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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Religions in the game

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The game should have the ability to convert other countries thought trade, for examples how Southeast Asians converted to Hinduism than later to Buddhism thanks to trade with India, Should also have the ability to forcefully convert people in ur country and countries you annex etc like the Spanish did with native americans, and also the game should have the ability for the king/ruler of the country to convert to a different religion and slowly try and convert the rest of the country too while trying to not cause riots and rebels in the country as he'd become very unpopular with the people

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I think theocratic regimes (like the Papacy) should have more religious power (state prestige and good relations with other states) 


And speaking of the papacy as an example, in certain scenarios, states that hold the Caliphate or RELIGIOUS LEADERSHIP should be more moderate and open to help states of the same religion. Take for example the caliphate of the Ottoman Empire. For example, if the Ottoman Empire is fighting a Christian state and asks any Muslim state for VOLUNTEER ARMY OR A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF MONEY, the probability that the Muslim state it asks for help will increase by 25%. IN OTHER WORDS, STATES WITH RELIGIOUS LEADERSHIP SHOULD BE STRONGER IN TERMS OF PRESTIGE


Note: A state with a religious leadership or Caliphate is a state that holds holy sites. For example, if you capture the Kaaba and your state's ideology is Islam, you will become the "Leader of Islam" and have the characteristics described above. But if you capture the Kaaba and your state's religion is a religion other than Islam, your relations with other Muslim states will become even more difficult.

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Here is my list for religions that you could consider adding into Age of History 3 as these religions could breathe life into the game's earlier scenarios like the Sengoku Jidai for Japan or the Treaty of Westphalia, they are historically present in many of the civilizations we could think to be added into AOH3 in scenarios like 1200 or 1000 AD, some of these religions are also obscure so it would be interesting to see how they would be implemented in AOH3:

  1. Buddhism
  2. Catholicism
  3. Eastern Orthodoxy
  4. Shia Islam
  5. Sunni Islam
  6. Confucianism
  7. Taoism
  8. Shintoism
  9. Hinduism
  10. Zoroastrianism 
  11. Shaivism
  12. Judaism
  13. Protestantism
  14. Sikhism
  15. Romuva
  16. Bektashi Order/Bektashi Islam
  17. Sufi Islam
  18. Tengriism
  19. Jainism
  20. Paganism
Edited by SoldierFromAsia

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13 hours ago, Rodak Polak said:

paganism - no advantages and no disadvantages

Judaism - bonus to earning money, but very difficult to do conversion dissenters on captured provinces and difficult to change judaism to other religions

Catholocism - some bonus to colonization, but they are easy manipulate by spies or something like that

protestants - some bonus to colonization, but lower morale

orthodox - higher morale but also higher coruption

shinto - lower chance to rebellions

buddhism - higher happines in country, but minus to colonization

hinduism - bonus to population growth, more frequent diseases

shiizm - bonus to population growth, but lower happines

sunnizm - bonus to population growth, but high risk of rebellions

I really do not think religions should have debuffs, only positive buffs.

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16 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Role of the religion in the game

What religion should do in the game? 
Every civilization and every province has a religion.


If a province has a different religion than civilization, the province's income will be reduced by X%

Civilization can convert religion in province.

Relations between civilizations having different religions are worse.


Religion should have unique bonuses? 

I'm looking for your ideas!


Non/Organized - It is to regulate whether the religion will have some form of head of religion that can be set in the scerius or through events. Countries with unorganized religion can get offers to receive missionaries from other countries. 


Ability to send missionaries: This is to allow countries to send missionaries to other countries.


Relationships with religions from -10 to 10 which can be configured in the scenario editor. Which will affect relations with countries with other religions 


Religious conversion of the province should increase the dissatisfaction of religions.


The ability to set in the scenario holy places of religions that will give bonuses for control provinces.

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4 hours ago, nirvaan said:

The game should have the ability to convert other countries thought trade, for examples how Southeast Asians converted to Hinduism than later to Buddhism thanks to trade with India, Should also have the ability to forcefully convert people in ur country and countries you annex etc like the Spanish did with native americans, and also the game should have the ability for the king/ruler of the country to convert to a different religion and slowly try and convert the rest of the country too while trying to not cause riots and rebels in the country as he'd become very unpopular with the people

About religions spreading through trade it's nice idea, I think personally only few religions should have such option, so the ones in which spreading history trade played big role like Islam, Buddhism etc

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2 hours ago, qxz said:

I really do not think religions should have debuffs, only positive buffs.

Well, if religions do not have their own pros and cons, then the feature would be wasted. Just as ideologies had their pros and cons in Age of History 2, religions and ideologies should also have their own pros and cons in Age of History 3, for example, this can be examplified between Islam and Christianity. We can give an example with these two faiths for cons and pros.

