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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Religions in the game

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Religions can be classified into abrauamic & non abrahamic/dharmic


It would be cool if the game had religious reforms, holy wars, cities and an crusade/jihdad mechanic 


As for religions included I think you should include all ones in eu4 & eu4(3 major Christian dneomnaitons with also the Mormons for Utah and also Judaism the3 branches of Buddhism Hinduism, zoranatism, sihkhs, mazdism, manedians, zunists faith, bön the 3 sects of islam , Confucianism, Taoism, Shintoism, Animism, Tengri, Totemist, Inti, eskimo,  native American, African tribal religions, Mayan, Nahuatl, Norse, Alcheringa) & ancient arabian paganism etc with different branches of paganism like in ck2 to be more realtiic also if u include for exmaple sects like Islam being divided into the 3 sects sunni Shia and ibadi then include hanafi hanbali zikri maliki & shafi for sunni denomnations/schools of thought & ismali zayidi druze qarmatians for shias & others too like each civilization can pick a subsect too yk

Like hereis and small subjects for Christianity and other relgions 


Also don't forget irrelgious/athiesm to represent some regions post the enlightment in which irrelgiousity is the most popular beleif system like in parts of China for example apark from Chinese folk religions (confusing, taosim, Buddhism & Bön)

Edited by xox

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Coexistence peaceful

Countries that have spent several years with a religion in their territory without revolts or rebellions would be unlocked an option to coexist peacefully between religions, this would reduce instability but would not be applicable to no all countries. An example in real life would be the Mughal Empire, in which Hindus and Muslims coexisted. Being an area with a large Hindu population, this could be done, something that other Islamic countries could not do due to the lack of contact between these two religions. Countries that have spent several turns with a religion in their territory without revolts or rebellions would be unlocked an option to coexist peacefully between religions, this would reduce instability but would not be applicable to all religions.  An example in real life would be the Mughal Empire, in which Hindus and Muslims coexisted. Being an area with a large Hindu population, this could be done, something that other Islamic countries could not do due to the lack of contact between these two religions.

These coexistences would not be a panacea, however, revolts could arise as instability in the area grows or they could be more easily influenced by other powers of the same religion. In other cases this could not be implemented, due to the incompatibility of religions this process would last more years or never completed, it would not be the same to try to coexist between Shiites and Sunnis or Native Americans and English Protestants.

Edited by Magnum

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I think representatives of certain religions should be more tolerant of others, for example similar ones. If there is a division into Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, then the difference is minimal, since they are all Christians, due to this the income from the province will not decrease so much (for example, 5%). Also, due to the similarity of religions, assimilation should proceed faster. And vice versa, the more the province’s religion differs from the state’s, the longer the assimilation.


It is worth noting that, for example, if a Christian state is at war, for example, with an Islamic state, then its provinces with the Islamic religion during the war will try to help their brothers in the fight. Therefore, in this case, these provinces have a higher chance of uprising during the war, and the percentage of income from the province drops significantly.


I think the difference in religion should not reduce the income from the province by more than 35% in peacetime.


It’s worth thinking about what to do, for example, with the USA. After all, there are countries where there is no state religion. Obviously, in this case there should be no reduction in income from the provinces. But for balance, it is then worth reducing the speed of improving relations with countries that have a state religion. I also think that the influence of religion on diplomatic relations should be much weaker in modern times than, for example, in 1200.


I have a mixed opinion about certain religions having their own unique bonuses. On the one hand, this diversifies the game, but on the other hand, there is a chance that players will determine the relatively best religion and will always choose only that one.


Finally, I want to say that no one forgets about atheists. This also applies to a certain category of religions - tribal. There are a lot of religions in the world, it is logical that only the most popular and well-known will be in the game, and all small religions can be classified into one point, where the main difference between them will be that such tribes or states with tribal religions can relatively easily accept more popular ones religion.


Please Lukash, comment at least a little on my post. Thanks in advance to you and everyone who will support him .

