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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Events - Common events for every civilization in the game

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Title:We saw a Meteor

Simple Description:Our Peasants are  in Panic they dont know what is it.Many are demanding that we give the a explanation.Is it the end of times

Triggers: Civilization exist 

Outcome 1: We dont know -      -5%Stability

Outcome 2: Lets make something up- 50% +1%stability 50% -10stability 

Outcome 3: Only available after a Meteor tech-Scientist research the Meteor-+5% Research 

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  • EVENT 1: The Revolution has succeded!

   -Simple Description: You have taken down the Bourgeoisie! Now we need to rebuild our great and equal country!

   -Triggers: Change ideology to Communism

   -Outcome: Event 2 is triggered

  • EVENT 2: The Scare

   -Simple Description: Your advisors and close allies have warned you that the old government is planning to overthrow you!

   -Outcome 1: Exile the old government.

bonus_corruption=-20.0  (Idk if it is less corruption when you put a minus but this means less corruption)


   -Outcome 2: Keep them.

bonus_corruption=20.0 (this means more corruption)


Event 3 is triggered

  • EVENT 3: Political Opponents

   -Simple Description: Your Close Allies have disliked your choice and want to overthrow you!

   -Outcome 1: Send them to Gulags




bonus_corruption=-50.0 (less corruption)

   -Outcome 2: Don't send them to Gulags



   -Outcome 2: Don't send them to Gulags



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Title: Football

Description: There are continental cups played in every continent in the world, and there is also the World Cup.

Triggers: Cups held every 4 years everywhere in the world. There are 2 results:

Result 1: Your country became the Champion. People's happiness increased by 30%.
Result 2: Your country is eliminated. People's happiness decreased by 10%.

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Just now, DriesMertens said:

Title: Football

Description: There are continental cups played in every continent in the world, and there is also the World Cup.

Triggers: Cups held every 4 years everywhere in the world. There are 2 results:

Result 1: Your country became the Champion. People's happiness increased by 30%.
Result 2: Your country is eliminated. People's happiness decreased by 10%.

Ok, I understand now.

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Title: Football

Description: There are continental cups played in every continent in the world, and there is also the World Cup.

Triggers: Cups held every 4 years everywhere in the world. There are 2 results. One of these two outcomes occurs.

Result 1: Your country became the Champion. People's happiness increased by 30%.
Result 2: Your country is eliminated. People's happiness decreased by 10%.

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Title: Football

Description: There are continental cups played in every continent in the world, and there is also the World Cup.

Triggers: Cups held every 4 years everywhere in the world. There are 2 results. One of these two outcomes occurs.

Result 1: Your country became the Champion. People's happiness increased by 30%.
Result 2: Your country is eliminated. People's happiness decreased by 10%.

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Title: Ethnic Tensions


Simple Description: Ethnic Tensions have broken out in (x county or region) and there are calls for autonomy!


Triggers: Being a multiethnic empire like Austria Hungary or the Ottomans after the French Revolution until WW1


Outcome 1: We can't risk a rebellion. Try to ease down the situation

+30 local autonomy

Local unrest decreases greatly

There may be calls for further autonomy in the future


Outcome 2: Crack Down on the rebels.


For 10 years:

Province devastation + x(decreases over time)

Decrease local income by 33 percent

Local unrest increases by 10 points

Local population decreases slightly 

Relations with countries of similar ethnicities decreases by 15 points(decreases over time)

If the said nationality comprises more than 20 percent of the nation, risk of rebellion appears and starts to increase in parallel with the size of the said minority.

Outcome 3: Hunt down not only the rebels, but their collaborators as well!


For 15 Years:

Province devastation + 2x(decreases relatively slower compared to option 2)

Decrease local autonomy by 40 percent

Decrease Local Income by 33 percent

Local Unrest increases by 30 points

Local population decreases greatly

Relations with all neighboring states decreases by 50

Great risk of rebellion regardless of the size of the minority, conspirators will ask for assistance from countries of similar ethnicity or countries which have you as the common enemy. Any country that goes into war with you will have less aggression Impact upon the declaration of war and conquest of your lands.

