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How to use airplanes

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I am very curious about how airplanes are used 


I would like to see them in action as soon as possible, and I wonder if airplanes are used in a way similar to the mechanics in the game HoI4 or if they are used differently 


It has been said that there won't be any units that can be used at sea like warships, but if there are airplanes, I think they should definitely be in the navy. I am waiting for the reasons and explanations behind this decision

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45 minutes ago, muhoaga said:

I am very curious about how airplanes are used 


I would like to see them in action as soon as possible, and I wonder if airplanes are used in a way similar to the mechanics in the game HoI4 or if they are used differently 


It has been said that there won't be any units that can be used at sea like warships, but if there are airplanes, I think they should definitely be in the navy. I am waiting for the reasons and explanations behind this decision

Ships aren't going to be introduced into the game??? I've been asking for them a lot of time and I didn't receive any answer about. Why he is not goin to add ships??? They're necessary for the game, seas are useless.

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12 minutes ago, Keguca10 said:

Корабли не будут введены в игру??? Я спрашивал о них много времени и не получал никакого ответа. Почему он не собирается добавлять корабли??? Они необходимы для игры, моря бесполезны.

I completely agree

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41 minutes ago, muhoaga said:

I think planes should not be kept on the support line; they should have a special system.


12 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

How it would work, in this special system, describe it in more detail.

Well, planes cannot be shot down so easily by infantry units, and they can only be destroyed with planes or anti-aircraft weapons. In addition, airplanes are means of military transport for both the army and atomic weapons (transport plane) (nuclear bomber). basically like HOI4 and some games.  It's a good feature, isnt it?🤔

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23 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Bu özel sistemde nasıl çalışacağını daha detaylı anlatın.

I do not think that airplanes should be actively visible in the game. 


In my opinion, there should be a few resources for production and these resources should be used in an airplane factory or a military production facility to produce aircraft. Then, the aircraft should be assigned to a specific region from the inventory. If the aircraft are in our own airspace, they should serve a defensive purpose, while fighter aircraft should automatically be in an offensive position in enemy airspace.


Additionally, the game should have an air and ground layer. The aircraft should have their own army organization apart from ground units, and this organization should be completely customizable by the player. For example, a pyramid-shaped formation can be established where fighter aircraft can protect bomber aircraft on the front and sides, while bomber aircraft position themselves at the rear and inner areas to inflict additional damage to ground or naval units.


Moreover, if air superiority is achieved in the battle region, defense buildings can receive additional damage, and the enemy's army can experience supply difficulties and additional damage (on a daily or weekly basis).


I think this would be much more appropriate, and even if there are nuclear weapons or nuclear bomber aircraft in the game, they should first gain air superiority in order to successfully use the bomb. Once they have achieved this, an event can occur announcing the successful use of the nuclear bomb.

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1 hour ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

How it would work, in this special system, describe it in more detail.

Lukasz answer about the ships, uncertainty is killing me 😭😭😭

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On 1/17/2024 at 7:17 PM, Łukasz Jakowski said:

How it would work, in this special system, describe it in more detail.

I have a proposal for a system for airplanes, which is based on the Call Of War game. But in order to adapt it to age of history we should not put airplanes in the support line. First of all, there are 3 main military categories, I think they should only be for ground units. The air and naval categories should be independent of these categories and should be as follows.


First Line: This is where the lighter aircraft (gliders and reconnaissance aircraft) are placed, as in the land units.


Main line: Heavy aircraft (fighter jets, etc.) should be on this line. 


Support: This line will have light mechanized aircraft types such as drones

Now I explain the logic, in this system we will not use them all together, we can select the lines to be used, just like the pin army feature. So for example if we want to do a survey we will select the first line and then only the units on the first line will move. We can use units in the area we want to use, either individually or collectively, so we can use aircraft units both in the air and on the ground!


Now I want to explain the navy version of this. First of all, I can understand your hesitation to add navies, lukasz, I know you don't want the game to be too complicated, but I'll explain you a simple system, just like the airplane.


