use the Android version ? If so, how soon will it be released?


 2. Do you do big scenarios like the cold war, Vietnam war or modern day scenarios? If so, I hope you will pay more attention to the Asian region!


 3. Can we change the flag of the government and leadership?


 Please reply to me when you read this! I will wait.


 I really have high hopes for this mod! Please try to develop it, thank you very much

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Anyways, Lukasz, as a former modder I think I speak for the entire modding community with my following requests: make event making in the scenario editor as easy as possible, but most importantly raise the amount of triggers events can have. Stuff like owning a certain number of provinces, owning a specific region, being of a specific government type, having a specific religion, having a specific culture, having > generals, owning > wealth in the treasury, occupying a number/area of provinces, etc... make all of these triggers for events . Also please make the  "event decision taken" trigger work properly, so that it doesn't break often like it did in AoH2 

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Could we change a province ressource throught a event or a decision and how will the colonisation work ? , is each colony have set good or we choose what a colony produce in function of there terrain 

Also how can we get certain resource , like silk , tea , or even fur if we cant trade in game ?

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Title: Union
- Unions between your civilization and X 
- There will be an alliance
- relationship 90+
1 - Proposing the establishment of a union between two or more civilizations

2 - Civilizations remain allied

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So.. for a democratic nation, right? There shouldn't always be leader death, there should also be leader mandate, so my event suggestion is:

Title: The term of [Leader Name] has expired 

Simple Description: With time, in a democracy new leaders come and go, perhaps though, with a little help from the treasury we could change that, or make someone more simpathetic the leader.

// Note: Something should be a default vote that doesn't require treasury

Triggers: A variable perhaps? Or certain time passed since the ruler has been ruling. I am not sure.

Outcome 1: Our candidate can stay a little longer. (Treasury: - 250, Current Leader stays)

Outcome 2: Call the people, it is time to vote! (Current Leader "dies")

// Note: This is really just a rough "sketch" of an event

Edited by Minemaster552

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