- Other cultures have a greater chance of accepting Islam due it's emphasis of equality between races and it's messages of peace, helping the needy and poor.
- Wealth cannot be exploited from the states by exploitation of resources.

- Other cultures frown upon accepting Christianity due to the policies of forced Christianization of non-Christian populations.
- The church has the ability to receive tax money from the states your empire holds.

Edited by SoldierFromAsia

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Before the emergence of popular nationalism, religion was a binding force for civilizations worldwide, which is why the role of religion should be emphasized in the centuries and eras before the French Revolution. Additionally, religion interacts with many other systems in the game and should definitely be something to closely follow.


Let's start by defining what religion is. Religions are not monolithic; instead, they are a collection of individual sects with shared beliefs. For example, Christianity is a religion with many sects and while all Christians believe in the Abrahamic God, there is little agreement on finer details.


Most of the mechanics of religion in the game are expressed at the sect level. Each sect is defined by a combination of its own doctrines, stances, and unique characteristics. The combination doesn't necessarily have to be unique, but I'll explain why that is important later on.




Each sect has a set of doctrines that define its general structure and high-level mechanisms. You can think of doctrines as the building blocks of a particular sect: most religions have access to the same types of doctrines, but most have restrictions on which specific doctrines they can choose.


Doctrines control everything from how the sect's clergy is organized, their theological foundations, which genders are allowed to join the clergy, whether clergy can marry or not, and more. We won't go into examining all the doctrines now, we will just focus on the most important one, which is the religious hierarchy.


The religious hierarchy tells us how the clergy of a particular sect is organized, if it is organized at all. This doctrine has a cascading effect on many other aspects of the sect, so it is unquestionably the foundation of every sect. There are four options here: unorganized, autonomous, semi-autonomous, centralized.


If a sect is unorganized, there is no official clergy. This doctrine is most common among folk religions, but it can also appear elsewhere. In countries following unorganized sects, there won't be any clergy elites, which can have significant consequences on power balances. Without clergy, there is less weight on the eternal power-seeking of other elites. There are also less obvious effects: for example, education becomes much harder in pre-industrial societies without clergy. We will talk more about reformation later, but unorganized sects are the easiest to reform because there is no organized religious structure that can rise up in opposition.


Autonomous sects have a clergy, but it is entirely local and has no higher authority. This generally (but not always) results in the formation of weak and/or corrupt clergy due to the country's laws regarding investment. When there is no real organized structure, autonomous clerics are at the mercy of the players and other elites, for better or worse. Examples of autonomous sects can be various types of Shinto and Buddhism.


Yarı özerk mezhepler ülke düzeyine göre daha yüksek bir din adamı sınıfına sahiptir. Böyle bir mezhebin en dikkate değer örneği, her ülkenin kilisesinin potansiyel olarak kendi liderine sahip olabileceği ve kendisini bağımsız (özerk) olarak kabul edebileceği Doğu Ortodoks Hıristiyanlığıdır. Ülke düzeyindeki bu liderlerin nasıl seçileceği, bugün tartışmayacağımız ayrı bir doktrin tarafından belirlenmektedir. Her durumda, yarı özerk din adamları önemli bir güç biriktirme potansiyeline sahiptir, ancak güçleri bir kez kırıldığında, onu yeniden kazanmak için herhangi bir dış otoriteye güvenemezler.


Merkezi mezhepler, uluslararası düzeyde örgütlenmiş, eksiksiz bir inanç sistemine sahip, tam teşekküllü din adamlarına sahiptir. Bu mezhepler güç kullanma ve kaynak biriktirme konusunda en büyük yeteneğe sahiptir. Ayrıca, sınır ötesi vergileri toplamak veya dünya çapında toplantılara ev sahipliği yapmak gibi yapılarını ve yeteneklerini tanımlayan geniş bir potansiyel doktrin yelpazesine de sahipler. Katoliklik, merkezi bir mezhebin ne kadar ileri gidebileceğinin en iyi örneğidir: 1356'da papalığın zamansal alanı orta İtalya ile sınırlıydı, ancak Papa'nın Avrupa çapında siyasi ve ekonomik nüfuzu vardı.


Merkezi tarikatların belli dönemlerde oyunda net ve baskın bir şekilde var olması, dolayısıyla oyunda öne çıkması gerekiyor.


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2 hours ago, SoldierFromAsia said:

Well, if religions do not have their own pros and cons, then the feature would be wasted. Just as ideologies had their pros and cons in Age of History 2, religions and ideologies should also have their own pros and cons in Age of History 3, for example, this can be examplified between Islam and Christianity. We can give an example with these two faiths for cons and pros.