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12 minutes ago, WATER said:

It is worth noting that, for example, if a Christian state is at war, for example, with an Islamic state, then its provinces with the Islamic religion during the war will try to help their brothers in the fight. Therefore, in this case, these provinces have a higher chance of uprising during the war, and the percentage of income from the province drops significantly.

I think that it's to extreme this mechanic because in irl this doesn't apply in all wars. For example when Austro-Hungary declared war to Serbia the orthodox church of Austria Hungary maintained loyal to Austria Hungary instead of Serbia.

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My ideas would be as follows:

Cultural Bonuses:

Religions could provide cultural bonuses that affect the production of culture in a province or civilisation. For example, a religion that values education could increase the production of science, while a warrior religion could increase military production.
Economic Benefits:

Religions could offer economic benefits, such as reducing the costs of constructing religious buildings or providing revenue bonuses to provinces that share the same religion as the civilisation.
Diplomatic Influence:

The choice of religion could influence diplomatic relations. Stronger alliances could exist between civilisations that share the same religion, while religious differences could increase the likelihood of conflict or war.
Technological Advances:

Some religions might be associated with specific technological advances. For example, a research-focused religion might accelerate technological development, while a tradition-focused religion might provide bonuses to stability and resistance to conquest.
Religious Events and Missions:

Introducing specific events and quests related to religion could add an additional layer of narrative to the game. Religious quests could grant significant rewards or penalties depending on the player's choices.
Religious Tolerance:

Allowing players to choose to be religiously tolerant or intolerant could have consequences for internal stability. Religious tolerance could lead to a more cohesive society, while intolerance could lead to tension and rebellion.

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My Ideas for Religion is that each religion has a nation that's the head of faith which is decided either based on nations strength and maybe legacy generation or pre-selected in scenarios. Heads of faith get 3-5% gold from every nation that has that religion as there national religion.


You can excommunicate other nations as head of faith (the stronger the nation the more legacy points it will cost) which decreases that nations relationship with other followers of the religion and can increase unrest of provinces that follow that religion.


As head of faith you can also call for crusades on certain provinces or whole kingdoms which depends on how much legacy points you have (When you call for Crusades any nation of the same faith can join and them joining depends on how much they like you, if a crusade is called and no progress has been made to capture the province or destroy that kingdom in a 3 year span the crusade ends and the head of faith loses gold to repay the nations that participated).


You can also make your own religion in-game which will automatically make you the head of faith but will decrease your relations with nations that follow the religion you used to by 50% or more. Heads of faith can also give kingdoms special tittles like Holy Roman Empire, Caliphate, The Mandate of Heaven, Dalai Lama, etc... or you can give yourself the title that goes with your religion based on your gold production, military power, and legacy generation. each title gives different bonuses like The Mandate of Heaven giving X% of stability or being the Caliphate you get increased conversation rate of provinces to your religion.


Holy Sites. Just provinces that have religious significance to a religion that give the nation that has them and follows that religion bonuses but increases the chance of AI heads of Faith calling a crusade on them


Edited by Edg3L0rd9

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  1. You can add the opportunity to conduct hikes to highlight religion and were in one!
  2. The opportunity to introduce a law that will put people in prison for a certain religion!
  3. The opportunity to create your own cult, which can grow into a religion!(You can also create a branch from religion, that is, a basis from there, but with changing some parameters!) 
  4. In every religion, from some date to some event, the main events! Like Christmas, Easter, Maslenitsa! 
Edited by Russbear
edit + idea