First Line: This line will have light armored ships such as cutters


Main Line: This line will have heavy armored ships


Support: This area will have support vessels such as submarines


Extras: This is a category that can be improved. I don't know what the trade system will look like, but ships like merchant ships will be in this category, independent from military units (the logos of the units will be DIFFERENT from other ships). Actually, lukasz, I have presented you such a proposal by adding to the system you have made. Also, there is NO NEED for the planes to be animated! With this system, if you add different logos to the external views of land, air and sea units and if you make the departure animation of the air units a little more airborne, I think there is NO PROBLEM that it is 2d (even in the hoi4 game), this is the situation in short, if you have any questions, you can ask lukasz.l have three main lines;

Edited by mysta

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1 hora atrás, mysta disse:

Tenho uma proposta de sistema para aviões, que é baseada no jogo Call Of War. Mas, para adaptá-lo à era da história, não deveríamos colocar aviões na linha de apoio. Em primeiro lugar, existem 3 categorias militares principais, penso que deveriam ser apenas para unidades terrestres. As categorias aérea e naval deverão ser independentes destas categorias e deverão ser as seguintes.


Primeira Linha: É onde são colocadas as aeronaves mais leves (planadores e aeronaves de reconhecimento), como nas unidades terrestres.


Linha principal: Aeronaves pesadas (jatos de combate, etc.) devem estar nesta linha. 


Suporte: Esta linha terá tipos de aeronaves mecanizadas leves, como drones

Agora explique a lógica, neste sistema não usaremos todos juntos, podemos selecionar as linhas a serem utilizadas, assim como o recurso pin army. Então, por exemplo, se quisermos fazer um levantamento, selecionemos a primeira linha e então apenas as unidades da primeira linha se moverão. Podemos utilizar unidades na área que queremos utilizar, seja individualmente ou coletivamente, para que possamos utilizar unidades de aeronaves tanto no ar quanto no solo!


Agora quero explicar a versão naval disso. Em primeiro lugar, entenda sua hesitação em adicionar marinhas, lukasz, sei que você não quer que o jogo seja muito complicado, mas vou te explicar um sistema simples, assim como o avião.


Primeira Linha: Esta linha terá navios blindados leves, como cortadores


Linha Principal: Esta linha terá navios blindados pesados


Apoio: Esta área contará com embarcações de apoio como submarinos


Extras Esta é uma categoria que pode ser melhorada. Não sei como será o sistema de comércio, mas os navios como navios mercantes pertencem nesta categoria, independentes das unidades militares (os logotipos das unidades serão DIFERENTES dos demais navios). Na verdade, lukasz, apresentai essa proposta acrescentando ao sistema que você criou. Além disso, NÃO HÁ NECESSIDADE de os aviões serem animados! Com esse sistema, se você adicionar logotipos diferentes nas vistas externas das unidades terrestres, aéreas e marítimas e se deixar a animação de saída das unidades aéreas um pouco mais aerotransportada, acho que NÃO tem PROBLEMA que seja 2d (mesmo no jogo hoi4), resumindo esta é a situação, se você tiver alguma dúvida, pode perguntar a lukasz.l tem três linhas principais;

Eu também acho que os aviões e navios devem ser separados das unidades terrestres, se os aviões forem separados mesmo, podemos fazer até um sistema de bombardeio, pra bombardear cidades (províncias), assim como acontece na vida real, e também podemos introduzir a questão da bomba atômica só ser jogada com um avião especial e específico para lançar uma bomba nuclear e que tem que ser desbloqueado na árvore de tecnologia. Já na questão das unidades navais, elas podem ser usadas tanto para lançamento de mísseis até bombas nucleares, e além disso os navios serão usados para transportar as unidades terrestres pelo mar.

Edited by Edmilson Gomes

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4 horas atrás, Łukasz Jakowski disse:

Como funcionaria neste sistema especial, descreva-o com mais detalhes.

O que você acha da ideia de unidades aéreas e navais que eu comentei acima Ľukasz Jakowski ?

Edited by Edmilson Gomes

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There could be like this for ships :


Roved vessels  ---------> Sailing ships ---------> Early oceanic ships ---------> 15th-century ships ---------> 17th-century ships ---------> 19th-century ships ---------> Early machine powered ships --------->  fighting ships (WW2) ---------> modern ships ---------> future ships


I simplified this, and like the land units, It is unlockable in tech tree.



Edited by Wayne23lololh

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Lukasz can surely do the Naval, the Planes' new system, and use resources for factory production. But surely everyone knows here that it would take, like another 2 months just for additional features. The fighting system is good for the current upcoming release and major updates will further enhance the gaming experience.

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On 17.01.2024 at 19:17, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Bu özel sistemde nasıl çalışacağını daha detaylı anlatın.

Are you looking here lukasz ;d ?

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