No similar events in the region for 25 Years


AI will tend to pick 1 and 2 more often but the Ottomans AI will have a higher chance of picking option 3(still relatively low)


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Title: Tension increase

Simple Description: At this moment, your relation with (name of country) decreases highly. You must do something.

Triggers: The relation between the 2 countries must be under 60.

Outcome 1: Improve your relationship - your relationship with (country) will randomly increase from 2 to 20 points in 6 months.

Outcome 2: Send an insult - your relationship (with country) will decrease by 5 points.


Edited by Wayne23lololh

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Here are my few ideas for events that are supposed to take place in the Middle Ages, based on AOH2 standards:


1. **Under the Rain and Sun:**


   This sunny and rainy year provided us with incredible food resources. Due to the abundance, many berries and fruits were distributed to the poor.


   Result: Growth in berries and fruits: +30%


   Military morale and population happiness: +10%


2. **Sea Epidemic:**


   Ships, aside from gold, brought an unknown epidemic to the shores and seas of Europe. The maritime fauna suffered particularly.


   Choice 1: Invest 20% in grapes for wine production to boost sailors' happiness (population): Grapes: -20%; happiness: +2%; fish: -15%.


   Choice 2: Research the disease: Population: -10%; technologies: +0.3


3. **Frost and Snow:**


   Here comes the New Year! The winter of this year turned out to be terribly harsh. Most fields suffered under ice and snow cover.

Result: Happiness: -5%; gold: -40%


4. **Fire and Sword:**


   On the Arabian Peninsula, a barbaric uprising for power, gold, and killings has erupted again. All Muslim states have resumed aggressive actions.


   Choice 1: Wage war: Muslim states gain: gold: +60%; happiness: -20%; war fatigue: +5%; construction cost: +20%; resources: +10%


   Choice 2: Convert to [*list of religions* – if developers add religions to the game, they would provide special bonuses, similar to ideologies and forms of government, and help maintain diplomatic relations between states with the same religion, please :)] : Happiness: -2%; technologies: +0.3


5. **Social Inequality:**


   We are facing an issue in internal politics.


   Result: Rebellion risk: +10%; separatism: +10%; gold: -5%


6. **Prince's Jubilee:**


   Our ruler got married.


   Result: Happiness: +3%

7. **Nomadic Raids:**


   People from steppe regions are complaining about constant raids by barbarians, and from plains, about bandits.


   Result: Unification of Christian states: Diplomatic relations between Christians and mercenaries: +10; +1000 recruits along certain borders and cities; -10% gold.


8. **Population Issue:**


   Massive population growth, and its quantity will soon lead our state into the Malthusian trap.

   Choice 1: Continue: Population: +5%; resources: -10%


   Choice 2: Gradual population reduction for some time: Resources: +35%; population -5%


Огромное спасибо разработчику за внимание и труд. Надеюсь, мои идеи не пройдут мимо. Желаю успехов!=)

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Here are my few ideas for events that are supposed to take place in the Middle Ages, based on AOH2 standards:

1. **Under the Rain and Sun:**

   This sunny and rainy year provided us with incredible food resources. Due to the abundance, many berries and fruits were distributed to the poor.

   Result: Growth in berries and fruits: +30%

   Military morale and population happiness: +10%

2. **Sea Epidemic:**

   Ships, aside from gold, brought an unknown epidemic to the shores and seas of Europe. The maritime fauna suffered particularly.

   Choice 1: Invest 20% in grapes for wine production to boost sailors' happiness (population): Grapes: -20%; happiness: +2%; fish: -15%.

   Choice 2: Research the disease: Population: -10%; technologies: +0.3

3. **Frost and Snow:**

   Here comes the New Year! The winter of this year turned out to be terribly harsh. Most fields suffered under ice and snow cover.

