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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Age of History 3 - Technology tree

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Lukasz, tu juego es casi perfecto, solo se necesita una cosa (aparte de más recursos y productos): las tropas navales, buques de guerra y submarinos (y tal vez helicópteros).

Edited by Anonymous0000

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Söyleyeceklerim teknolojiyle ilgili değil ama yine de önemli. Öncelikle paylaştığınız videolar tek bir senaryoda gördüğümüze göre oyun tek bir senaryo mu olacak? Ayrıca oyunu yaparken EU4'ten ilham almak kadar Hoi4'ten de ilham almak gerekirdi. Örnek: Haritadaki ayrıntılar (dağlar, ovalar vb.), odak ağacı sistemi, çok oyunculu vb. (Sorry for the bad english)

Edited by Mehmet Akif Çelik

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Fast navigation ideas:

  1. Button for move scroll to latest unlocked research
  2. Colored researches for different categories of them, uniqie color for multiply-categoried researches (Color palette can be edited in settings)
  3. Add minimap to techonoly tree
  4. Changable backgrounds for epoches in technology tree in scenario/map editor
  5. Multicolored line under scroll for fast navigation between epoches in technology tree

How about to add research which allows to build a channels to fast(instead of jump between) move armies in water between 2 disconnected water provinces by single non-water province. Postition in research tree - after the railways researsh

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1 hour ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Oyundaki yeni teknoloji ağacı hakkında ne düşünüyorsunuz?

Nelerin değiştirilmesi, taşınması veya eklenmesi gerekiyor?


İşte teknoloji ağacının tam bir özeti:



underneath the technologies, the era name should be written so that we know which era the country is in

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Maybe to econmic adminatriavie and military or even more like for example religion culture discourse army airforce horsemen all diffrenet being separated and not in the same place 




(Kinda like how hoi4 separates all of its research into various tabs where u can research equipment & production in 1 place, electronics in another, factories in another altieraly and airplanes in anotInstead of having 1 very large tree yk that we currently haveFor future technology maybe add a futuristic nuke (that being antimatter bombs) that u can upgrade ur nukes to be

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There is no special needs to add to the game. It is almost perfect. AOH2 was great even without multiplayer so AOH3 also no need to have it to be one of the best games ever. I only want sławojka, sewage sysytem and sewage treatment plant to be added to technology tree. If would also be nice if colonization works properly (in AOH2 once someone started colonizing, then anyone colud start colonizing, even when they dont have enough technology 😞).

Im just simple Pole - when i see video of the alfa, I already want to play this game

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4 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

What do you think about the new technology tree in the game?

What needs to be changed, moved or added?


Here is a complete overview of the technology tree:

I think it is worth adding branches for the development of political or social institutions. You can also add the development of the concept of nation, for example for the 18th century, after the French Revolution.

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Lo civil, lo militar y lo económico deberían separarse, tal vez añadiendo cosas políticas. Agregue fuerzas navales, un juego como este la armada debe ser necesaria, no lo deje de lado por favor.

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12 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

What do you think about the new technology tree in the game?

What needs to be changed, moved or added?


Here is a complete overview of the technology tree:

Add sabotage, assassination, and security defense bonuses. Maybe a single building that consists of this like National Defense Agency.

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I saw technology related colonization. Could you please elaborate on colonization like in Eu4. In AOH2, colonization was working in a very ridiculous way, I was regretting making colonies, irrelevant countries were establishing colonies in America and Africa. I hope colonization will be more logical in the new game and when there is fog of war, the places we have not explored on the map will be completely closed. (like eu4) 

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21 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

What do you think about the new technology tree in the game?

What needs to be changed, moved or added?


Here is a complete overview of the technology tree:



Mines and Mining ores (Bronze, Coal, Rock, Iron, Gold, Titanium, Uranium, Wolfram, Sulfur, Diamonds, Copper, et cetera)

Weapons (Spear, Staff, Sword, Crossbow, Halberd, Bow, Tanks, Airplanes, Uniforms, Firearms etc.)

And I suggest you also to make it easy to mod for the modders and other people. 

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