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Age of History 3

New Colonialist system

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First of all, I believe that the colonization system needs to be completely revamped. Firstly, it has been said that there will be over 12,000 provinces in the game, and I think it will be very difficult and time-consuming to individually assign settlers to each province. Additionally, I believe that this will create a problematic situation when playing on a world map, as it will result in strange and unnatural borders when countries compete for colonization. Therefore, this mechanic needs to be changed.


Furthermore, I believe that there should be foggy regions in the game. Explorers should have to uncover these areas through specific discoveries (it should be a more advanced version of Age of History 2).


I think that multiple countries should be able to compete to colonize a province, rather than it being the sole responsibility of one country. The country with the greatest influence and power in the region should gain legitimate rights to the province.


The aesthetic appearance should definitely be maintained (why are there so many straight lines in colonial territories in the real world, right?).


When a certain population and immigrant level is reached, a province should become a colony of the country.


Now let's move on to the main subject.


Please translate this text into English in a meaningful way.



```Benefits of Colonialism and Colonization```


- The main benefit of colonialism and colonization is to increase income, production, and military logistics.

- Colonized regions overseas can provide preparation points for naval and land warfare for the colonial nation, along with prestige on a global scale.

- It allows for the relocation of excess population to other areas.

- It increases national welfare.

- It involves technology transfer, as well as acquiring resources and wealth from undiscovered nations or regions.

- It strengthens power by spreading religion and culture.

- It provides cheap labor and production costs.


```Prerequisites for Colonialism and Colonization```


- Implementing reforms (technology) for colonialism and colonization through legislation.

- An empty state for colonization.

- Meeting the needs for establishing a colony.

- Pacifying the indigenous population and becoming the dominant civilization in the colony.

- In the game, more than one state may have settlers assigned for colonization in the same colony, to have control over that colony.

- Firstly, your population must reach 10 thousand in this colony or you must constitute 20% of the colony.

- To achieve this, you can drive away rival colonizers from the region, make them retreat through agreements, plunder with the help of natives, or aim to be the sole ruler of the region by eliminating the natives.





It is essential to meet the resource needs of the colony. During winter time, coal needs to be provided for heating. Food and shelter needs must be met as well. If the colony successfully completes its first year, it will start to grow rapidly.




Some uncolonized or uncivilized territories, both on land and at sea, are mostly covered in fog (Terra incognita). It is crucial to explore these territories in order to find new colonies to settle.


Fogs can be cleared with actions such as:


- Search for the New World

- Exploration for new trade routes or new settlement ideas

- Sharing of maps (through alliances, purchasing, agents, or agreements)

- Establishing contact with certain countries

- In special circumstances of certain countries


```Main Objectives and Implementation of Explorations```


Explorations should not only be for colonization, but also for discovering new trade routes, new territories, etc.


Explorations should be researched within or before the technology required for colonization is unlocked. Once researched, an explorer tab should become available.


Explorations should be based on three main branches:


1. A new trade route

2. New territories

3. A new settlement


In the game, there should be a system based on event choices for exploring uncharted lands or territories covered in fog. The decisions on where to go should be made through this event system.


For example, if an explorer sets sail from the port of Lisbon and is carried southwest by the wind, but encounters a storm moving southward, should they continue with the storm or stop?


- If they continue with the storm, after a week of waiting, they will reach a location near Colombia in South America, close to the ocean, even though the lands may not be visible yet. They have come closer to the new continent and the fogs over the seas have cleared.


- if they stop, after two weeks of waiting, they will discover an uninhabited island in the Caribbean. Then, they decide to return.


- A similar system can be used to explore the entire coastline of Africa for trade routes or to discover the New World instead of a new route. However, due to lack of information, the continent cannot be set foot on.


- For a new settlement, suitable lands and territories with no civilized society should be chosen, and colonization efforts should be initiated.


If the target for colonization is in neighboring regions or in close proximity, the colony should continue under the complete control of our own country.


- If colonization is in distant lands or in the New World, after a certain period of time, a new nation can be created to become a vassal state.


```Conditions for a colonization state or company```


In order to establish a colonization state, the territory must be at least 2 sea zones away from the motherland or contain a distance equivalent to 7 provinces from the mainland.


To form a colony state or company, there must be a population of at least 100,000 colonists.


At least 20% control of 10 provinces or regions (example: the Iberian Peninsula region from the previous game).


A law must be enacted that grants local autonomy or governs the colonies.


Thus, a colony state or company can be established as a vassal status.


```Rights of the Colonies```


If a colony state is not established, the colonized and civilized territory remains in the status of colonized lands until it is fully integrated into the motherland. In these territories, the tax level is lighter, and no state buildings such as town halls or barracks can be constructed, except for civilian buildings.


In order to include them in the motherland, the majority of the population, i.e. 51%, must be of the same culture and religion. Therefore, in some cases, it may be more reasonable to establish a colony state instead of incorporating them into the motherland, as assimilation progresses much slower the further away they are from the mainland and can even progress in the opposite direction.


When a colony state is established, expansionist policies can continue, and movements that share your views can occur in some areas. It may have cheaper and more efficient trade and tax rates, and a higher civilization rate.


When a colony state is established, based on its location and historical background, it can automatically have a flag and color palette or have a name and other features based on your choices.


You can also choose to play with this colony state instead of playing as the main state.


