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Age of History 3

Off-On Religions/ideologies

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Religions and ideologies is good but we don't need religions on TNO mod or Red flood mod and on 1000 secenario we don't need ideologies. So add just a Off-On religions and ideologies

Edited by Historia

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On the topic of religion and ideology. I think it is vital. It is a key component of this up-and-coming masterpiece.

Religions such as Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Paganism, Atheism, Confucionism, etc could (and should) be added. This will make the game a lot more interesting.

A step further would be the addition of sects e.g. Sunni Islam, Shia Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodox Christianity, Theravada Buddhism, etc. 

This will definitely serve to make the game more interesting.

Interesting ideologies that could be added include (but are not limited to):

Pan-Arabism/Arab Nationalism (possibly including variations such as Ba'athism and Nasserism)

Communism (possibly with some variations I.e. Maoism and Stalinism

Fascism (This could include variations like Nazism or Italian Fascism)

Socialism (possibly including variations such as Democratic Socialism)

Islamism (Possibly including variations such as Sunni Islamism, Shia Islamism, Wahabbism, Deobandism, Salafism)

Christian fundamentalism



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