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Age of History 3

Roles of religions in AOH3

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Dont forget to add Small hsitorical religions Shinto zonstratranism zunist (like in eu4), Mormons sikh all I'm pretty sure which in eu4

Islamic specfic sub sects like hanafi maliki shafi hanbali ability to choose them


Different forms of paganism not just generic like Slavic, hellnic, roman, greek and ancient Arabian polythiesm/paganism whatever u wanna call it

Holy wars in general and to be sprcfic holy wars to do with abrhaamic religions(can be callied by biggest caliphates and papal states/vatican/who controls such holy cities) so add obvoisuly  holy cities maybe 3 per each for the 5 major religions (the 3 abrahamic ones + Hinduism and buddhism)

Add seceret socitirs/cults & supernatural events

Aswell as hereieses ability to reform religion

& as I said before going on crusades

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