- Other cultures have a greater chance of accepting Islam due it's emphasis of equality between races and it's messages of peace, helping the needy and poor.
- Wealth cannot be exploited from the states by exploitation of resources.

- Other cultures frown upon accepting Christianity due to the policies of forced Christianization of non-Christian populations.
- The church has the ability to receive tax money from the states your empire holds.

You misunderstood me, religions can and should have positive effects, however adding specific negative effects on specific religions is an extremely poor move in terms of gameplay. 

Adding negative effects such -10% Income just makes some religions highly unpopular as well as limiting gameplay capability.

A good way of doing religion effects would be by creating doctrines such as: Same-Sex Marriage = Allowed/Disallowed or Gender Dominance = Patriarchy/Matriarchy/None. 

This mechanic will be a more immersive interpretation of how religion works, and does not limit the players capabilities and discourage then player to pick certain religions. 

By introducing doctrine-like customisation to the game's religion, religions will be a more interactable feature allowing the player to modify the religion to meet their needs.

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Imo there should have mechanics for each religion, like patriarchal/papal mechanics for apostolic christianity, or Mandate of Heaven for Daoism

I will be more especific in patriarchal mechanics

For Oriental and Eastern Orthodox, there are national patriarchs that have a relationship with the ruler, and it shall give very good bonuses if maintained high, the relationship changes with actions and decisions that a ruler takes.

For Catholicism, there are cardinal in especific provinces, and they are loyal with the ruler of the province cardinal give Curia influence ( 0-100% ) that can be invested for bonuses and for influence in the Conclave, giving you more chance to control the Curia after Pope's death, the control over the Curia will allow you to excommunicate and declare crusades, aswell some bonuses.

Edited by selenhogamer

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I think there should be laws where you can decide how religious or secular the civilization is, if the civ is secular, it doesn't have an official religion, if it is religious, It can have an official religion, and Provinces with different religions can give slight debuffs 

Edited by Outlawexperience

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I know that this is difficult to implement, but I still want to propose the idea of a tab for the development of religion, just like technology, but with branches such as “militancy”, which would increase the effectiveness of troops in battle, or “loyalty to the ruler”, which would reduce the risk of an uprising. (sorry if there are errors, I don’t know English and therefore translated via Google)

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The notion stresses the significance of preserving natural assimilation processes while also proposing a planned method to accelerating cultural integration. Propaganda structures and missionaries, when utilized properly, can contribute to greater understanding and harmony. However, caution should be exercised to guarantee respect for other beliefs and customs. Balancing the drive for assimilation with cultural sensitivity will be critical in creating an inclusive atmosphere. Open discussion and mutual understanding should be at the forefront of all assimilation attempts.

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Religions should be a major factor in AoH3, they would make a cultural intolerance system a lot easier and modify the experience through the game and eras like i was thinking something like this:

Christianity (Just an example)

From 3000 BC from 313 AD (Edict of Milan) it does not have effects - From 313 AD from 380 (Edict of Tessalonica) AD it gives a boost in growth of population but recruiting an army takes N more money/time - From 380 to 814 (Death of Charlemagne) makes troops morale going down slower and makes easier conquest of territories that have another religion...

And so goes on for other religions i just did this taking other events that made christianity what it is today basing off to AoH2 ages buffs and debuffs.

A religion system would also be good for a new HRE system (which was divided in catholics princes and protestants ones).

So yup das what i think about how religions should be in AoH3

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Instead of proposing outlandish requests like a college of cardinals or complex religious structures, the main thing i'd want from religion is that it makes the game harder. Admnistering different religion and different culture provinces should be difficult, with a high risk of rebellion, real rebellions and not the easily manageable rebels that we had in AOH2, but not too powerful. The main thing is not that the rebellions are difficult, as much as the detrimental effect the revolt has on the province (like for example reduced population growth, less income from province and nullified recruitable population). That way, blobbing mindless and map painting would be more fun and less comfortable, it would demand strategy

Edited by LuxVinni

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For me, bonuses for religions should be implemented as a separate mechanic. This will look especially good for Catholics, Protestants and Pagans whose ideas come to mind on their own. For example: Catholics are governed by the Pope. Accordingly, he has a lot of power and can excommunicate/declare crusades. The pope can be influenced by various actions (Changing religions in the provinces, donations to the Pope, declaring war on "pagans")

Ye, like in EU4, but with some changes xD


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Religions within the game should give different buffs depending on the faith of the country. For example, Protestantism (Lutheran, Anglican, Presbyterian) should give tech efficiency, as it a church sect that tried to innovate at times. Catholicism should give prestige, Buddhism lower province unrest and Islam a higher conversion rate. These are ideas.


Religions should be tied to cultures and give countries stability and a sense of unity. Those with many religion types but no laws/reforms to tackle this should be hit with debuffs and rebellions.

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