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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Events - Common events for every civilization in the game

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On 1/10/2024 at 3:06 PM, Iceman said:

Not sure if this fits in this topic, but I would like to see News Events.

Those events would be sent to every civilization, and would just tell what's happening in the world. For example: x declared war to y, x annexed y, x ruler died, etc.

ik im reasponding very late lmfao but yess and it would be very cool if the events looked like actual news papers/websites!
whenever i make events for my scenarios i do this because i find it very cool

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Title: A large number of volunteers volunteered for the war.

Simple description: Due to the recent declaration of war by our enemy, thousands of patriotic youth and adults have arrived at military bases to volunteer for war.

Triggers: 20% chance, at war

Result 1: His bravery will be remembered by his descendants: in the capital and its most important city, 4 divisions of basic soldiers will be created

(I did not put a second result because of how difficult it is to achieve that event due to probability and a country would not reject that opportunity)

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Title: Mediation 


Simple Description: Friendly civilization X has declared war on Friendly civilization Y


Triggers: When 2 civilizations the player has high relations with go to war with eachother. 

Outcome 1: can politically or militarily support X government (you can offer them some of your troops)


Outcome 2: can politically or militarily support Y government (you can offer them some of your troops)


Outcome 3: Mediation, allows you to put diplomatic pressure on both civilizations to seek peace at cost of both the civilizations losing some relation points with you. 

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Simple, when each ship that brings provision from the trading country,  an event could pop up :


Title: A ship lash down !

Simple Description: A trade ship from "name of country" just docked to "name of province", bringing "name of resource".

Triggers: A trade ship lash down

Outcome: Resource bonus, relation between the two upgrades +0,2 points

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If Lukasz makes it possible for countries to have a list of unique or regional decisions/missions that they can carry out/not carry out (something like EU4), then it’s possible to play up both the real timeline and alternative history with your own content and jokes.



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Civilization creations or a great empire returns (if its easier make it just like famous or really known empires that impacted history in ways people wont forget so it could its easier )

Instead of simply (form empire) it could go like this (for just the really big ones) 

Title: You have combined the lands of the Roman Empire! would you like to form it?

1st Outcome 

Yes, let us Refom this former great kingdom!

2nd Outcome

No, we will make our own history.

1st outcome = Leader becomes a living legend, If monarchy your dynasty becomes world renoun. 

Other Nations will would fear you and you could get better chances in getting alliances. +10 relations with non-border nations and -10 with bodering nations, and the chance of a coaliton with these bordering nations to fight you. if there arer other great nations, they will repect you more (+30) 

2nd Outcome 

You will continue on with your own nation, and nothing will happen.


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On 1/10/2024 at 9:51 PM, kroxxa said:


А как скачать Age of History 3? У меня такой вопрос...

Edited by Italian Vanya

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On 8/15/2024 at 1:33 PM, Italian Vanya said:

А как скачать Age of History 3? У меня такой вопрос...

Никак, она ещё не вышла


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On 1/10/2024 at 8:42 PM, Łukasz Jakowski said:

That's great, I will try to add something in this kind

Wave of National Fervour

Only 1 Option

"The Victory is ours!"
Adds the following bonuses for the span of war

+25% more Regiments recruitable without debuff

-30% Military upkeep for the span of war

+35% more Weekly manpower gain

-40% Army cost (building divisions etc)

May Trigger every 1-3 Occupied provinces

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Just now, Nervaou said:

Wave of National Fervour

Only 1 Option

"The Victory is ours!"
Adds the following bonuses for the span of war

+25% more Regiments recruitable without debuff

-30% Military upkeep for the span of war

+35% more Weekly manpower gain

-40% Army cost (building divisions etc)

May Trigger every 1-3 Occupied provinces

MAY Cancel if following happens

- Lost atleast 90% of your army in a battle

- Enemy has recaptured atleast 75% of land occupied by you

- You failed to occupy  more land in the simmilar span it took you to occupy the others

- Enemy has attacked your Land while you're on the offensive (must be the same enemy)


If one of the first 2 is True, an Event may trigger

"Military Humiliation"

After the suprising defeat of our army, we've been left decimated and Humiliated

Only 1 Option

"What a Disaster!"

Adds the following

- Removes the "Wave of National Fervour"

-50% Manpower gain

-Enemy may demand war reparation without cost

-Enemy gets the "[Country's] Army completely decimated by us!" ( After which your enemy gets the same bonuses from "Wave of National Fervour")

-Building a division is 1,5x slower (if it's a thing)

- You may get an event which increases your weekly unrest


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If your Unrest is drastically high in your Core provinces, an Event may happen

"[Your country's] Civil war

"After the current goverment has proven to be incompetent at management, the People have decided to take the situation into their own hands, and have organized the [ Random ideology (NOT TRIBAL OR CITY STATE) ] Uprising, taking control of [Lists the cities occupied] 

Option 1

"Give up power"

The following Changes apply:

-Your ideology will change and Unrest in core land will be significantly reduced

- Administration cost will increase by 25%

- Any wars you were in will end on the enemy terms (they may not take more than 5 provinces ( they may puppet and Liberate 2 countries weaker than them economically)

-All reforms will be restarted


Option 2

"Time to fight!"

- Your Manpower gain is divided into 2 and promptly given to the rebellion

- Rebellion annexes all the cities mentioned ( YOU MUST HAVE ATLEAST 40% of all cities during the Start of rebellion )

- The smaller you get, the bigger debuffs you will  get for Army


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Здравствуйте Можете добавить функцию что бы когда создавал страну можно было поставить на флаг страны Фото из галереи что бы можно было вставлять свои флаги из хранилища.

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1- religion spread events.

2- not sure whether this should be an event or standalone mechanism. but, if you occupy a province and keep some units in it and the owner of the province didn't even send his army to retake it for enough time, the province ownership can be switched to the occupier.

also, if the people were happy with the occupation the province would switch instantly. while if they weren't happy they would from time to time revolt to switch back to the homeland.

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I propose several triggers concerning wars. This can be useful to make wars have several consequences.

  • Have x% of x civilization occupied land
  • Have won more than x battles with x civilization
  • x civilization has more than x% of aggressive expansion rate
  • x civilization has more than x% of war weariness rate
  • x civilization has more than x% of unrest rate


  • Coalition is formed between A, B, and C civilizations
  • A civilization alliance declares war to B civilization alliance
  • A White Peace between A and B civilizations is made

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      Or maybe an idea for a new type of unit with upgrades? I'm waiting for your suggestions.

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