```Historicity and Map Design```


Yes, nobody wants a messy and unappealing America map or a situation where Greece becomes a colony in South America, or Tunisia colonizes Florida. Therefore, these countries should have certain difficulties in engaging in colonization, and if a player chooses one of these countries and accepts the colonization law, they should have to wait at least 100 years to participate in colonization and colonial race without cheating, and they should have similar debuffs.


At the same time, certain countries should have advantages in colonization and exploitation in special national paths, such as Western European countries.


Furthermore, in early or modern 19th-century colonialism, some countries should take the lead. In the early period, Spain and Portugal should be at the forefront, while later on, the Dutch, England, and France should be the main actors. In modern colonialism, which is the 19th and 20th centuries, the French, English, Germans, Italians, and even the Japanese should be included.


```Aesthetics on the Map and the Berlin Conference and other Treaties```


I believe that the aesthetic appearance on the map should be taken into consideration. If we consider the artificial intelligence of any state unilaterally, it would be disturbing to see the new territories colonized randomly or in an absurd way. For example, do you want to see an unattractive border drawn in South America due to the colonization struggle between Portugal and Spain, or do you prefer the borders to be drawn based on an agreement similar to the Treaty of Tordesillas? I prefer the establishment of borders based on existing agreements.


First of all, let's discuss this issue and the deficiencies in it.


It is quite normal for the dominant countries in the colonization race to sometimes reach temporary compromises in certain matters without any harassment, as they were engaged in expansionist policies during a certain period of colonization.


In the early period of colonization, as Catholics were still affiliated with the Church, Spain and Portugal were doing whatever the Church said in colonization races because one of their financial sources was the Church, and their other goal was to spread Catholic Christianity. That's why they submitted to the Church's authority (Portugal).


Modern colonization, on the other hand, emerged with the colonization of Africa and the discovery of new territories, along with the emergence of new actors such as Italy and Germany, the establishment of the United States and Japan, and the desire of powers like France and England to not lose their power. It was born out of an intergovernmental agreement called the Berlin Conference for the sharing of territories. It was also aimed at expanding their influence by moving beyond coastal areas and pushing their power deep into the heart of continents, temporarily making the entire continent suitable for colonization through cooperation. As a result of this conference, Africa became a rapidly colonized continent.



```Requirements to be present at the Berlin Conference (or a similar conference)```


In order to be present at the Berlin Conference or a similar agreement event, it must exist within the game without any mods.


Between 1880 and 1885, in order for a country to be included in this conference and in modern colonialism, the following requirements must be met:


- The country must be among the top 20 countries in the world and located in the European continent.

- If it is not located in the European continent, it must be among the top 7 countries in terms of prestige and must be an industrialized country.

- It must accept the colonization law.

- It must have acquired at least 10 colonies and have colonization demand in at least 25 colonies.

- There must be at least 100,000 settlers in the colonies.


```Procedure and Results of the Berlin Conference```


The Berlin Conference must last at least 2 years and every border agreement approved at the conference must be implemented.


The territories must be divided by region. For example, in Ivory Coast, the Ghana region will be annexed by France and no other country will have rights over that area. Once this is presented, these territories can only be colonized by France, and a state that is not part of the Berlin Conference can colonize this area, but the consequences would be very severe for them (strained relations with the countries present at the Berlin Conference).


Regarding the division of territories, the country with the most power and prestige will have the opportunity to acquire more land through colonization. For example, if Britain has the largest navy, power, and prestige, it can demand territories from Sudan to Cape Town. But if Italy, which is a newly established country, demands only Somalia, it can only acquire that region. If a region is in high demand in terms of richness and population, the highest-ranking country can obtain that region, but with more points spent.


During the conference, any territory or colony that is not civilized is open to colonization. Even if a region was recognized as a state in a conference, it can be occupied by the colonial power.


The borders in the colonization system should not be random but determined by the regions where multiple colonies unite and become a territory, allowing only that country to colonize it (at least for a certain period of time). Furthermore, for the sake of aesthetic appearance of the map, only the borders colonized through conferences and agreements should have historical accuracy or esthetic appeal. For example, the Danish colonization should include Greenland, Newfoundland, and Iceland, within the dominion borders of Britain in 1937, for aesthetic purposes.


The game should also include a variety of predetermined combinations and alternative borders for colonial states and colonization borders, allowing for an aesthetic appearance. For example, Quebec in Canada should be completely under British colonization and no other country should be able to colonize that region. Similarly, if France has colonized coastal areas in Nigeria, no other country should be able to colonize the inland areas of Nigeria.


This is the extent of my suggestions regarding the colonization and colonial system. I hope Lukasz sees this and considers incorporating at least some of these features. If you find this text valuable, please like it and help ensure Lukasz sees it.


Thank you in advance.


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