Result: Happiness: -5%; gold: -40%

4. **Fire and Sword:**

   On the Arabian Peninsula, a barbaric uprising for power, gold, and killings has erupted again. All Muslim states have resumed aggressive actions.

   Choice 1: Wage war: Muslim states gain: gold: +60%; happiness: -20%; war fatigue: +5%; construction cost: +20%; resources: +10%

   Choice 2: Convert to [*list of religions* – if developers add religions to the game, they would provide special bonuses, similar to ideologies and forms of government, and help maintain diplomatic relations between states with the same religion, please :)] : Happiness: -2%; technologies: +0.3

5. **Social Inequality:**

   We are facing an issue in internal politics.

   Result: Rebellion risk: +10%; separatism: +10%; gold: -5%

6. **Prince's Jubilee:**

   Our ruler got married.

   Result: Happiness: +3%

7. **Nomadic Raids:**

   People from steppe regions are complaining about constant raids by barbarians, and from plains, about bandits.

   Result: Unification of Christian states: Diplomatic relations between Christians and mercenaries: +10; +1000 recruits along certain borders and cities; -10% gold.

8. **Population Issue:**

   Massive population growth, and its quantity will soon lead our state into the Malthusian trap.

   Choice 1: Continue: Population: +5%; resources: -10%

   Choice 2: Gradual population reduction for some time: Resources: +35%; population -5%

Огромное спасибо разработчику за внимание и труд. Надеюсь, мои идеи не пройдут мимо. Желаю успехов!=)

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Eu pensei e vi que podemos adicionar uma coisa muito legal ao jogo, minha ideia é a seguinte, quando estivermos jogando com um país democrático (que tem eleições) ao querer declarar guerra a outro país o parlamento teria que entrar na votação para permitir declarar a guerra, e para que o Parlamento permitisse, teríamos que fazer uma justificativa de guerra para eles verem que é necessário declararmos guerra, assim a gameplay seria mais dinamica acredito eu, mais isso aí só se aplicaria a um país democrático, em um país autoritário o líder pode declarar guerra a hora que quiser.

Edited by Edmilson Gomes
Erro de digitação

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Mi idea son eventos donde suceden diferentes desastres y que puede tener distintas intensidades, solo afectarían ciertas provincias y dependiendo de eso pueden bajar la producción de cada provincia, serian catalogados asi:

Desastres naturales: terremotos, explosión de volcán, dependiendo de la zona huracán, ciclón o tifon, inundación, sequías, tornados, tsunamis, incendios forestales, ola de calor, granizo, desastres biológicos (epidemias o pandemias), hambruna.

Desastres humanos: derramamientos de petróleo, fuga radioactiva (accidente nuclear), colapso económico.


Descripción sencilla: Ha ocurrido un/a *nombre del desastre*, necesitamos actuar y decidir:

Desencadenantes: podría ser al azar y podría variar la intensidad 

Resultado 1: Debemos actuar de inmediato: -X% de oro *dependiendo de la intensidad se pierde oro*, -10% población, -10% economia de la provincia, +5% inflación, -5% felicidad, +15% enfermedad.

Resultado 2: Dejemos que el tiempo se encargué: -30% población, -30% economia de la población, -25% felicidad, +50% enfermedad, +10% rebelion.


Se puede agregar más cosas y desastres, espero se entienda xd


Edited by Taquito_Dictador

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On 15/01/2024 at 18:23, Taquito_Dictador said:

Minha ideia são eventos onde ocorrem desastres diferentes e que podem ter intensidades distintas, apenas afetando ciertas províncias e dependendo disso podem diminuir a produção de cada província, seriados catalogados como:

Desastres naturais: terremotos, explosões de vulcões, dependência da zona furacão, ciclones ou tifons, inundações, sequías, tornados, tsunamis, incêndios florestais, ondas de calor, granizo, desastres biológicos (epidemias ou pandemias), hambruna.

