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Age of History 3

A Simple Aerial Warfare Suggestion

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Hello Lukash! While I am sort of new to the community as I have never talked at all, I have followed the site for a year now, basically while it was in utter drought of stimulation. And I'm quite happy that it's back. Though I may have a concern on the people here as I have a bad feeling that when a group of players are left alone for years without updates can shift them. Anyways, I would like to give a few ideas regarding the floating discussions of the Air unit. This is also an inspiration from that one suggestion also on aerial warfare, I have had this thought for a while but might aswell give my two cents in.

My idea for air units is to be another form of warfare. While I would love the idea for them to be more advanced and expanded. I expect that you wouldn't to the assumptions:
a. Some or most being more pleased on the simpler style of gameplay older Age of Civilization games have.
b. Cost of development time/clash of your vision to the game. Which your vision is of the game to be much simpler.
This may even be the reason why your not adding in a navy which is for the simplicity. And while I may not be able to appease this problems. I think the approach I have on hand could suit your requirements. Or might just be another suggestion that can't fit the game.

Basically. Here. You are at war with Japan and you want to soften up its defenses for a naval invasion. Say the Shikoku region.


Now. You have your squadron of Bombers or Fighters with you. So instead of having them be just used the same as other units. You could have them select a province. maybe even multiselect and have them take even or random choices on where they will attack. Maybe they choose which by the area's lack of air defenses and importance to the nation.


Now. I do not know how the unit will arrive at its destination. Maybe you could have what Bytro Labs does and have a airbase that could produce and station aircraft, in which has a range where aircrafts could attack from. Maybe you could still have the unit be produced the same way as infantry and move like infantry but always has a constant speed and at a time limit that when it runs out of time will require to return to nearby territory to refuel. Or just have a building requiring to build it. But I'll go for the Bytro Labs approach.


Once your plane arrives to their destination. They would then start to wreck havoc. I would think they are more of a public version of spies as they could:

1. Destroy infrastructure or just stop and return to 0% all ongoing activities on the province

2. Ruin the province's economy

3. Ruin the stability of the province

4. Decrease and demoralize the province's population

5. Decrease and demoralize the army stationed in that province.

But capturing of territory would be left to the ground units. Maybe more effects could be here. But this are good buffs for me. As they necessitate the requirements of an air defense and bomb shelter, actual true effectiveness of aerial warfare, and reason why would one use air units.

Feel free to add or remove buffs in the list. Also, idea for being able to transport infantry units is a tricky one since lukash is finding a simple system but eh. Tbh I want the modding to be better and more flexible than AOC2, just cause features that one would like could be added by modders. HOI4 modding shows this.

And now here is what the look of full air supremacy on a certain territory:


Of course. Once the enemy actually has air defense. Your air units will take casualties. Just as they have to fight off the enemies own aerial forces. Aerial warfare will go simply by a game of counter: Multirole can attack Fighters, Fighters attack multirole, Bombers can only do minimal damage. Tbh it depends really. Bombers are a treaky subject since WW2 bombers are practically massive sheets of metal with guns bolted on every angle of attack an enemy can shove a bullet in with bombs ducktaped underneath waiting to feast the souls of an unfortunate Japanese girl who wanted to be a doctor on oncology. And modern day bombers are either too fast or stealthy to be caught or are the multirole fighters with JDAM. So it just depends on lukash if he wants the air combat dumbed down to fighters are required or more dynamic like bombers being able to fight back. But so, if the air is contested, expect casualties and heavy losses.

Now what the land looks if the air is contested:


Note that there maybe a world view option on aerial territories. Basically its purpose is too see if the air is under control by which forces. Colors could also differ. Maybe dynamically to the nations color.

All in all. I think this system would suit lukash. Best I could see him using is air units being recruitable like infantry but with longer recruit times like the mechanized units and it moving a much more constant speed through all territory and land while it move in a straight or a small detail, a parabolic line, but that would have to be in further or basically continental far distances. Hope you enjoyed my suggestion!

Edited by FlaWer

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