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Age of History 3

Vassals, Editor and Diplomacy

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A new vassal menu you can access by clicking diplomacy on any vassal. In this menu there might be:

"Define Borders" (or something adjacent)

You will be able to change borders of your vassal. This would work something like a combination of the current trade province system and that of multi- party wars. You would choose the provinces, and then who gets them. Available choices might be among allies, vassals and yourself. This would only be available for vassals spawned through the "release vassal" feature to prevent cheesing.

"Change Ideology"

Simple enough, changing the ideology of the vassal, without contestants, which I assume will happen in the non vassal version of the feature.


I'm not sure if this has been suggested before: technologies. You'd first set if it's a building or a military tech. For both, you'd set which year it'd be available, continent, or even country and type of terrain (potentially, the last only for buildings). It'd otherwise work a lot like the current leader editor, setting buffs like 25% more pop growth for that province for buildings or 10% more attack for military. Set the money to build, tech to research ect ect. Edited in techs would have their own tree section.


A more streamlined way to make new ideologies without needing to do file editing. You'd set all the maximum acc. Tax, pop growth still.

More participation in non- player wars.

There would be a menu appearing in Diplo with any nation at war. You'd be able to send volunteers, which cost 3x more to recruit than normal, takes 2 turns to train and will spawn with the weapons and tech researched but -1 down your tree. They'd act like they're in the target nations army but are under your control. Only the player will be able to send them. You'd also be able to send weapons and other techs.



Edited by realkard

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