Desastres humanos: derramamento de petróleo, fuga radioativa (acidente nuclear), colapso econômico.


Descrição  simples: Ocorreu um *nome do desastre*, precisamos atuar e decidir:

Desencadenantes: podem ser azar e podem variar a intensidade 

Resultado 1: Devemos atuar de imediato: -X% de ouro *dependendo da intensidade se pierde oro*, -10% população, -10% economia da província, +5% inflação, -5% felicidade, +15% doença .

Resultado 2: Dejemos que o tempo se encaixou: -30% de pobreza, -30% de economia de população, -25% de felicidade, +50% de enfermidade, +10% de rebelião.


Se você puder agregar mais coisas e desastres, espero que você entenda xd


Gostei da ideia

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Em 15/01/2024 às 09h18, Aоцкер disse:


Aqui estão algumas ideias para eventos que deveriam acontecer na Idade Média, com base nos padrões AOH2:

1. **Sob chuva e sol:**

   Este ano ensolarado e chuvoso nos proporcionou recursos alimentares incríveis. Devido à abundância, muitos bagos e frutos foram distribuídos aos pobres.

   Resultado: Crescimento de bagos e frutos: +30%

   Moral militar e felicidade da população: +10%

2. **Epidemia marítima:**

   Os navios, além do ouro, trouxeram uma epidemia desconhecida para as costas e mares da Europa. A fauna marítima sofreu particularmente.

   Opção 1: Investir 20% em uvas para produção de vinho para aumentar a felicidade dos marinheiros (população): Uvas: -20%; felicidade: +2%; peixe: -15%.

   Opção 2: Pesquisar a doença: População: -10%; tecnologias: +0,3

3. **Geada e neve:**

   Aí vem o Ano Novo! O inverno deste ano foi terrivelmente rigoroso. A maioria dos campos sofreu cobertura de gelo e neve.

Resultado: Felicidade: -5%; ouro: -40%

4. **Fogo e Espada:**

   Na Península Arábica, uma revolta bárbara pelo poder, ouro e matanças irrompeu novamente. Todos os estados muçulmanos retomaram ações agressivas.

   Escolha 1: Guerra salarial: Estados muçulmanos ganham: ouro: +60%; felicidade: -20%; fadiga de guerra: +5%; custo de construção: +20%; recursos: +10%

   Escolha 2: Converter para [*lista de religiões* – se os desenvolvedores adicionarem religiões ao jogo, eles forneceriam bônus especiais, semelhantes a ideologias e formas de governo, e ajudariam a manter relações diplomáticas entre estados com a mesma religião, por favor 🙂 ] : Felicidade: -2%; tecnologias: +0,3

5. **Desigualdade Social:**

   Estamos enfrentando um problema de política interna.

   Resultado: Risco de rebelião: +10%; separatismo: +10%; Ouro: -5%

6. **Jubileu do Príncipe:**

   Nosso governante se casou.

   Resultado: Felicidade: +3%

7. **Invasões Nômades:**

   Pessoas das regiões de estepe reclamam dos constantes ataques de bárbaros e das barreiras, de bandidos.

   Resultado: Unificação dos estados cristãos: Relações diplomáticas entre cristãos e mercenários: +10; +1000 recrutas ao longo de certas fronteiras e cidades; -10% ouro.

8. **Problema populacional:**

   O enorme crescimento populacional e sua quantidade levaram em breve o nosso estado para a armadilha malthusiana.

   Escolha 1: Continuar: População: +5%; recursos: -10%

   Opção 2: Redução gradual da população durante algum tempo: Recursos: +35%; população -5%

Огромное спасибо разработчику за внимание и труд. Claro, minha ideia não é um produto meu. Желаю успехов!=)

Muito boa a sua ideia, deixaria o jogo mais dinâmico 

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