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So, in the ideas for aoh 3, I wrote that it would be great to add autonomy. In short: autonomy is a part of your state, it has its own separate advisers, its own laws (if laws are in force at all) and its own special taxation, beyond your control. But the autonomies provide stability in these provinces. Let's go back to religions. You wrote that the income level in a province will be lower if it differs in religion from civilization. I also suggest making these provinces less stable, for example by 10%, so that there is a higher risk of rebellion (they should be unstable enough to organize an uprising during a political crisis, but also stable enough so that it does not interfere with the gameplay). You are granting autonomy to provinces with a different religion in order to eliminate this instability. Therefore, in aoh 3 it will be possible to create federal states with special administrative divisions if you have a large country with many religions. It is also necessary to make it more difficult to convert the province to another religion. It should take many years. Some religions convert to a new faith faster (paganism, some small religions), some will be very difficult to change (Islam, Judaism). Well, I support the ideas of other forum participants. Religions should have bonuses, it's not just a picture with a cross or a crescent moon. Religions have influenced politics, sometimes in key ways. Almost every idea is good here and will only improve aoh 3!

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Oh, yes, I also wanted to say about missionary work, it seems that they haven't written about it yet. You can send missionaries to increase the adherents of your religion both to your provinces and to others. It may help to change religion in another state, but it will take a long time. Missionaries will be more successful if they act during epidemics (if any) and wars, when people will seek help in the faith.

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I believe that each religion should have its own attitude towards another “some more tolerant, and somewhere aggressive.”


Each religion should be divided into branches, either radical or civilized.


I think every religion should have its own population-related buffs. 


It is necessary to make assimilation and the ability to add an additional tax on those who do not believe in your religion 


+ So that the more radical layers of society could raise uprisings until they assimilate.

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8 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Role of the religion in the game

What religion should do in the game? 
Every civilization and every province has a religion.


If a province has a different religion than civilization, the province's income will be reduced by X%

Civilization can convert religion in province.

Relations between civilizations having different religions are worse.


Religion should have unique bonuses? 

I'm looking for your ideas!

Religions should have a big role internally

Firstly a nation trying to convert a province will have a huge backlash from the local population of the province,likely, but not surely, igniting a rebellion.

Secondly,I think religion shouldn't play a big role in relations, as there are many countries with the same religion but horrible relations,I'll give you a few examples:

Russia-ukraine: both are orthodox

Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan: both are sunni

Religions should have bonuses, but that will depend more on the time you play the nation more than anything else, for example, an Islamic nation will have a technological advances over the Christians in 1000 ad, but the opposite will be true in 1800 ad

You should be able to found a new religion in game, and not add it by the game files.

Provinces with a minority religion can, instead of being converted, given autonomy.



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Regarding religions, here's my contribution. I've thought of a system that, in a simple way, could incorporate various ideas already mentioned by others.

Let's start by saying that religion should work somewhat like the cores in AoH2, so it must have a majority component in the province but also lower percentages of other religions.

To use this, we need three key statistics: CONVERSION, SPREAD, FUNDAMENTALISM.

CONVERSION (Con.): The speed at which a province can be voluntarily converted to one's own religion.

SPREAD (Spr.): The speed at which a religion spontaneously spreads to nearby provinces.

FUNDAMENTALISM (Int.): The impact that religion has on the nation's diplomacy and stability.

A religion also has specific bonuses on other statistics, but these three are the technical characteristics of religions.

Each religion, based on FUNDAMENTALISM, conditions the country's diplomacy in the following ways.
- Harder to improve relations with nations of a different religion
- Easier for a vassal of this religion to rebel against its master if they have a different religion
- Much easier for rebellions to occur if the province is occupied by a nation with a different religion
- Much easier to go to war alongside other nations with the same religion
- Much easier to go to war against a nation with a different religion but has a province with the same religion
- Much easier for a rebellion if the nation changes its religion

Here is the list of religions to add to the game and their respective statistics:
- Traditional/Paganism: Low Int, Low Conv, Low Spr, bonus on stability
- Catholicism: Medium Int, Low Conv, High Spr, bonus on colonization
- Protestantism: Low Int, Low Conv, Medium Spr, bonus on economic growth
- Orthodox: Medium Int, Low Conv, Medium Spr, bonus on morale
- Shiites: Medium Int, Medium Conv, High Spr, bonus on morale
- Judaism: High Int, Low Conv, Low Spr, bonus on income
- Sunni: High Int, Medium Conv, Medium Spr, bonus on rebellion
- Shintoism: Low Int, Low Conv, Low Spr, bonus on stability
- Buddhism: Medium Int, High Conv, Medium Spr, bonus on happiness
- Hinduism: Medium Int, Low Conv, High Spr, bonus on taxation
- Secularism: Low Int, Low Conv, Low Spr, bonus on diplomacy
- Atheism: Medium Int, Low Conv, Low Spr, bonus on research

Ideas for modern/futurist religions to add to the game:
- New Age: Low Int, Medium Conv, High Spr, bonus on stability
- Scientology: High Int, High Conv, Medium Spr, bonus on income
- Evangelism: High Int, Medium Conv, High Conv, bonus on income

If a nation has a religion different from the majority in its provinces, it is obvious that rebellions will likely occur in those provinces.

Then, we could add the Head of Religion, as someone suggested:
The highest-ranked nation of a religion is the Head of that Religion and earns a bonus on Conversion and taxation.

As a nation, you can even support a religion in another nation's province, somewhat as it is in AoH2 with separatist movements. So, you can support future unrest or have a claim on that province.

Additionally, special cities give special bonuses to religions. For example, Jerusalem could give a conversion bonus to nations of Christian, Jewish, or Muslim religions. Rome could give a conversion bonus to nations of traditional/pagan or Christian religions. Mecca could give a conversion bonus to nations of the Muslim religion.

Finally, but not less important, it would be nice if religions spawned as eras changed. For example, in the year 0, Palestine adopts Christianity (Catholicism) as its religion, even though Christianity was not yet widespread. Meanwhile, Spread statistics would allow a new religion to spread to various nearby provinces over the years, and nations would adopt it as their main religion to avoid rebellions, especially if it is a religion with high Fundamentalism. At some point, Orthodox Christianity appears. At some point, Islam (Sunni) emerges. And so on.

I hope these ideas can be considered.

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11 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Role of the religion in the game

What religion should do in the game? 
Every civilization and every province has a religion.


If a province has a different religion than civilization, the province's income will be reduced by X%

Civilization can convert religion in province.

Relations between civilizations having different religions are worse.


Religion should have unique bonuses? 

I'm looking for your ideas!

I think that religion should have bonuses for example: + to population growth, + to attack/defence, etc.

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-Tengrist: Religion based on cavalry, countries of this religion would get strong buffs for cavalry and provinces coring faster, but they'd also get debuffs such as lower income from provinces and national unrest meaning more rebels on newly conquered lands.

-Animism : Religions occuring mainly in Africa, among American natives and Pacific island tribes (in certain ages and years) this religion would be divided into "cults" which would have different advantages and disadvantages, each region/continent/area would have it's own few cults from which Animistic nations could pick 1, for example, north America could be divided into few regions and each of these regions would have it's own 3 cults, or less regions by for example making 5 cults for north American tribes but there'd be only 1 region, north America instead of dividing the continent there could just be more cults. Same system could be implemented in Africa and many other places and regions. Cults could be changed the moment ruler dies and new one takes the power.

-Huacas/Inti/Viracocha: Inca's religion (these names are names of the most important gods as we don't really know alot about the faith system, and what we know is that Inca beliefs were slightly different depending where you were, in game I think it'd be good simplified where whole religion is named after one god). Incas would get advantages such as bigger army morale and bigger manpower gain, and lower core creation cost but they'd also gain modifier that'd make it nearly impossible to advance in technology, this modifier could be removed through decision in some form, such decision would be obtained if your country meets few requirements 1:Borders nation of faith that's not Huacas/Inti etc., Animism, Tengrism. 2:controls at least 15 provinces. 3: Isn't at war with other country. 4: Hasn't embraced this decision yet. Embracing this decision would remove the modifier that makes it impossible to embrace new technologies but it'd also create chaos in your country and many rebels would rise when embracing this decision.

-Alcheringa:Australian Aboriginal religion, in this religion there'd also be cult mechanic, All Australian natives would have to chose 1 cult after new tribal chief, leader or anyone else comes to power.

-Judaism: Religion with powerful buffs to embrace technologies by bigger gain of "research power" and bigger army morale, disadvantages could be +100% province coring cost, bigger debuffs to relations with other religions (mainly Christian and Muslim branches). 

-Hussite: Religion occuring in Bohemia with buffs like much bigger army morale and various defensive bonuses and faster conversion of other religions. But it'd have disadvantages like huge debuffs to relations with Catholics surrounding Bohemia, lower tax income and 50% slower core creation.

-Coptic: Coptic countries would have smaller relation debuffs with other Christians as "misguided heretics", their fortresses would be stronger and they'd get national modifier lowering unrest in their provinces, they'd have disadvantages like lower manpower gain.

-Catholic: Catholics would get "crusade" casus belli on bordering Muslims, Orthodox Christians, Hussite Christians and Tengrists, during war with this Casus Belli it would be possible to only take from enemy lands that are catholic, money, forcefully convert the enemy, release countries that'd be catholic, released countries would gain protection from country that released them, this casus belli wouldn't work in certain years like religious reformation, after french revolution. Besides crusades Catholics would get bonuses like much higher conversion speed and bigger tax income, their only disadvantage would be religious reformation and bigger corruption.

-Lutheran: Lutheran religion would spawn around 1520, Lutherans would get bonuses like more manpower from true faith provinces,  cheaper military and lower corruption, their main disadvantage would be lower tax income.


reformation would start in years 1510-1550, requirements for reformation to start would be:

1.Reformation can start in Germany, Switzerland, France and Scandinavia only 

2.Reformation can start in catholic province only

3.Year 1510-1550

4.Reform desire minimum 1% (about that later)

5.Current month and day is November  1st

reformation would convert province where it starts to Lutheranism, such province would create "Reformation centre" that converts nearby catholic provinces in region. 

Conversion blockade 

provinces that got converted, by reformation centre or player cannot be converted for next few (10-20) years.

Reform desire

Reform desire would be hidden modifier based on slow growth, it'd be necessary to start the reformation. Reform desire would grow by 1% yearly, reform desire would start ticking in 1417 and reach 100% in 1517, reform desire would tick and increase by 1% at first day of October each year (this would mean reformation would have 100% chance of starting in November 1517 and 99% in November 1516) each scenario starting before 1517 would have it's previously set reform desire (for example:50% in 1467, 60% in 1477, 90% in 1507, 94% in 1511).

Reform desire could also grow slower and start ticking earlier, or grown faster and start ticking later, or not grow at all just make it an event starting in 1517 or add some other options to increase reformation desire and lower "neutral" ticking speed, it's of course up to you.


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Ideas related to mechanical religion:

1.Religious unity. Successes in wars with infidels, conversion of provinces to the true faith, or successful missionary activity among peoples and states with an unorganized (more on this later) religion leads to an increase in unity. Events that are contrary in meaning will reduce unity. This can also be affected by various events. The probability of certain events depends on unity, as well as the frequency of the appearance of erism (in fact, the transition of provinces and, possibly, states to another movement of a certain religion, or the emergence of a current that does not yet exist). Example: The Muslim advance into Anatolia sufficiently reduced the unity of Orthodoxy. Some provinces in Greece converted to Catholicism, and Iconoclasm appeared on the territory of Bulgaria.

2. Organized and unorganized religions. Unorganized religions spread weakly beyond the borders of the peoples who profess them. They are also weakly controlled by the state and unstable (for example, many individual cults in the pantheons of the Hellenes, Germans, Slavs, Hindus, etc., etc.). If the conditions are met, an unorganized religion can become organized. Such religions already perceive their other movements/cults/sects as heresies. There are more opportunities to spread, reform and control the religious sphere.

3. Bonuses and disadvantages based on the principles (hereinafter) of religions and their directions. Bonuses are divided into state and provincial. The state bonus works if the religion is officially accepted. Provincial bonus work in full if religion is accepted or not oppressed; half if religion is oppressed; doesn't work if religion is banned.

4. The teaser of reforms and laws gives hope for the possibility of implementing principles (giving bonuses or penalties for states and provinces, as well as triggering events) specifically for religious movements. Fundamental principles determine the essence of a particular sect/movement/school/teaching/interpretation, etc. The possibility of changes in this regard will allow, under certain conditions, to change the appearance of the confession throughout the game. Let’s say that the limitation will be the growth of unrest when principles change, the same mechanics of heresy, or access to this opportunity only for theocracies/leaders of faith.

5. Religious type for organizations in the game. In addition to alliances, political blocs, economic unions and other things, within the mechanics of organizations you can see religious associations with their own characteristics, built around theocratic states of a particular denomination or leaders of faith. In some cases, they may overlap with political organizations (the Righteous Caliphate or the Mandate of the Emperor of the Celestial Empire, for example).


6. (optional) Atheism boom, regardless of states or anything else. Historically, at a certain stage of development in many countries (everywhere in different ways), the percentage of atheists is growing. Here the question of state laws, level of development, ideology, etc. arises.


7. The decision to change religion “from above.” Changing religion in the province and encouraging “pagans” to change their religion to one organized through missionary work is one thing, but a government decision is another. Suppose the state, at the cost of stability, can change the direction in its religion (smaller fine) or change its religion altogether (larger fine). Definitely, this will require some circumstances (the presence of provinces with this faith, low unity of the current denomination, events from familiar theocracies/religious organizations, etc.).


8. Religious syncretism. Historically, some religions arose when populations mixed with different neighboring faiths. This may open the possibility of accepting religions with special principles (and, for example, they will be considered heretics for both predecessor religions, and not heterodox). Example: for a Muslim state we control significant Hindu territories or vice versa. The decision creates a new state religion “Sikhism” and a temporary chance for Muslim and Hindu provinces to convert to Sikhism.


9. Sacred places. Some special buildings in the province (shown in the alpha teaser) or the provinces themselves can serve as sacred places for certain religions or their individual movements. If a sacred place is controlled by heretics or infidels, this can reduce the unity of the religion. If a sacred site is controlled, then it gives a bonus to all states of that religion and another bonus to the state that controls it. In the same province there may be a sacred place for several movements/sects/schools, etc. of the same religion, or for several.


10. If there are reasons for war in the game that change the cost of certain requirements for signing peace, then you can introduce wars to convert pagans/heretics to the true faith (it makes sense to increase the prestige of the state and the unity of its confession). And also the cause of war can be the reconquest of territories with the population of their religion (singling out states of their faith when concluding peace on this territory will require less military calculations) and wars for the return of holy places. When returning holy places, you can add an event for friendly ones to join both the aggressor country and the defending country in order to create a war (in fact) between a bloc of countries of one faith and a bloc of countries of another. In this case, the war is limited only by the claim to sacred places and the selection of countries by analogy with the reason described above.


Open to criticism, suggestions and amendments, dates to discuss and improve this list.

Edited by Matvey

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To assimilate our states with different religions;


Now, I would like to give you a simple and effective suggestion about the assimilation system. First of all, there is supposed to be a natural assimilation system, and if there is going to be such a system, my suggestion is not to interfere with it, so that the two systems can work together. If we find the natural assimilation system slow and we want to speed it up, we can erect propaganda buildings in the areas we want to assimilate and appoint missionaries (or provocateurs) there to speed up the process of adaptation of such elements of the population as RELIGION and sect.

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